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Everything posted by GreyCap

  1. yeah I'll do a few tests once I get home and see what happens, not so sure where to look though.
  2. One does not learn how to dogfight...One knows how to dogfight. -Confucius
  3. Here ya go! http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=1815
  4. Aloha! There's a mod out there, sorry I'm not sure the name of it. You might need to hunt a bit for it.
  5. I don't think the F-22 was named after the dinosaur (I might be wrong), but after the category covering birds of prey. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/raptor I've yet to see any official USAF images linking the F-22 with the dinosaur. But I have seen this official USAF picture; Not trying to be a smart ass, but let's all know what the name of our new baby stands for! :)
  6. I agree BOBII is a great flight sim (I even love the head movement) but what has kinda ruined it for me is the campaign. I just wanted to jump in my spit and shoot down some planes, like I do in EAW. Not play military strategist. I know there are some tweaks to play as 'just a pilot' but even that seemed a little compicated to me. I guess I'm just a little lazy, other then that BOBII get 5 thumbs up!
  7. Canadair would there be a way I can get my hands on your resized skins? For one I'm not sure how to even do that and also I read one needs photoshop or something like that- and I don't. Maybe you can upload it here or somewhere else?
  8. Ok thnks for the answer! I thought I read all the pages carefully,
  9. I have a quick question! First of all congrats on this mod Baltika, nothing beats flying a Spitfire as one of 'The Few'! I get rather unacceptable frame rates when I attack bombers. I'm pretty sure it's because of all the tracer smoke. So maybe just getting rid it would help alot, but I'm not sure what files it is in Effects folder. If you have other tips on how to improve fps while approaching bombers let me know! Apart from bomber attacks, my frame rates are perfect. cheers
  10. Right! Since when does an aircraft's turn rate really mean anything anyways? Din't the lumbering F-4's score a 12-1 kill ratio vs the nimble MiG's in VietNam?
  11. Hey guys, I was just wondering if there was an easy .ini way to make your AI flight fly at a lower altitude? I'm flying the F-111, so I want my boys to fly in, pickle, and get the hell out the target area as low and fast as possible! Instead some just loiter around at 4,000 feet getting their arses shot. Thkns
  12. That's it! Very quick testing with these settings: [Altitude] Normal=150 Low=100 VeryLow=50 High=5000 VeryHigh=8000 Made my flight follow me down low! I guess around hilly terrain I can pull up a bit and avoid AI crashes, since they follow my altitude. Thanks guys, I learned alot! Beer's on me!!
  13. By the way a text search of that .ini file shows no result for 'VeryHigh'. So I either extracted the wrong thing or I'm missing something.
  14. That might be the key modification to make! But where is this located? This is my AIRCRAFTOBJECT.INI [AircraftData] DataDirectory=Aircraft TextFile=AircraftText.str [GameObjectData] MinSystemHitChance=25 VolumeStructurePoint=5000 Elasticity=0.2 [inputObjectData] DeathView=FreeView [GameObjectEffect] ObjectFireEffect=AircraftFireEffect ObjectFireSound= ObjectExplosionEffect=AircraftExplosionEffect ObjectExplosionSound=SmallExplosion ComponentDetachEffect=AircraftDetachComponentEffect ComponentDetachSound=SmallExplosion ComponentShrapnelCount=20 DamageShrapnelFactor=0.0002 MaxDamageShrapnelCount=12 [ObjectFire] FireCheckTime=4.0 APRoundFireChance=1 HERoundFireChance=5 HERoundExplosionChance=1 ExplosionChance=3 SuppressionChance=10 ProgressionChance=25 [Effects] AircraftSmokeEffect=AircraftSmokeEffect FuelFireEffect=AircraftFuelFireEffect EngineFireEffect=AircraftEngineFireEffect FuelLeakEmitter=FuelLeakEmitter ContrailEmitter=ContrailEmitter AfterburnerMaterial=AfterburnerMaterial WaterSplashEffect=ShipDamageEffect [Views] DefaultCockpit=A-4B_cockpit.ini CockpitOffsetDist=0.06 LookAroundHeight=0.06 HeadAccelFactor=0.07 HeadRollFactor=0.0015 HeadSpringFactor=20.0 HeadDampingFactor=1.0 HeadMoveLimit=0.05 [HeadShake] BaseAmount=0.1 BaseFrequency=1.0 [PilotHeadMovement] PilotPitchUpLimit=30.0 PilotPitchDownLimit=-20.0 PilotYawLimit=90.0 PilotPanYawRate=80 PilotPanPitchRate=35 PilotCheckRate=2.5 PilotLookCameraChance=50 PilotLookTargetChance=75 PilotLookDownChance=25 PilotLookScanChance=50 PilotLookTurnMinG=2.0 PilotLookTurnAngle=4.0 PilotLookTurnChance=20 PilotLookGroundMinAlt=1000.0 PilotLookGroundChance=80 [ForceFeedback] AeroForceEffect=AeroForce StallBuffetEffect=StallBuffet ExplosionEffect=Explosion WeaponReleaseEffect=WeaponRelease GunFireEffect=GunFastCannon [DefaultPilot] DefaultPilotModel=pilot DefaultPilotHeadNode=head [baseSoundType] BreathingSoundName=Breathing WindSoundName=WindLoop StallSoundName=StallSound EngineSoundName=JetEngine AfterburnerSoundName=JetBurner DamagedEngineSoundName= FlapsSoundName=Flaps AirbrakesSoundName=Airbrakes GearsSoundName=Gear LandingSoundName=TireTouch [PilotGLimits] BlackoutStartG=4.0 BlackoutAmount=0.01 RedoutStartG=-2.5 RedoutAmount=0.05 RestoreRate=0.05 [PlayerObjectLimits] WeaponReleaseDelay=0.0 [iRGrowl] GrowlSound=IRGrowl GrowlLockSound=IRGrowlLock [Gunsight] GunsightMaterial=GunsightMaterial [Avionics] SimpleAvionicsDLL=EasyAvionics.DLL SimpleAvionicsData=EasyAvionicsData.ini [ComponentDebris] Velocity=5.0 VelocityDeviation=0.2 AngleRateFactor=0.6 DragFactor=0.07 LifeTime=8.0 ShrapnelChance=25 ShrapnelCount=10 SmokeEffect=ComponentFireEffect FireEffect=ComponentFireEffect [systemDebris] Velocity=7.0 VelocityDeviation=0.3 AngleRateFactor=0.8 DragFactor=0.06 LifeTime=5.0 ShrapnelChance=0 ShrapnelCount=0 SmokeEffect=DebrisSmokeEffect FireEffect=DebrisFireEffect [shrapnelDebris] Velocity=8.0 VelocityDeviation=0.4 AngleRateFactor=1.0 DragFactor=0.05 LifeTime=3.0 ShrapnelChance=0 ShrapnelCount=0 SmokeEffect= FireEffect= [Light] MaxVertexCount=1024 MaxIndexCount=1536 LightMaterial=LightMaterial LightDistFactor=0.055 MinLightFactor=6.5 MaxLightFactor=180.0 MaxLightSrcDist=500 [GunsightMaterial] DepthBufferCheck=FALSE DepthBufferWrite=FALSE RenderedInOrder=TRUE AlphaTestEnabled=TRUE CullMode=NO_CULL LightEnabled=FALSE UseLightLevel=FALSE SpecularEnabled=FALSE EmissiveEnabled=FALSE FogEnabled=FALSE AmbientColor=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 DiffuseColor=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 ZBufferOffset=0 PriorityLevel=1 BlendOp=BLEND_SRC_ALPHA NumTextureStages=1 TextureStage[01].TextureName= TextureStage[01].MipMap=FALSE TextureStage[01].FilterEnabled=TRUE TextureStage[01].StageColorOp=TEXTURE_MODULATE_DIFFUSE TextureStage[01].StageAlphaOp=TEXTURE_MODULATE_DIFFUSE [LightMaterial] DepthBufferCheck=TRUE DepthBufferWrite=FALSE RenderedInOrder=FALSE AlphaTestEnabled=TRUE CullMode=NO_CULL LightEnabled=FALSE UseLightLevel=FALSE SpecularEnabled=FALSE EmissiveEnabled=FALSE FogEnabled=FALSE AmbientColor=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 DiffuseColor=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 ZBufferOffset=0.000000 PriorityLevel=3 BlendOp=BLEND_SRC_ALPHA_ADD_DST NumTextureStages=1 TextureStage[01].TextureName=light.tga TextureStage[01].MipMap=TRUE TextureStage[01].FilterEnabled=TRUE TextureStage[01].StageColorOp=TEXTURE_MODULATE_DIFFUSE TextureStage[01].StageAlphaOp=TEXTURE_MODULATE_DIFFUSE [AfterburnerMaterial] DepthBufferCheck=TRUE DepthBufferWrite=FALSE RenderedInOrder=FALSE AlphaTestEnabled=FALSE CullMode=CLOCKWISE LightEnabled=FALSE UseLightLevel=FALSE SpecularEnabled=FALSE EmissiveEnabled=FALSE FogEnabled=FALSE AmbientColor=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 DiffuseColor=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 ZBufferOffset=0.000000 PriorityLevel=3 BlendOp=BLEND_SRC_ALPHA NumTextureStages=1 TextureStage[01].TextureName=afterburner.tga TextureStage[01].MipMap=TRUE TextureStage[01].FilterEnabled=TRUE TextureStage[01].StageColorOp=TEXTURE TextureStage[01].StageAlphaOp=TEXTURE [AIData] AileronDeltaRoll=1.2 AileronRollRate=-1.0 ElevatorDeltaPitch=1.0 ElevatorPitchRate=-0.1 ThrottleDeltaSpeed=0.05 ThrottleVelocity=-0.01 DeltaSpeedForAfterburner=50 DeltaSpeedForAirbrakes=-50 MaxPitchForAltitude=25.0 MinPitchForAltitude=-15.0 PitchForThrottle=0.005 PitchForAltitude=0.01 PitchForVerticalVelocity=-0.01 RollForHeading=15.0 RollForHeadingRate=-0.5 MinRollHeading=15.0 MaxRollForHeading=60.0 PitchForRoll=0.23 FormationSpeedForPosition=0.8 FormationSpeedForRate=0.5 GunnerFireChance=80 GunnerFireTime=2.5 GunnerAimOffset=0.0050 [DogfightNovice] SafeAltitude=500 LookoutAngle=90 DefensiveAngle=60 ChanceDefensiveTurn=0 ChanceBreakTurn=25 ChanceHardTurn=50 ChanceTurnDirection=25 ChanceContinue=100 ChanceCheckNewTarget=5 CannonFireAngle=2.5 RQIRMFireAngle=2.0 ASIRMFireAngle=2.0 RHMFireAngle=5.0 MaxPitchInput=0.4 [DogfightGreen] SafeAltitude=400 LookoutAngle=120 DefensiveAngle=90 ChanceDefensiveTurn=0 ChanceBreakTurn=50 ChanceHardTurn=100 ChanceTurnDirection=50 ChanceContinue=100 ChanceCheckNewTarget=10 CannonFireAngle=2.0 RQIRMFireAngle=2.5 ASIRMFireAngle=3.0 RHMFireAngle=7.5 MaxPitchInput=0.6 [DogfightRegular] SafeAltitude=300 LookoutAngle=150 DefensiveAngle=90 ChanceDefensiveTurn=0 ChanceBreakTurn=100 ChanceHardTurn=100 ChanceTurnDirection=100 ChanceContinue=50 ChanceCheckNewTarget=25 CannonFireAngle=1.75 RQIRMFireAngle=2.75 ASIRMFireAngle=3.5 RHMFireAngle=10.0 MaxPitchInput=0.8 [DogfightVeteran] SafeAltitude=200 LookoutAngle=150 DefensiveAngle=120 ChanceDefensiveTurn=50 ChanceBreakTurn=100 ChanceHardTurn=100 ChanceTurnDirection=100 ChanceContinue=50 ChanceCheckNewTarget=45 CannonFireAngle=1.5 RQIRMFireAngle=3.0 ASIRMFireAngle=4.0 RHMFireAngle=12.5 MaxPitchInput=0.9 [DogfightAce] SafeAltitude=100 LookoutAngle=180 DefensiveAngle=120 ChanceDefensiveTurn=75 ChanceBreakTurn=100 ChanceHardTurn=100 ChanceTurnDirection=100 ChanceContinue=25 ChanceCheckNewTarget=50 CannonFireAngle=1.0 RQIRMFireAngle=3.5 ASIRMFireAngle=5.0 RHMFireAngle=15.0 MaxPitchInput=1.0 [LevelBombAI] PullOutRange=500.0 PullOutAlt=300.0 ReleaseAlt=2500.0 SecondPassRange=4000.0 SecondPassAlt=1500.0 ReleaseCount=4 ReleaseInterval=0.5 [DiveBombAI] RollInRange=6000.0 RollInAlt=2300.0 PullOutRange=600.0 PullOutAlt=300.0 ReleaseAlt=1000.0 SecondPassRange=4000.0 SecondPassAlt=1600.0 ReleaseCount=2 ReleaseInterval=0.8 [RocketAttackAI] RollInRange=6000.0 RollInAlt=1800.0 PullOutRange=600.0 PullOutAlt=200.0 ReleaseRange=3000.0 SecondPassRange=4000.0 SecondPassAlt=1200.0 ReleaseCount=4 ReleaseInterval=0.2 [strafeAI] RollInRange=4500.0 RollInAlt=800.0 PullOutRange=400.0 PullOutAlt=65.0 ReleaseRange=1600.0 SecondPassRange=2500.0 SecondPassAlt=500.0 ReleaseInterval=1.0 [CollisionData] SlowdownSpeed=100.0 StoppedSpeed=0.8 StoppedRotation=0.01 SpringFactor=1.0 DampingFactor=2.0 Friction=0.7 MaxDepth=1.0 RotationFactor=0.8 MaxWheelRotation=30.0 WheelRotationDecayRate=0.8 [Control001] Name=PITCH_CONTROL Type=RANGED_STATE [Control002] Name=ROLL_CONTROL Type=RANGED_STATE [Control003] Name=YAW_CONTROL Type=RANGED_STATE [Control004] Name=THROTTLE_CONTROL Type=RANGED_STATE [Control005] Name=THROTTLE_1_CONTROL Type=RANGED_STATE [Control006] Name=THROTTLE_2_CONTROL Type=RANGED_STATE [Control007] Name=THROTTLE_3_CONTROL Type=RANGED_STATE [Control008] Name=THROTTLE_4_CONTROL Type=RANGED_STATE [Control009] Name=THRUST_VECTOR_CONTROL Type=RANGED_STATE [Control010] Name=PITCH_TRIM_CONTROL Type=RANGED_STATE [Control011] Name=ROLL_TRIM_CONTROL Type=RANGED_STATE [Control012] Name=YAW_TRIM_CONTROL Type=RANGED_STATE [Control013] Name=FIRE_PRIMARY_GUN Type=SINGLE_STATE [Control014] Name=FIRE_SECONDARY_GUN Type=SINGLE_STATE [Control015] Name=FLAPS_UP Type=SINGLE_EVENT [Control016] Name=FLAPS_DOWN Type=SINGLE_EVENT [Control017] Name=AIRBRAKES_TOGGLE Type=SINGLE_EVENT [Control018] Name=FIRE_WEAPON Type=SINGLE_EVENT [Control019] Name=NEXT_AA_WEAPONS Type=SINGLE_EVENT [Control020] Name=PREV_AA_WEAPONS Type=SINGLE_EVENT [Control021] Name=NEXT_AG_WEAPONS Type=SINGLE_EVENT [Control022] Name=PREV_AG_WEAPONS Type=SINGLE_EVENT [Control023] Name=LANDING_GEARS_TOGGLE Type=SINGLE_EVENT [Control024] Name=ARRESTER_HOOK_TOGGLE Type=SINGLE_EVENT [Control025] Name=TOGGLE_RADAR Type=SINGLE_EVENT [Control026] Name=NEXT_RADAR_MODE Type=SINGLE_EVENT [Control027] Name=PREV_RADAR_MODE Type=SINGLE_EVENT [Control028] Name=NEXT_RADAR_RANGE Type=SINGLE_EVENT [Control029] Name=PREV_RADAR_RANGE Type=SINGLE_EVENT [Control030] Name=SELECT_NEXT_RADAR_TARGET Type=SINGLE_EVENT [Control031] Name=SELECT_PREV_RADAR_TARGET Type=SINGLE_EVENT [Control032] Name=ACQUIRE_RADAR_TARGET Type=SINGLE_EVENT [Control033] Name=ACQUIRE_VISUAL_TARGET_ON_RADAR Type=SINGLE_EVENT [Control034] Name=REJECT_RADAR_TARGET Type=SINGLE_EVENT [Control035] Name=SELECT_TARGET Type=SINGLE_EVENT [Control036] Name=SELECT_PREV_TARGET Type=SINGLE_EVENT [Control037] Name=SELECT_CLOSEST_TARGET Type=SINGLE_EVENT [Control038] Name=SELECT_FRIENDLY Type=SINGLE_EVENT [Control039] Name=SELECT_PREV_FRIENDLY Type=SINGLE_EVENT [Control040] Name=SELECT_CLOSEST_FRIENDLY Type=SINGLE_EVENT [Control041] Name=SELECT_GROUND Type=SINGLE_EVENT [Control042] Name=SELECT_PREV_GROUND Type=SINGLE_EVENT [Control043] Name=SELECT_CLOSEST_GROUND Type=SINGLE_EVENT [Control044] Name=SELECT_LAST_RADIO Type=SINGLE_EVENT [Control045] Name=SELECT_LAST_RADIO_CALLER Type=SINGLE_EVENT [Control046] Name=SELECT_RADAR_TARGET Type=SINGLE_EVENT [Control047] Name=SELECT_CLOSEST_CENTER Type=SINGLE_EVENT [Control048] Name=DESELECT_TARGET Type=SINGLE_EVENT [Control049] Name=NEXT_HUD_MODE Type=SINGLE_EVENT [Control050] Name=PREV_HUD_MODE Type=SINGLE_EVENT [Control051] Name=NEXT_RIPPLE_QUANTITY Type=SINGLE_EVENT [Control052] Name=PREV_RIPPLE_QUANTITY Type=SINGLE_EVENT [Control053] Name=NEXT_RIPPLE_INTERVAL Type=SINGLE_EVENT [Control054] Name=PREV_RIPPLE_INTERVAL Type=SINGLE_EVENT [Control055] Name=CYCLE_NAV_LIGHT Type=SINGLE_EVENT [Control056] Name=AUTO_PILOT Type=SINGLE_EVENT [Control057] Name=DROP_TANKS Type=SINGLE_EVENT [Control058] Name=WHEELBRAKES_TOGGLE Type=SINGLE_EVENT [Control059] Name=NEXT_WAYPOINT Type=SINGLE_EVENT [Control060] Name=PREV_WAYPOINT Type=SINGLE_EVENT [Control061] Name=OPEN_BOMBBAY_DOOR Type=SINGLE_EVENT [Control062] Name=JETTISON_STORES Type=SINGLE_EVENT [Control063] Name=DRAG_CHUTE Type=SINGLE_EVENT [Control064] Name=NEXT_GUNGROUP Type=SINGLE_EVENT [Control065] Name=PREV_GUNGROUP Type=SINGLE_EVENT [Control066] Name=CHAFF Type=SINGLE_EVENT [Control067] Name=FLARE Type=SINGLE_EVENT [Control068] Name=ECM_TOGGLE Type=SINGLE_EVENT [Control069] Name=WING_LEVELER Type=SINGLE_EVENT [Control070] Name=ANIMATION_1 Type=SINGLE_EVENT [Control071] Name=ANIMATION_2 Type=SINGLE_EVENT [Control072] Name=ANIMATION_3 Type=SINGLE_EVENT [Control073] Name=ANIMATION_4 Type=SINGLE_EVENT [Control074] Name=ANIMATION_5 Type=SINGLE_EVENT [Control075] Name=ANIMATION_6 Type=SINGLE_EVENT [Control076] Name=ANIMATION_7 Type=SINGLE_EVENT [Control077] Name=ANIMATION_8 Type=SINGLE_EVENT [Control078] Name=ANIMATION_9 Type=SINGLE_EVENT [Control079] Name=ANIMATION_10 Type=SINGLE_EVENT
  15. That looks very interesting! But I changed some values and don't see a change. The extracted .ini goes in the flight folder right?
  16. That's great news! Maybe I'll get my F-111's to terrain follow after all! btw can anybody link me to this extractor? I can't seem to find it in the download section so far...
  17. Thnks, I'll look into that! Not sure about the extractor but I'll figure it out.
  18. Thnks for checking, I din't even know there was a Formation.ini! Yeah I was guessing that the AI might smack into the ground if they flew at 100 feet. We would 'just' need to tell the program never let AI planes go below 50 feet. Unfortunately this is probably getting into the hardcode?
  19. Obviously they will follow your general altitude, but will not go below around 1,000 feet. We just need a way to tell the AI, follow my exact altitude even if it's 100 feet.
  20. There's a RAF Speech pack out? Oh you guys leave me no choice now, I gotta try out this Battle of Britain Campaign!
  21. Hey guys, Just want to dogfight my Tomcats vs some F-5s (Top Gun Movie style!) over the ocean, but I don't know how/where to find an all water terrain. Also, how hard would it be to throw in a carrier group in there to land on? thnks
  22. Ok the manual isn't to clear on this: Skill of your opponents- Easy/Normal/Hard Easy: Enemies aren't all that accurate, they'll fire less often and miss more. Below avrg ACM. Medium: Opponents are slightly better shot at range and are better at executing ACM. Hard: Opponents are seasoned veterans who pick their shots carefully and are fairly accurate. Dogfighting these enemies won't be an easy task. I'm just wondering which one is the more 'true to life' for Soviet pilots. Looks like on the other options (ammo usage, flight model etc..), Hard seems to be the realistic setting. On the Normal setting my F-16's pick off SU-27's with relative ease, but on Hard I often find myself with a SAM up my tail pipe. What do you guys think and which one do you use?
  23. I hope you guys read the book! Way better then the movie, plus the author Stephen Coonts was an A-6 pilot in Vietnam, so the dude knows what he's talking about. btw that sfmods.com site seems to be down.
  24. Hey guys, The tail numbers on the F-16A blck 10 NDC http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=3507 are gone after a few missions (they are there for the 1st mission after installing). Any ideas?

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