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Everything posted by lindr2

  1. Maybe Later... i have SF2, but no modded anything for SF2 yet. P.S. Thanks Krizis to BIG HELP & 3D Parts.
  2. MiG-23B



    MiG-23B Readme Model based on MiG-27 model by wpnssgt, skins by wpnssgt, Screens by Epizikl. This plane required MiG-23/27 Weapons Pack.Please intall it first. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=9693 (Updated 13.08.2009, fixed BVP-50-60 Texture) To Install: - unpack Archive in temporary folder - copy MiG-23B folder to Aicraft folder. - copy Sound Sukhoi.wav to sound folder - add to weapondata.ini: [WeaponDataXXXX] TypeName=KDS-23 FullName=KDS-23 Decoy dispenser ModelName= Mass=100.000000 Diameter=0.300000 Length=0.750000 SubsonicDragCoeff=0.000000 SupersonicDragCoeff=0.000000 AttachmentType=WP,SOVIET SpecificStationCode=KDS-23 NationName=SOVIET StartYear=1969 EndYear=2020 Availability=3 BaseQuantity=32 Exported=TRUE ExportStartYear=1970 ExportEndYear=2020 ExportAvailability=3 WeaponDataType=4 StoreType=2 NumChaff=6 NumFlare=6 EjectPosition=0.000000,0.000000,0.000000 EjectVelocity=0.000000,0.000000,0.000000 Plane specification: - Max G: 7.0 - MiG-23B can use R-3S/R-13M, Kh-23; R-60, MER not allowed. - AL-21F Engine - 'Fon' Laser Range Range meter. - KN-23 navigation complex (same as Su-17M2) - ACP-17B gunsight - PBK-3 bombing system MiG-23B versions: MiG-23B Early with Wing Version 1 (same as MiG-23S), in production 1971-1972 1-3 Prototypes. MiG-23B with Wing Version 2 (Without slats, same as MiG-23 mod.71), in production 1972-1974, 24 planes
  3. MiG-23 w XXI wieku?

    MLA P P(D) i MLD mogą wykorzystywać R-73 z 84 roku....
  4. Krizis help me with this, he solved wing shine problem, THANK YOU, Krizis!!! UB_corr.rar
  5. MiG_23UB_Early.rar - FIXED LOD but in RL Wing Version 1 had 2 section slats & not rotaring, but rotate- forward moving, and in late Mig-23S slats fixed on 4 deg position as zero position. Wing Version 2, used on MiG-23B & MiG-23 obr.71 (MiG-23L) had no slats. Maybe i will make this later. some my WIP
  6. '....for reloading' -Authors of the book not translated ALL phrase.
  7. about wing tanks: i RL UB (and other 23's with Wing version 3 (used since 1972) ) can use outerwing pylon, but: 1) it can Use only with 16 deg wing position 2) with minimal loadout, almost for ferry missions 3) pylons is part of FT & jettisone with it, then we need FT with new pylon, raveclaw_007 is PTB-800 autor, maybe he can made this modification. about animation: i can make LOD, version with manual animation, but later...
  8. No, in RL MiG-23 was positioned like multy role fighter, in Afganistan MLD ini Srike missions was escorted by MLD. Accordind Russian 'Agressors' pilot memories, MiG-23MLD with VERY GOOD pilot win vs 'standart' MiG-29 (9-12) with score 7-1, 9-1 MiG-23MLD more lighter that MiG-29 And good maneuovrable, special 'Vortices generator' on wings & stab used, also MiG-23MLS RCS much more small that MiG-29 and first series Mig-29 had problems with radar. But Heat signature 23's was more big. However when Su-27 started service Mig-23MLD lost Any chances to win. Su-27 ALWAYS won vs MiG-23MLD, no mater BVR or Dogfight.
  9. Maybe i post this here MiG-23UB cockpit info forward MiG-23UB Cockpit http://www.crown-airforce.narod.ru/retro/m...mig23ub_01.html rear MiG-23UB Cockpit http://www.crown-airforce.narod.ru/retro/m...mig23ub_02.html
  10. Only early UB had a radar. forward MiG-23UB Cockpit http://www.crown-airforce.narod.ru/retro/m...mig23ub_01.html rear MiG-23UB Cockpit http://www.crown-airforce.narod.ru/retro/m...mig23ub_02.html
  11. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6976
  12. STEEL FURY modeling

    Раз на то пошло вот РТЭ на танки от Т-26 до т-80 Есть еше куча мануалов на все от автомата до ЗРК, спрашивайте... http://rapidshare.com/files/267016262/tank_manuals.rar
  13. yes, it's not the end... Mig-23B, MiG-23BN(Iraqi),MiG-23BN(Egypt), MiG-27K in WIP.
  14. File Name: MiG-23S File Submitter: lindr2 File Submitted: 12 Aug 2009 File Category: Soviet Union/Russian Aircraft MiG-23S Readme: MiG-23S (Early & late) Model based on Mig-23M model by Rafael{updates BPAo}, skins by Soviet2 by Marcello, used MiG-21MF cockpit. Changes between MiG-23S & MiG-23M: - Max G: 5.6-6.0 - Radar RP-22SM - MiG-23S can use 4 R-3R/R-13M,2 Kh-66,Kh-23. R-60 not allowed. - Smaller wings area, worse manoeuvrability. - Engine: R-27F-300 (planes for Lipetsk TsBP) or R-27F2-300 (Planes for Belarus VO,{only one IAP near Ros' railway station}); - Another Nose design - Tail moved at 860mm to nose - another Airbrakes design - no after cockpit Fuel cell - another IFF antenna position. - Early planes had no Delta Pod - Mig-23S was in production in 1969-1971, in 1971 replaced by MiG-23 obr.71 {MiG-23L} (in 1972 replaced by MiG-23M) MiG-23S productions so small, 50-60 planes in 1969-71, MiG-23S used as 1st line plane up to 1976-78,then replaced by MiG-23ML,& moved to Chenigov VVAUL where for training only. Mig-23S required MiG-23/27 weapons pack. Please intall it first. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=9693 MiG-23S picture gallery (150 photos)http://walkarounds.airforce.ru/avia/rus/mig/mig-23s/index.htm Click here to download this file
  15. MiG-23S



    MiG-23S Readme: MiG-23S (Early & late) Model based on Mig-23M model by Rafael{updates BPAo}, skins by Soviet2 by Marcello, used MiG-21MF cockpit. Changes between MiG-23S & MiG-23M: - Max G: 5.6-6.0 - Radar RP-22SM - MiG-23S can use 4 R-3R/R-13M,2 Kh-66,Kh-23. R-60 not allowed. - Smaller wings area, worse manoeuvrability. - Engine: R-27F-300 (planes for Lipetsk TsBP) or R-27F2-300 (Planes for Belarus VO,{only one IAP near Ros' railway station}); - Another Nose design - Tail moved at 860mm to nose - another Airbrakes design - no after cockpit Fuel cell - another IFF antenna position. - Early planes had no Delta Pod - Mig-23S was in production in 1969-1971, in 1971 replaced by MiG-23 obr.71 {MiG-23L} (in 1972 replaced by MiG-23M) MiG-23S productions so small, 50-60 planes in 1969-71, MiG-23S used as 1st line plane up to 1976-78,then replaced by MiG-23ML,& moved to Chenigov VVAUL where for training only. Mig-23S required MiG-23/27 weapons pack. Please intall it first. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=9693 MiG-23S picture gallery (150 photos)http://walkarounds.airforce.ru/avia/rus/mig/mig-23s/index.htm
  16. File Name: Weapons Pack for MiG-23/27 File Submitter: lindr2 File Submitted: 12 Aug 2009 File Updated: 14 Aug 2009 File Category: Weapon Packs Weapons Pack for MiG-23/27 (Upgated 13.08.2009) {Update: BVP-50-60 texture bug fixed.} Readme update 14.08.2009: PTB-800 can be download HERE http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6976 This pack contents New weapons, ini entries, data.ini, loadout tweaks for MiG-23-27 planes series. Pack will be used for some my new mods. New data ini, loadout.ini's required, because specific stations codes used for some weapons. Notes: - Kh-66 can used on MiG-23S only, Mig-23MS can't use Kh-66 and Kh-23 - in RL Mig-23 palnes can use only 2 R-23(24)R or R-23(24)T on glove stations, R & T can't be used on same time because, need CU change on Radar (used CU N1 for R, or CU N2 for T). - CM dispensers used since 1982-83, can be mounted on all 23's - MLD has no ECM on RL, ECM pod was build, not for tests only. - Early 23's used Dlta control pod (need for use Kh-23) on wing, but since MF,ML used Delta-2NG pod on fusellage station. To install - open weapondata.ini - remove weapons: R-3R,R-13M,R-60M,R-23R,R-23T,R-24R,R-24T,Kh-23**,Kh-25**,Kh-27PS, if exist. - copy weapons for weapons folder. - click 'Merge' use MiG-23_27_weapons.ini Weapons list: R-3R Atoll-B {Updated INI} R-13M Atoll-C {Model by Krizis} R-13M1 Atoll-E {Model by Krizis} R-60 Aphid {Model by Krizis} R-60K Aphid {Model by Krizis} R-60M Aphid {Model by Krizis} R-60MK Aphid {Model by Krizis} R-73 Archer {Model by Krizis} R-73E Archer {Model by Krizis} R-73M Archer {Model by Krizis} R-73M2 Archer {Model by Krizis} R-73ME Archer {Model by Krizis} R-23R Apex-A {Model by Krizis} R-23T Apex-B {Model by Krizis} R-24R Apex-C {Updated LOD,Model by Krizis} R-24T Apex-D {Updated LOD,Model by Krizis} R-24MR Apex-E {Updated LOD,Model by Krizis} Kh-66 Grom Guided Missile {New LOD} Kh-23 Grom Guided Missile {New LOD} Kh-23L Grom Laser Guided Missile {New LOD} Kh-23M Grom Guided Missile {New LOD} Kh-23D-25 Grom Anti-Radiation Missile Kh-25R Guided Missile {New LOD} Kh-25L Laser Guided Missile {New LOD} Kh-25MR Guided Missile {New LOD} Kh-25ML Laser Guided Missile {New LOD} Kh-25MT TV Guided Missile {New LOD} Kh-25MTP IR Guided Missile {New LOD} Kh-25MA AR Guided Missile {New LOD} Kh-25MS GPS Guided Missile Kh-25P Anti-Radiation Missile {New LOD} Kh-25MP Anti-Radiation Missile {New LOD} Kh-25MPU Anti-Radiation Missile {New LOD} Kh-27PS Anti-Radiation Missile {New LOD} BVP-50-60 CM Dispenser Metel SAM Finder Pod L066 V'yuga SAM Finder Pod L066-2 V'yuga SAM Finder Pod Delta Control Pod Delta-NG2 CGR Control Pod Click here to download this file
  17. Very good An-124 3Dsmax model posted at www.airwar.ru model have animation & UV maps. http://www.airwar.ru/other/3m/an124.zip Other models: http://www.airwar.ru/other/3m.html
  18. Tor-M2E 58 photo's

    Really? First two 96K6 Pantcyr-S1 arriver in Syria in 30.07.2008, Training complex arrived in march 2008. 10 others was planned to Aug-Sept 2008, all 34 was planed to end 2008. I'm not sure, what this system are used to any combat in Syria in 2009 , need some time for crew training & some work.
  19. switch start view {in game options} form Cockpit to External & try again.
  20. big weapon pack WIP

    Клавой можно, держишь enter на кнопке up10 и все, но не советую, я свои 3400 записей месяц ковырял. WEAPONDATA.rar Вообще тут немного странные вещи происходят с оружием (да и не только), мне в апреле "Патриот" дали, чтобы я ини написал, однако до сих пор его почему-то не выложили, хотя все готово. ну это так к слову.
  21. Su-15A RL {Su-11, Yak-28 almost same}: modding: Su-15TM RL: modding: MiG-25P RL: modding: 'Kayra' screen RL modding: Su-24 Gunsight RL: modding: COMMING SOON...
  22. Su-11/15A/15TM?yak-28 avionics for Testing Avionics_Su_11_15_Yak_28.rar Notes: Su-11 MinAltitude=7000.0 (RL->7-8km), Su-15A MinAltitude=4000.0m (RL ->3-5km) Su-15TM MinAltitude=2000.0 (RL ->2km) Yak-28P MinAltitude=3500.0, (RL ->3-5km) Yak-28PM MinAltitude=2500.0 (RL ->2-3km) if You don't like this,m just remove this string in Avionics ini with MinAltitude=1000.0m R-8,R-98 family use SpecificStationCode=Oryol, R-98MR,MT use SpecificStationCode=Taifun, for prevent 'indirect loadout'.
  23. lindr2

    Это мой первый и последний пост в этом топике. Я прочел 'порыв души' EW - написано красиво, смотря со стороны я мог бы в это поверить, но к сожалению, я знаю правду. Может я был резок, но все что говорю, я всегда говорю искренне. Я не терплю когда ко мне настойчиво лезут в душу и пытаются 'учить жизни' ничего не зная о существе проблемы. Чтобы понять мало хорошо говорить по-русски, надо пожить здесь хотя бы лет пятнадцать, и не изолированно, а жизнью простого человека и потом можно порассуждать о том что 'Хорошо для России' а что нет. И я не хочу знать верит EW в то что пишет или нет. Я не хочу общатся с ним никоим образом. Мне просто не о чем с ним говорить. Я достаточно пожил на свете, чтобы понять что такое хорошо и что такое плохо. Это звучит немного пафосно, но я действительно руководствусь интересами страны, мой долг как гражданина защищать все что мне дорого от нападок, неважно в какой форме они приходят. Поступить по другому я не могу, то что для меня священно, не может быть осмеяно, неуклюжие оправдания этого вызывают у меня лишь усмешку. В любом случае с этим покончено, я не объявлял войны EW, я просто порвал все отношения. Это решение окончательное и не может быть пересмотрено. На этом собственно все, я не собираюсь больше возвращаться к этой теме.

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