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Everything posted by Mig_eater

  1. I definitely have the latest graphics card drivers but can't find any drivers for DX; I do however have the latest version of direct X. I've reduced graphics in the past and not had the problem, but I can't work out what is causing the problem, and I wish there was a way to run it on full graphics without the anomolies as its smooth as silk! Thanks - Alex
  2. I think my graphics are: ATI Radeon HD 4300/4500 series And according to CPU-Z AMD Phenom X4 9150e 4096 Mbytes memory. I don't know what mode i'm running - or how to change it! Everythings on High or Unlimited, and generally running smoothly - SF2:I was the first issue I had (though I used to get coloured flashing dots until I turned effects from unlimited to high). - Alex
  3. Its all stock, and after updating my drivers its still exactly the same. Thanks
  4. This is what's always put me off this series - the campaigns. So repetitive and long, i've never actually finished one. I've always prefered scripted campaigns (love the LOMAC campaigns), but always find myself coming back to thirdwire for the dogfights. Its the fact the campaigns are boring however that my stints are often shorter than i'd like. - Alex
  5. Waddington Airshow 2011

    Last shot is brilliant. You're right about it not being the best show, but five hunters, a vulcan and the thunderbirds... perhaps we're getting spoilt? Roll on RIAT!
  6. After wacking the graphics up, I get these coloured dots flashing like crazy. Any idea what it is, or how to solve it? Thanks
  7. Thanks for all that. After a lot of experimenting i've worked out that virtually all of the lag is caused by shadows... What a pain as they look so good! I guess there's no work arounds to make them more manageable for my system?
  8. Memory tab on CPU-Z says a whole load of stuff I don't understand but on size it says: 4096 megabytes. What's the best graphics option to drop to stop me getting the stutters near other aircraft? As I say - otherwise its super smooth. - Alex
  9. Thanks very much! I was into the SF1 series a long time ago, and remember the friendliness of the community then - glad its still here! Most of my FPS drop is when there's lots of other aircraft about (especially at home base). Otherwise its smooth as silk. I'm running everything on default "high". What is it that's dropping my frames here? Any idea? Did anyone ever manage to sort out the multiplayer issues with this sim/game? I've always thought it'd really come to life with f-4 squadrons fighting off human fishbeds! - Alex
  10. Just installed the latest patch, and everything's looking better! One other question though (and thanks for your help) - looking at my system, what would you say is the best way - graphically - to get the best out of the sim? What sort of graphics will lower my FPS and what can my system handle well? Can you actually work that out, or am I being a dunce? Thanks anyway.
  11. No mods at all. I'll try it now...
  12. Yes i'm definitely a computer novice... Its Vista. My GPU is a Radeon HD4350 512mb bus width: 64bit Cpu is AMD Phenom X4 9150e What else is relevant? Thanks - Alex
  13. Its a desktop, and the install is completely stock. I don't know how to enable or disable sun glare, and - worse still - I don't know a thing about my GPU! Where would I download the latest dx libraries. Graphics card drivers are up to date. - Alex
  14. Does anyone else find the Lightning a little unrealistically slow? I'm hard pressed to get to Mach 2, even at 50,000ft on full power i'm only getting to about 1.5. Any idea why? Tried it on Hard, and Normal flight model... - Alex
  15. I just managed 1.9 at about 45,000ft with around half fuel, and no armament... I'm sure you'll tell me i'm playing the wrong game, but I hate tweaking this stuff! All I want is for Britain's mach 2 fighter to do what it says on the tin... is that so much to ask? Perhaps in another patch...
  16. Lomac X52 Profile

    This is my favourite LOMAC setup for the X-52 but I can't use it now everythings in pr0 format! Anyone able to convert it? Thanks :-) - Alex
  17. Hello all, I have an NVIDIA 6600GT and dont really know very much about computers at all. All I know is that without knowingly changing anything, now whenever I load up a mission on WOE (regardless of type or terrain etc.) I get a crash to restart at about 80% load. I have reinstalled and I also get the problem on IL-2 and on Lomac and FSX but on the latter two it is after several minutes of flying. Older 3d programs work without incident. Can anyone help!? Its driving me crazy!! Thanks - Alex
  18. Any help here guys? Would be great if I can sort this out soon! - Alex
  19. I get the same thing on IE or Firefox - the file downloads instantly but has 0bytes size!
  20. This is the link i'm trying to download from: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/thankyou.aspx?familyId=2da43d38-db71-4c1b-bc6a-9b6652cd92a3&displayLang=en
  21. Sorry to answer this with yet another technical problem(!) but whenever I try and download Direct X from microsoft.com the file is 0bytes! (and unusable). Downloads from other sites work fine, and this problem is on firefox and IE... any ideas? - Alex
  22. Hi guys, I've got a problem with the Vulcan - post patch where when I climb through 1999ft it misses out all the 2000s and skips straight to 3000. - This is on the HUD, not the dial. The HUD also shows a different reading to the dial. I have tried using the HUD speedometer (is that the aeronautical term?) along with the in cockpit altimeter to give me a correct reading as the in cockpit speed dial only goes to 250knots - but my bombs always fall short. Anyone else experienced this? Would love to go back to level bombing in my favourite aircraft! Help! Thanks - Alex
  23. It definitely didn't do that before the patch - because I used to drop bombs on target! To be honest the main thing i'm after is a functioning speed dial and altimeter in the cockpit itself - along with the bomb aimer. Is there perhaps a similar cockpit that could do the job?? - Alex
  24. Thanks Syrinx, but I did mean the in game HUD... its a weird error. Probably sounds foolish but i'm a stickler for historical accuracy and I wouldn't want to dive bomb in a Vulcan! Thanks anyway... hopefully I will find a fix! Is anyone working on a new cockpit for the vulcan - because that would suit me just fine to be honest - its just the current cockpit speed dial doesn't go over 250knots. - Alex
  25. NF3

    Hello there C5... really itching for this to be released! Any rough idea of release date yet? - Don't worry though, i'm not complaining, take your time! - Alex

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