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  1. I hear a lot about Russian oriented Republican politicians and wonder why. Surely if the west is aligned with Ukraine and are supplying military and civilian aid to them it would be have to be pretty close to treason to undermine that effort.
  2. I bought this title again this morning and just flew my first mission as a newly minted German Albatros pilot. Probably a true experience of many newbies, I did not fire a shot and but got shot up badly till my engine stopped working and started smoking. I managed a good dead stick landing and miraculously survived despite a myriad of holes in my machine. The game loaded and worked flawlessly on my Windows 11 setup. Despite being downloaded from the Windows 7 tab on the Thirdwire site it worked flawlessly. Thanks Wrench for telling me it would.
  3. My AI pilot of the moment Edward Cheshire of 11 Sqn RFC just flew a patrol behind friendly lines in atrocious weather. The debrief tells me that 4 planes took off and 3 returned to the airfield where 4 landed safely. How can 3 return and 4 land I wonder?
  4. I have probably bought this FE2 title a couple of times in the past but it is no longer on my PC. I am willing to buy it again but it is listed under Windows 7 on the thirdwire store. Will it run on Windows 11?
  5. WOTR Update 1.04 problem

    Memory issues on my part. I forgot that in order to get a patch to work it should be unzipped to the OBDWW2 Wings Over The Reich directory and run from there. I was was trying to run it from the downloads directory.
  6. Hi, I downloaded the update 1.04 this morning and tried to install it but got an error message:- C:\OBDSoftware\WOTR\OBDWW2\Wings Over The Reich\WOTR.exe An error occurred while trying to replace the existing file: Deletefile failed; code 5. Access is denied. Click retry to try again, Ignore to skip this file (not recommended), or Abort to cancel installation. Any ideas on how to fix please?
  7. Any Presents heading our way from OBD? Belgian expansion for example?
  8. Errors

    Posted on Simhq as well. I am not sure if this was posted on the Tech issues but when I try to use WOTR and WOFF I get UISEL.xml error - Goto Workshops and reset WOTR!! No reset in my workshops so how to fix please?
  9. Albatros D.V-D.Va default skins WiP

    Very nice work. You have a lot of talent and an amazing eye for detail
  10. Vickers Gunbus

    Thank you. She is queen of my FEG
  11. Pete01 Fm's ?

    Could you please disregard this post. Found what I was looking for thanks.
  12. Hi, I did a re-install and found that my Pete01 FM mod was corrupted. Can someone point to the path for it in the downloads please. It is not in the places that I have looked so far and a search does not turn anything up for it either.
  13. Spad 7 in FEG

    Thanks for the tip, but there are no Spad cockpits in the download section. I will fiddle around with using the Spad XII ini settings instead.
  14. Probably dumb question number 857, but I was going to shoot up a few balloons in a Spad 7 with rockets in my FEG game and noticed that some of my planes that I have installed are not coming up as selectable in my single mission menu. I can see Spad 13 but no Spad 7. Is there an ini file that I should extract and fiddle with from a cat file?

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