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Everything posted by Longestpants

  1. I try my best, sir! @Dels: Do what you think is best, not a whole lot else matters.
  2. I was saying that if we were to call it "nobody", it would be ironic since there is so much debate over the name. It was more of a joke than an actual suggestion because I personally feel that Outis is a terrible name.
  3. Gotta love the debate over this name. How about "ουτις"? If you know your Greek myths you should get that reference.
  4. Richthofen's Skies

  5. Iron Man

    I though it was an awesome film. However, I have yet to do some Wiki research into how true it was to the comic books.
  6. A racing Screen shot of the Month thread? Like, totally radical, dudes!
  7. Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday!!
  8. Don't most aircraft do that in real life?
  9. Its a Glorious Day Comrades.....

    Wasn't it Yakov Smirnoff?
  10. Man keeps daughter captive in cellar for 24 years

    I suggest: keeping him captive with, as Jug suggested, an enormous "overfriendly" cellmate for the rest of his life. Near the end, instead of being allowed to die of natural causes, he will be execution via gun shots to the stomach and hanging by the neck until asphyxiated. Just kidding. He deserves far worse. Remember what the gods did to Prometheus? That would be passable.
  11. Well, I'm back.

  12. That sounds like we could make it into a movie. "Ace Pilot and the EvilDamnCommBuildings from OUTER SPACE"
  13. HUh. I'll have to try that. Thanks.
  14. One More Shift

    I would also like to thank you for your service; USAFMTL, or Dave S, whichever you prefer. Here's to the next chapter.
  15. Congratulations are in order!

    Congratulations! I wish you the very best.
  16. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ABF
  17. This is going to be very useful. Thanks for your insight, wagsled!
  18. Australian Baseball Federation?
  19. Lest we forget

  20. Sour !

    This stuff is the best. Link
  21. Your first combat flight sim...

    The first actual flight sim I played after years of X-Wing was First Eagles. As soon as I saw the trailer for that game, I was in love with the genre.
  22. So, I decided to go on a strike mission in an FB-111. Yeah, man, I though. I'm gonna kick some ass in this thing. My briefing told me that I was to attack a comm building in some Parani city. Seeing as how I was to attack a single building, I decided on a conservative payload of two Mk.84s and twenty-four Mk.82s. Thus armed, I set out with my band of merry men. Off we go. If you look closely, you can see two Phantoms in the background. Not sure what they're doing, but they're definitely not escorting us. Oh no. Of course, the comm building was not targeted nor was it ever the rest of the mission. Mission control gives vector as 12:00, five miles. That looks like it's five miles away. TIME TO DIE BOOM! HEADSH- oh. Bloody hell, missed that one by a mile. Ok, that was practice. Time for my other Mk.84. At this time, literally a second after releasing the bomb, I decide to check if it's the right building. "Right, 3:00, 2 miles." Oh well, I missed anyway. At this point I stopped taking screencaps. I noticed a particularly open building near a AAA establishment. To cut a long story short, I missed several times before being set on fire by AAA. I desperately released the remaining 17 bombs within the space of a few seconds and watched them all miss. Cursing, and shamed, I ejected just before my flaming FB-111 arrowed, ironically, into the AAA gun. Damn comm buildings.

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