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Everything posted by Longestpants

  1. M*A*S*H Bloopers

    Me and my mom used to watch M*A*S*H together before bedtime, when I was about 8. Good times.
  2. John Wayne

    *entering bar* "Lock and load."
  3. Lets Go UPS!

  4. Lets Go UPS!

    This is (one of the) problems with the internet. Aye, would seem thou'rt an scurvy dog yet with a passion for emoticons. Not so then. Besides, I get a little touchy when I'm sick.
  5. Lets Go UPS!

    Major Lee, It's not the standard of cool by any stretch. It's an example of a funny movie. If you would like to know why I'm not in school, perhaps you would have liked to try going to school with strep throat. The only reason I'm on CA at all is to try to take my mind off the rash; It's taken me five minutes to write this post, in fact. EDIT: Sorry, Erik, you posted while I was writing.
  6. Lets Go UPS!

    I was making an (obscure) Napoleon Dynamite reference. 00:14
  7. Lets Go UPS!

    Lucky! But seriously, that's pretty cool.
  8. Where would I be without this community? Nowhere awesome, that's for sure. Big thanks to all you guys.
  9. Yeah, I remember reading about that in the TW forums. I wonder where that thread got to...
  10. NEW SIM

    Yeah, we're all looking forward to Jet Thunder. It's pretty impressive!
  11. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parasite_fighter Is this doable in strike fighters? It would be pretty cool to launch parasite escorts on a deep strike into Russia, or even just sit there for the ride until the enemies show up. What do you guys (and I think we have one girl) think?
  12. How Was Your Day....

    Ooooof, that's rough.
  13. Parasites

    Hmm. Couldn't we add a platform as a weapon? But maybe the planes would go right through it...
  14. Parasites

    How about a flat-topped zeppelin? Try landing on that baby. I would do barrel rolls whenever my escort tries to land. "No you don't!"
  15. Which Sci-Fi film would you like to see made ?

    Five words guys: Splinter of the Mind's Eye. I know it's Star Wars, but it would still be awesome.
  16. Movie related question about F-35

    That little jewel of a line plays right in to my theory that well-executed emoticons are not a nuisance, but rather a type of spice for word play and form. Furthermore, blah blah blah... :stink: OK back on task. I would say probably not, hollywood movies have a penchant for stretching the truth a bit. I mean, there are probably capabilities similar to that, but most likely not that. However, since it's still in development, I can only guess, hope that was helpful.
  17. Wings over...

    I say we make a Star Wars game, because that would automatically make it the best. Wings over the Empire!
  18. Definitely, definitely interested, your projects are always fantastic!
  19. Parasites

    Found it! http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?s=&am...st&p=133233 The only problem I can see is docking and stuff without exploding. Maybe if there was a really big flat aircraft it would be easier, like the ufo. Or make an aircraft carrier a plane.
  20. I had installed the Gripen, but my weapons weren't showing up. I had followed the instructions to a T, but it just wasn't working, and I've added weapons with ease before. Long story short, the new weapons editor should say "ONLY compatible with WOI / FE + Exp1". BTW, EXCELLENT plane, it is just a joy to fly! :clapping: Very God work indeed

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