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Everything posted by GreyCap

  1. :yes: So it looks like I gotta boom n zoom with this beast. I guess the old P-47 Thunderbolt boys used the same tactic huh. I just need a lil more practice...
  2. It does sometimes feel like I'm flying a ketchup bottle. Wagsled you a Phantom driver? What do you think of the third wire sims F-4 flight model, accurate? In fact If you've seen action in Vietnam that's probably the least important question I can possibly ask... I'm trying to restrain myself. Maybe you can tell us your impression of Wings Over Vietnam sim on the whole?
  3. Wow really? Interesting. I just seem to spend all my time in a 'near stall' condition and found it a little strange.

    Boston Bruins RIP
  5. What is wrong with the USAF?

    Woa, I think this Robin Olds is my new hero! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robin_Olds
  6. What is wrong with the USAF?

    I'm sorry, it's not very clear to me, who's this guy? Is it general Ronald E. Keys? Whoever he is, that is one cool looking fighter pilot!

    Bruins have been lucky. Go Habs Go!
  8. Careful guys, if you type in Falcon 4 at that game rankings site it gets 85-90%...
  9. My thoughts exactly, well said.
  10. Happy Birthday to USAFMTL

    Who's got the cake with the stripper in it?
  11. Hello tanocapo, they are seperate games. You should type Wings over europe review or WoV review etc... in Google to find out about the games. WoE seems the most solid game with the most mods out there. But WoI is just out and the AI seems better.
  12. A new Strike Eagle! Baddest mofo of Desert Storm...
  13. I would sure love a solution to this dark canopy problem. I can't fly the A-6 in WOV because of it. I don't know if this helps, but the A-6 was fine before the patch.
  14. .bmp's are pure evil for us 56k'ers
  15. Quick btw; I'm I the only one whos plane is moving all by itself on the runway? If there's a fix for this, thnks in advance.
  16. Ohh this is gonna make me saddle up the Tomcat again! Any time baby!
  17. Hey folks, Ok, so I just applied the lastest WOV patchs (ahhh, now my flight is dropping it's bombs!) but the interior cockpit view in the A-6A is now way too hazy/dark. Almost looks like the glass is 10 inchs thick, making night flights very hard to see. The exterior views are fine, even the mirrors reflection in the cockpit are fine, and all other aircraft seem to be ok. Hoping there's an easy .INI solution to this! thnks
  18. Sparrows!? You gotta get up close and personal and gun their @$$, Israeli style!
  19. Today's Cartoon

    I don't get it, that is a cool fighter pilot costume.
  20. Interesting question, good job on Fubar512 for answering the way he did. It's by asking things like this, that one day somebody might actualy come up with a way to make this sim more complex! Now we just need a programing super genius to join this forum!

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