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Everything posted by Jarhead1

  1. That would definitely be a fun one to play on
  2. ArmA MP Rocks!

    I am thinking of buying this game too, but i am partial to the Blitzkrieg games too, for the command elements on the game but this looks good too
  3. The Iraqi AF Foxbat force was a force to be reckoned with too, they were the most modern fighter Iraq had until 1990 i believe it was when they bought and leased MiG-29s, and they didnt last long, lol
  4. I am sure someone can lead u to them, there is alot of knowledge on this website
  5. I cant wait for this thing to come out, i am itching to blow something up with it, and also the Su-25 Frogfoot, i am looking forward to that also Any updates on either bird?
  6. I just wish that u could actually take on fuel instead of simulating it, that would help with a/c that dont have a big fuel load but are equipped with droptanks and still run low on long missions
  7. Something Worth Reading

    I have to give the army mad credit, they give their lives for their own, thats commendable IMHO
  8. 331Killerbee

    OORAH to that
  9. I must agree, look at the F-4, it was designed as an interceptor but worked out ok as a fighter, after they learned some tricks like departing it to come back over the top and onto the six of ur opponet, so just because its designed as an interceptor, it can work as a fighter as well, except the MiG-25, but thats a whole different animal
  10. LMAO, that made this walking talking lobster laugh, i like that , that was awesome, and for u all that are wondering, my battalion had a field meet friday and i god roasted to a nice golden red, lol
  11. A ride of a lifetime

  12. This is yet another bird i cant wait to get behind the controls of
  13. <<<<bows his head and mumbles I AM FINELY A PART OF SOMETHING lol
  14. USAF A/C

    Ur right, and i couldnt afford it on military pay, lol
  15. F-16 Thrust Vectoring

    I didnt know that it could have thrust vectoring
  16. USAF A/C

    I want a Mig, lol, i want that foxbat for sale, lol
  17. I am more partial to the MiG-25 Foxbat with all its variants, I love that airframe
  18. USAF A/C

    Are u sure it isnt that the Schwarz will be with u, lol
  19. USAF A/C

    I like those paint schemes
  20. We Care Of Course about all members
  21. Any ideas from anyone as to why my cockpit on the folder for the a/c doesnt show at all when i load it for a mission, it looks as though there is no cockpit whatsoever
  22. I have noticed that too, and I know I am a little late on the reply, lol
  23. Welcome to Combat Ace, I love this site too, its the best on the web and the people here are awesome, so welcome Keith Jarhead 1

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