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Everything posted by Klavs81

  1. Bear Warning

    And I thought I had MAN HANDS. No, they are small in comparison. This is up by Anchorage, in Parker, AK.
  2. 3D models and copyrights

    There was a sweet F-35 mesh on Turbosquid a while ago that got yanked due to that very issue, prompting me to build my own damn mesh. All I can say, is that the F-35 will be free and availible to everyone. No payware, no exclusive membership archive sites. I may even put it up for free on Turbosquid just to spite them. If Lockheed has a problem with that they can speak to my lawyer. It's a shame that such a world class aerospace company has such a typical busybody law office attached to it dedicated to hobbling artists and craftsmen who do nothing but drum up support for Lockheed products through their artistry and patriotism. Makes me want to go punch a kitten.
  3. F-35A: CTOL F-35B: VSTOL F-35C: CV This would be an A model.
  4. Do you guys see this!?! FastCargo was sitting on a park bench, a ball bounced up, he took it, ran with it, and he's at Mach 1.4 and accelerating! I go flying for a few hours and come home to... just... amazement. I just make shapes and paint them, FC is bringing them to LIFE!!!
  5. I wish there was a button on my car that brought me into a hover... :D
  6. JAT, any chance we could get JDAMS to active home on designated targets instead of just the main objective? The only way I can think is to actually make them an LGB, maybe we can package a different JDAM version with the plane? Check out To see what I'm talking about. The SAR picture and target designation is Wh00t. go to about 1:12 for an awesome demonstration of the flight, sensor and weapons delivery capability of this aircraft! There's also some good HUD references in there, as well.
  7. File Name: Modern Warfare Soundpack 1 File Submitter: Klavs81 File Submitted: 3 Aug 2008 File Category: SF/WO*/FE Sound Mods Modern Warfare soundpack by Klavs81 New sounds for SFP1/WOV/WOE/WOI Simply pick and choose which sounds you'd like to replace and add them to the Sounds or Flight Folder. Backup your old files first!! Gun Sounds: 50cal Cannon Vulcan Hangar Noise Sounds: Updated to include Taxiing F-16s, Flybys of A-10s and F-16s Sound a little more modern and realistic. IR Sounds: A more realistic warbling sidewinder tone, from my earlier sidewinder soundpack Explosion Sounds: More muted, but taken from audio of a real Air Force gunnery range Breathing: Changed to simulate the G-Strain muscle excercise modern pilots undergo during high-g. I have Lt. Smeeding to thank for his educational (and hilarious) centrifuge video tape to get this one just right without sounding super annoying. Loading sound: F-16 startup. Enjoy! Click here to download this file
  8. I just like the fact that I have a nearly complete F-35 to play with now!
  9. General Robin Olds

    I was thinking about moustaches today...
  10. Hotness !!! Is she going to have an external hard point for a Sniper XL pod?
  11. For all you USAF airdale types out there...

    damnit, why do I only get misty for things like this?
  12. F/A-18F

    Can I just say that I'm enjoying the hell out of this aircraft? It's nice to see it flying without Owen Wilson!
  13. About my pictures of firey-hot discharges? What's funny about that?!
  14. Thanks everybody. Dave, check your email please.
  15. Blackbirtd, I think your -22 just gave me nightmares!
  16. Can't believe no one's seen this snippet

    Jack Black?
  17. Can't believe no one's seen this snippet

    Not to typecast her or anything, but Katee Sackhoff from Battlestar Galactica might be good. But I guess being typecast as a tear-assing girl fighter jock ain't all bad, maybe we'll get a lot more fighter-pilot oriented movies.
  18. Can't believe no one's seen this snippet

    Yeah, they could have Jessica Biel fresh from her experiences flying the F/A-35 Talon and ejecting over north korea. That'd make ME cocky. Plus, she could ditch that pretty boy Josh Lucas. Just as long as we don't see Cruise putting the moves on her. Innapropriate relationship anyone? Actually, scratch Biel, she's 0.5 inches taller than Cruise. Can't have that, can we?
  19. Can't believe no one's seen this snippet

    There's a gentleman FI at Laughlin that has some wicked scars from the dripping hot liquid detcord that dropped down onto his neck as the canopy shattered. From what I gather from that experience and others like it is that most pilots I know prefer a clean canopy punch off to ejecting through shards of plexiglass and liquid fire. Edit: If you have to eject at all, that is.
  20. Okay, no further progress on this model from my end for a while. I'm off on my honeymoon! Cheers all, -Burp
  21. Another Tuskeegee Passes Away.

    http://www.foxnews.com/wires/2008Jun26/0,4...tDryden,00.html It's a shame this was tucked so far away on the news page.

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