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Everything posted by Acidrain

  1. ARMA 2 Released Date

    505 Games and Bohemia Interactive are thrilled to announce that the release date for the upcoming tactical military simulator ArmA II forward by precisely one week, to 19th June 2009. Fans eagerly awaiting their next foray into the world beating tactical action the ArmA series has become renowned for now have just over one month to wait. Read on.......... http://outpostgamez.com/news/212/arma-ii-r...date-june-19th/
  2. Call of Duty 7: vietnam?

    I liked Battlefield Vietnam, it was sad it never really picked up, i really enjoyed it alot. Ive been really pleased with the Call of Duty Series since COD4, IMO they have overtaken the Battlefield Series and i say that because they have given the community in a way what they want. Alot of Variety in environments.
  3. Crysis Mod Updates

    Today Mary 17th 2009, we have the latest in what Crysis Modders have brought to the community, with full modifications to simply addons, such as new soldier skins, vehicles, new maps and much more........ Check it out http://outpostgamez.com/news/189/crysis-mod-update-051709/ Today we have another round of Crysis Mod Updates for you, many are completely modifications of the original Crysis Engine. Check it out http://outpostgamez.com/news/214/crymod-update-051809/
  4. Call of Duty 7: vietnam?

    Iam so burned out on the entire WWII scene, i would welcome Vietnam specially in regards to the way the engines are now.
  5. Today, BFHeroes the announcement of the release of an new map! http://outpostgamez.com/story-2312-Beta-Ke...w-map-soon.html
  6. BFHeroes Releasing in June?

  7. BFHeroes Releasing in June?

    Yeah, tell me about it!
  8. Battlefield 2 v1.50 Beta Released http://outpostgamez.com/story-2282-Battlef...a-Released.html
  9. Greetings everyone, DICE has informed us that we have aprox 10 beta keys for BFHeroes to give away, however we have until "This Saturday" in order to give 10 keys away. Conditions: send email, subject beta key, we will select the 10 by random and send in the request for your beta keys. Cheers, Outpostgamez Staff http://outpostgamez.com outpostgamez@verizon.net
  10. RF:G Weapon of the week http://outpostgamez.com/story-2261-Weapon-...Nano-Rifle.html Borderlands Release Image http://outpostgamez.com/story-2263-Borderl...irst-Image.html
  11. BF Bad Company 2 More Revealed!

    The guys at 4Players.de posted up an interview from their visit to DICE, where they had a chance to interview Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Producer, Patrick Bach. Although many of questions could not be answered they did manage to get some new screenshots. Read on........... http://outpostgamez.com/story-2257-BF-Bad-...e-Revealed.html
  12. Weekly CryMod Update

    Weekly CryMod Update Today we have an update on CryMod’s, check out the latest 15 mods ranging from assets, single player, to complete alterations of the cry series. Vehicle Reskins (Military Vehicles) MechWarrior: Living Legends Weekly Update - April #1 Dead Sunday Trailer and Audio Theme The Arena 2 Level The Mutant Factor Crysis Wars Free Giveaway - Starts Tonight! OMG! & Clan00 Easter Mappack Warehouse Building Model Request a Model Assets StarCry Mod Feature Videos and Screenshots (Stargate) Character and Vehicle Reskins New Weapon Silencers Aim Depot Level - ESL Contest Winner CE2 Visualization Stay Tune Next Week when we update you on the latest Mods from CryMod! Visit Us
  13. For months now, we have been speculating about the prospect of a Star Trek Movie Tie In Game to be released along side the new movie on May 8th. Read on.......... http://outpostgamez.com/story-2072-New-Sta...Movie-game.html
  14. Battlefield 1943 & BFHeroes http://outpostgamez.com/story-2240-Battlefield-Previews.html BF2: 1.50 Status Update http://outpostgamez.com/story-2239-Battlef...150-Status.html Crysis: Free to Play Weekend FAQ http://outpostgamez.com/story-2242-Crysis-...o-play-FAQ.html Crysis Declining Numbers http://outpostgamez.com/story-2241-Declini...s-Numbers-.html Red Faction: G Achievements & Trophies http://outpostgamez.com/story-2243-Achieve...d-Trophies.html Hailing Freq Reporter Openinings http://outpostgamez.com/story-2244-Hailing...s-Reporter.html Outpostgamez Exclusive Interview on Section 8 http://outpostgamez.com/article-53-Section...-Interview.html
  15. CryEngine 3 Updates

    Crysis: Cry Engine3 Interview w/ Cevat-Yerli http://outpostgamez.com/story-2222-GamesIn...vat-Yerli-.html Crysis: Streaming Games Viable by 2013 http://outpostgamez.com/story-2221-Streami...e-Someday-.html Crysis: Future Titles in the Future (Translated in Google, not so good) http://outpostgamez.com/story-2220-Crysis-...the-Future.html Crysis: Trademarks new titles? http://outpostgamez.com/story-2219-Crytek-...-KINGDOMS-.html CryEngine3: 3D Support Blitz Part 5000 Members more….. http://outpostgamez.com/story-2215-CryEngi...mbers-More.html
  16. CryEngine 3 Updates

    Jedi, I completely agree, the requirements were and are crazy!
  17. Section 8: OPG Exclusive Interview OPG received our interview which we have been waiting for patiently on. We have the most detailed questions on S8 8 that no other website has obtained! http://outpostgamez.com/article-53-Section...-Interview.html
  18. Another STOnline Interview http://outpostgamez.com/story-2205-ST-Onli...-Interview.html IGN Vault Chat Transcript http://outpostgamez.com/story-2203-STO-IGN...ranscript-.html STOnline Path to 2409-2386 http://outpostgamez.com/story-2204-ST-Onli...-2409-2386.html
  19. The Battlefield Heroes team sent out 50,000 beta keys recently, although some of those emails might have bounced. If you think this happened to you head on over to the site and provide an alternate email. http://outpostgamez.com/story-2201-50000-B...s-Sent-Out.html
  20. Will the Ladies of BFH give out Beta Keys? http://outpostgamez.com/story-2123-Will-th...-Beta-keys.html Battlefield 2 Mod Update http://outpostgamez.com/story-2110-Battleg...--New-Maps.html
  21. Crysis Updates

    Crysis Wars: SDK, MOD, Editor Near http://outpostgamez.com/story-2122-Crysis-...early-Here.html Crysis Wars Patch 1.4 Coming Soon http://outpostgamez.com/story-2121-Crysis-Wars-Patch-14.html Crysis Loader Creator Tool http://outpostgamez.com/story-2120-CryLoad...eator-Tool.html
  22. COD: World at War 1.4 Patch Coming Soon http://outpostgamez.com/story-2109-World-A...Map-Pack-1.html
  23. Frontlines Fuel of War – Focus Group http://outpostgamez.com/story-2111-Kaos-St...cus-Groups.html
  24. Team Fortress 2 Update

    One of the things we’ve been thinking about for a while now is how to improve the player experience around finding a server to play on. It’s a tricky problem because our master servers need to ask a game server for its details, and that server can lie to us if it wants to. We decided we needed to find a way of scoring servers, with a goal of finding and delisting ones we considered "bad". The scoring system had to penalize lying without penalizing custom game rules, because some players like custom game rules. Best case, the system needed to work entirely from data that didn’t come from the servers themselves, so they couldn’t lie to us in any way to affect it. Read on................ http://outpostgamez.com/story-2086-And-tha...ochin-that.html
  25. Yes, you read that right. If you pre-order a server from any of our game server providers you will be able to log in with up to 15 friends and get some practice playing Battlefield Heroes, while you wait for your very own server to become available. You will find more information about renting servers and who our partners are by reading this news. http://outpostgamez.com/story-2085-Preorde...-Beta-Keys.html

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