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Everything posted by Klavs81

  1. And now for something completely different...
  2. US SOF Rescue of FARQ Hostages

    Ditto! I'd heard about this a while ago and wondered if it didn't really sound like a typical Columbian operation. Now we know why!
  3. US Elections

    There should really be a write in category. Personally, I'm going for Adama/Tigh 2008.
  4. Hah! I caught somebody using my G-strain sound file! Nice work!
  5. Think JAT's got this issue figgered' out. Thanks guys.
  6. Looks great, but guys, I have to admit I've been stealing FC away for my own purposes, sorry!
  7. No, sorry, no HMD, it's a little beyond WOI's capabilities at the moment. But the hud has a very, very large area, you should be able to see lock on cues up to 45 degrees to either side.
  8. MY FIRST COCKPIT WORKS!!!!!!!!!! (so far)
  9. Does anyone know of a texturing method or some kind of change that would make the EO/IR window image appear in Black and White? I've gone nuts trying to figure this one out, but giving the filter a grey image just lets ALL colors through. Thanks, -B
  10. Talk about active duty air force... heh.
  11. Ah, blast. Can I have those 4 hours of my life back then?
  12. We can't hear that enough, guys, honestly. I feel very smart (even though somebody's probably done this before) and also very dumb. I've got a dummy IIR seeker on a forward hard point (no mass, minimal dimensions) to act as the EOTS system on the F-35, so you can still dial it in and watch your JDAMS punch earth. The laser guidance is part of the airframe itself, and the weapon release delay is such that you can't pickle it off unless you fly for 8 hours with your finger on the button. I've got: NoJettisonWeapon=TRUE in the EOTS hardpoint field but the damn thing is still Jettisoning. Whiskey Tango Fox, over? Is there a way to prevent it from punching off when jettisoning weapons?
  13. 1. Yes 2. Many, many many flat squares. I may need help on this one guys, stand by until I get everything modeled.
  14. New G.I. Joe Animated Shorts

    Aaaah, but Snake Eyes gets to murder everyone, and nobody is shooting ineffectual laser beams any more. Now you know... http://io9.com/5034838/watch-snake-eyes-sl...-gi-joe-footage
  15. Those models are indeed payware, We're talking thousands of dollars for a product that is probably too poly intense for your needs. I recommend building your own stuff, using their stuff as a good shape reference. That way you have exact control over the entire process, but that's just the perfectionist in me. A general rule of thumb for payware models is that they can't be re-extracted and used. The 3ds max to thirdwire conversion is one way, as far as I know, and would thus be okay, as long as you got them by paying, and not by sharing.
  16. Updated cockpit and a sample loading screen. :D FC, the legs are apparently LM standard issue. Probably some waifish engineer in a flightsuit. Which could be me, since I haven't changed since my flight this morning. Enjoy, I'm going to bed!
  17. Cockpit's comin' along... If anybody has any good detail shots or info of the cockpit, please let me know! Cheers!
  18. Your first combat flight sim...

    F-16 Combat Pilot on C-64 and the ever awesome Hellcats over the Pacific. I'll never forget when I saw the first zero and said, "look! It simulates birds!" and then he started firing...
  19. X-32

    "Cars" would have been so much better if it was called "Jets"
  20. 3D models and copyrights

    I just don't understand how a company can enforce copywright law on something paid for by taxpayers. Reasonably, you can argue that the current AA-1 and BF-1 are flying as LM property right now, but once an aircraft enters the inventory, it's image becomes public domain. LM is notorious for going after F-16 artists and prints, but how the hell can they do that after years of the aircraft being in the public eye? It's like the Borglum Family suing manufacturers of replica Mount Rushmore statues, it was paid for by U.S. taxpayers, and should be availible for all to use.
  21. X-32

    Are we talkin' the delta winged version or the conventional tail version? Boeing had to redesign the X-32 with a conventional tail for the production models after their Autoclave process proved unable to provide lightweight giant wing assemblies without flaws, so the flying X-32s got more conventional, heavier wings and subsequently the VSTOL prototype was almost too heavy to fly, they performed their VSTOL flights with doors removed, very low fuel, ect. The bottom line is the X-35 was more indicative of a production model aircraft with the performance to match, and the X-32 suffered a series of setbacks that just meant the demonstrator aircraft wasn't indicative of the production version anymore, and a lot more design changes were visible, i.e. going from a delta to a conventional tail. The second they brought out that first delta wing out of the oven with wrinkles on it, they were sunk. I'd be willing to try either one, in the FAAAAAAR future. Well beyond two weeks. I know there was a flying version of the production model for Jane's USAF, though.
  22. 3D models and copyrights

    [Gus Grissom]F****n' A, bubba! [/Gus Grissom] Nothing riles up a 3d modeler more than being told that your hard work equates to illegal activity.

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