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Everything posted by Klavs81

  1. Seems like the C model should have an extra pair of hardpoints to go with that GI-normous wing, but all the literature says no. We will get an extra hardpoint for the gunpod though. And of course the FRICKIN LA-SER BEAM. PEW PEW! (I need sleep)
  2. Introducing the F-35: Lee Mallory Edition!
  3. If someone with the skills wants to give it a crack, I'd be happy to release the 3d Max file to them.
  4. I've come up with a new measurement of Thirdwire Mod Time: The F-35B (VSTOL) Will be done "in the fullness of time" Meaning, whenever I damn well get to it if you're supremely lucky!
  5. Partially, some of the geometry has changed, but other parts remain the same. I try to keep the UV maps as similar as possible to facilitate change-over and to make the transition easier, but certain things won't work between A, B and C texture maps.
  6. Once I quit working on the cockpit, modding became fun again.
  7. Yeah, That's one of the reasons I just released the Beta version. Cockpits are frustrating!
  8. Wrench, I get it man, don't worry! Awesome book. FC, that's scary man!
  9. Correct. The TW max plug-ins only export to Game-Usable files. There is no way to extract them from this format.
  10. If I ever get the F-35B up and running, I'll try to keep the UV maps in more or less the same locations so that the skins are interchangeable between models.
  11. Lovely! I loves them black widows!
  12. What's the deadline for entries again?
  13. Um, you might want to check a couple of your facts there. Yeager never flew Bud Anderson's "Old Crow", among other things. And Chuck was flying Glamorous Glenn II (P-51D, RAF Dark Green topside, grey undersides, invasion stripes) on the day he got 5 kills. http://www.cebudanderson.com/357profliles.htm
  14. Panel lines are added, but I don't know what you guys are bellyaching about with the UV maps, they're all there. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=7363
  15. File Name: F-35A Lightning Skin Templates File Submitter: Klavs81 File Submitted: 2 Oct 2008 File Updated: 2 Oct 2008 File Category: Skin Templates / Decal Sets Updated templates with clean panel lines and complete UV maps. Enjoy! -Adam Click here to download this file
  16. Version


    Updated templates with clean panel lines and complete UV maps. Enjoy! -Adam
  17. Just a function of looking at the radar sprites, TW doesn't really have neutral aircraft, so it's easy enough to classify non friendlys as hostile. You'll notice that the radar only has TWS mode, but it was a pretty big pain to get it accurate enough to pick up on targets right away. Try a solo night intrusion mission on heavy air defense and aircraft activity, and use your radar to guide yourself around the hostile air cover to deliver your ordinance. Talk about pucker factor with 12+ Flankers prowling around with the smell of blood in the water. Like being a Nighthawk except you can actually fight your way out of the situation. And if your doors open too fast for your taste, change the .ini! They open just as fast or slow as the F-22.
  18. Lovely stuff Dave, are you still working on Decals, or is this all just skin work?
  19. Tequila Class submarine sighting

    Sure, but Navy guys never have to land in a cross wind, never have to flare, and have to be reasure themselves out loud that they've "got the ball" before they land! Landing instructions: "Come down until you're not in the sky no more!" This coming to you from a Marine/Zoomie Cheers, -A EDIT: I too agree that that sub IS awesome.
  20. I've taylored the FM to be most accurate at Normal Difficulty, hard mode has weird things going on with it. Next time you're in a dogfight, try using the rudders while manuvering in the vertical, most people tend to ignore the rudders in this sim, but they can really kick you over in a dogfight and make all the difference.
  21. Now THAT makes me want to get the B model done! See, this is what I love, people with more talent than me building on what I was too lazy to finish! -A
  22. I meant if anyone wanted to place decals for the F-35, I'd send them the P-51 print. The Mustang, BTW, was Blakeslee's personal mount, no kill markings, no nose art, my kind of guy.
  23. If anyone wants to map tail skins and decal placement, I'll send you a 16x20 P-51 Print:
  24. I heartily recommend that everybody flies the F-35 on Normal Flight model, you'll find it floats like a dove on landing once the flaps are down, and turns are a lot nicer. You'll also have no problems with the odd dutch-roll/reversal phenomena. Think of it as "turning your Fly By Wire on"

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