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About WombRaider

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  1. EA-18G Growler

  2. I had not messed with the particlesystem.ini, nor was it in the mod folder, so the ABs were that bright out of the box? I know I can change the 5.0 to something smaller (perhaps 2.5) but what do the 3 other numbers represent, RGB?
  3. What is causing the engines to light up the screen like I witnessed an air burst? (see pic below) It happens when the afterburner is going.
  4. I have a 4 merged install game fully patched. I was thinking of installing SF2 Israel. Would I have to re-patch the game, or will I have to do a total re-install? Thanks
  5. I have a 4 merged install (no Israel) I did not want to put this mod in the Vietnam, Germany, or North Atlantic mod folder. Can I just drop the files into the StrikeFighters 2 mod folder? There are not any folders in there. But I also do not see an options.ini either.
  6. Is it possible to install the Razbam cockpit into the stock A-6 for the game? I got the Razbam plane to work just fine, just would be nice to have option for the decals and squadrons.
  7. More 3D pits (BMS) advertised

    I have been following those pits. Everything is looking good, but things on Falcon tend to be vaporware a lot.
  8. Thanks Wrench. My how this game has changed. The NA game has horrid FPS problems, especially while on deck. My computer can run any game I throw at it at max settings with stable FPS. My system: I5 3570K 3.8 ghz GTX660 2GB 8GB RAM.
  9. I am missing the VietnamSEA.ini file. The GH3.5 did not come with one in the file.
  10. Waiting for the reply I found the options.ini. There are 4 different folders in my c:\users\Warren\SavedGames\Thridwire. They are Strikefighters2, Strikefighters2 Europe, Strikefighters2 NorthAtlantic, and Strikefighters2 Vietnam. Each folder has it's own options.ini. I edited all of them. I am now having trouble with the GreenHellV3.5 even showing. I created a "Terrains/VietnamSEA" folder in my Strikefighters2 Vietnam folder. I dropped all of the tiles and such in it. I still see default tiles.
  11. That is a horrible way of doing things as I have my OS on one partition, and my games on another! I only have around 7 gigs available, 2 planes and some effects and tile sets already take up 3 gigs!. Is there any way to make the game point to another place for the mods folder? Thanks for the reply!
  12. I have a merged install of SF2 Europe, Vietnam, and North Atlantic. I installed a few of stary's effect mods, Green Hell 3 and some paints for the default carriers. When I go to fly, all I see are default effects and terrain tiles. I so far think that it is the merged install that is the culprit. All of the game folders are full of a ton of catalog files. Any ideas?
  13. It Sounds like a HeightMapScale issue to me. Look into your Iran/IraqData.ini and scroll down to where it points out the texture files. You need to change the HeightMapScale to 2.0 or under. I found that almost all of the older scenery had a value of 75.0. I changed them to 2.0, and no more exploding carrier ops! Keep scrolling down, and change EVERY entry you see to that number, there will be quite a few. Example below [Texture001] Filename=sea1.TGA HasWater=2 HeightMap=sea1_hm.BMP HeightMapScale=2.000000 <--- IRAN/IRAQ is set to 75.0 Color=0.212429,0.268664,0.327297 SolidObjectTexture= AlphaObjectTexture= MipMapLevels=2

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