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Posts posted by GreyCap

  1. luck has nothing to do with it,and Ive been this way for about 3 years now, and the only reinstalls ive done were the regular bi-yearly due to registry bloating. And Ill run an online scan anytime and show you the results.

    this aint my first rodeo


    Hmm... I dunno buddy. Hearing somebody say he doesn't need an anti-virus because he has online experience, is like a guy saying he doesn't need to wear a condom cause he knows what to look for in a girl. With these things you can never be too sure or too careful. Viruses are not just in .exe files anymore, they are everywhere. From .pdf files to mp3's, so unless you plan on not clicking on anything, you're running a risk. The trade off of saving some system resource versus possible infection makes zero sense to me.  :dntknw:



    But hey, it's your computer. 

  2. Hmm... Just the fact that this is on console, points to an action oriented sim. I'm sticking with my long lasting saying when it comes to consoles; No keyboard, no depth.


    Edit: not that there's anything wrong with an action sim. Sometimes they can be the most fun to play because the learning curve is so easy.

  3. Best graphics I've ever seen. Would you buy a console to play a sim? It's less than I paid for my last video card.




    IL-2 Birds of Prey Video




    What do you think? That terrain is amazing and the detail on the planes is the best I've seen.


    Great graphics don't make a great sim. I'll bet 1991's Falcon 3.0 has more features and is more realistic.

  4. Negatrons!


    Don't you know that Vista is the bestest OS eva! *cough*



    And False, I don't watch TV for the bare legs, I find that a little disturbing. The person below me thinks we should take charlielima's TV out of his bedroom.

  5. Hear hear for old school gaming! With todays kids it's all about graphics. Why, back in my day we had a little something called gameplay!  :grandpa:


    In fact, my Intellivision and Atari 800xl emulators see as much action as any latest game.  :yes:

  6.  On one forum I've been on,

    a guy thought he was cool by saying he was in the Air Force shot down two Russian Su-47s over Baghdad in an F-22A in 2003. :rofl::haha:


    Haha, yes how silly. Some people really do have a crazy imagination... Ok now I want everybody to stare into this light.




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