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Everything posted by Jarhead1

  1. I have minimal loading problems once in a while, other then that, this is as always my home away from home, lol, and a top notch site
  2. OMG, someone that knows the series. I just got the last season the other day finally, Season 5
  3. Alpha Sim A-6

    I have been to hunter liggett before
  4. Those words, can they be?????
  5. Dont get me wrong, I am not trying to pour gas into the fire, I was just throwing in my 2 cents
  6. But they are also old enough to know that people bust their a**es to build these awesome mods and then bi**h about them when something is a c**t hair off or they think its off. Thats BULLS**T, hands down in my opinion. I want to learn to mod but i dont have the tools. I dont go b**ch about freeware mods that people take time out of their busy lives to make for themselves and everyone else to enjoy. Thats just my opinion. I dont know enough about a/c or work with them enough like usafmtl, or hrntfixr or fastcargo, and typhoid. BUT i dont go critisize others work either. Again, thats just MY opinion.
  7. I vote A all the way. Long flights??? Thats why the aircraft gods invented droptanks, lol.
  8. Ten Commandments

  9. If digital patterns didnt work, why would the Marine Corps switch our utilities over to them. They have been proven to blend in better then regular woodland patterns and the same goes for desert patterns. Sorry but I have seen the difference myself on that one and there is NOT that much of a difference between that and aircraft paintschemes
  10. Figures, a good thing held in front of our noses and teased with and we cant use it. I wish he did it the right way and asked permission
  11. So u can make the wheels turn on any aircraft if u just put that in the data ini wrench?
  12. just add the data in the data ini for the spot that says radar
  13. I will be happy when a good MiG-23/27 Flogger pit comes out
  14. Darth Vader Feels Blue

    ROTFLMFAO now that was awesome

    Semper Fi, and thanks to you as well, We all look pretty good for being 232 years old this year, lol. Kevin Stinson 2000-Present MCRD Parris Island 1st Battalion Charlie Company Platoon 1086 SDI SSgt Calbough, DI Sgt Sapp, DI Sgt Diaczenko MCRD PI Camp Geiger/Lejeune Fort Leonard Wood Missouri Camp Pendleton California
  16. make sure in the data.ini the gun stations are correctly worded and that the guns are usable in the years u are flying. Other then that, I dont know, I had a similar problem and had to fix the wording in the data.ini. Hope that helps
  17. to quote daves post on the big boo boo, i have a big airboner when it comes to this coming out as a mod, lol
  18. Julhelm, ur one hel#uva modder with weapons and other a/c, thanks for ur work
  19. Various old sims for sale or free

    No biggy FC, i know ur busy, dont appologize for having a real life, lol
  20. Another hero gone to the big hangar in the sky. The only famous person i have met was R. Lee Ermey and Capt. Dale Dye. Both awesome men
  21. What Do You Look Like in Uniform Thread

    My Wife and I at 2006 USMC Ball
  22. Your thoughts

    I am sorry for whoever I offend, but IMHO if u join the military and run with your tail tucked between ur legs from a deployment to war, u are a BIG GIANT BI%&H!!!! I did 3 tours to Iraq and am currently nondeployable for the next 2 years. I did my time in my opinion, those who dont agree, thats on u. I am proud to serve my country and to help the people in Iraq, I AM HONORED to be able to give to another country besides my own that needs my own. For that little bast34d to want to not deploy in my opinion, he is a BIG YELLOW COWARD!!! I have known mulitple friends that are no longer with us that would kill him for that remark!!! How can u want to reap the benifits of the military and then cower from combat/deployments?????? Like I said earlier, for those I offend, I appologize, but if I did offend u, then grow thicker skin, cause sometimes THE TRUTH HURTS!!!!
  23. Corny Jokes Thread!


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