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Everything posted by lindr2

  1. MiG-29M (9-15)with additional pylons & Big dorse (added like fake pilot) & need UVW & 3D work
  2. MSP-418K ECM Pod for MIg-29 family, created in SM/SMT programm, but can used on Early Mig-29's (most 9-12), because pod weight is only 150kg. MSP_418K.rar MiG-29 SMT {Erwin Hans LOD} with MSP-418K [WeaponData3253] TypeName=MSP-418K FullName=MSP-418K ECM Pod ModelName=MSP-418K Mass=150.00000 Diameter=0.300000 Length=3.800000 SubsonicDragCoeff=0.200000 SupersonicDragCoeff=0.770000 AttachmentType=SOVIET SpecificStationCode= NationName=SOVIET StartYear=1998 EndYear=2020 Availability=2 BaseQuantity=70 Exported=TRUE ExportStartYear=2003 ExportEndYear=2020 ExportAvailability=2 WeaponDataType=4 StoreType=0 JammerStrength=77.000000 MinFreq=0.000000 MaxFreq=0.000000
  3. some pictures about su-24 based projetcs IMPORTANT: IT'S JUST SOME DRAWINGS, NOT CONFIRMED / VERIFIED OFFICALLY
  4. Обновил Ту-126, добавил авионику и скрины http://www.filefactory.com/file/af5cgfh/n/Tu-126_rar [317KB] Су-24, Су-24МР, Су-24МП + контейнеры http://www.filefactory.com/file/af499b0/n/Su-24_MP_MP_rar Су-24, нужно обновить нос. для самозащты Р-55, ПТБ-2000 входит в мой ВП Су-24МР с контейнерами Эфир-1М и Тангаж, пушка снята, камера добавлена Су-24МП самолет РЭП на пилоне КС-418, после 1991 все серийные самолеты (10) остались на Украине
  5. Not One prototypes BM were planned, in 1979-83 period several variants projected - with swing wings or not, with 2 tails or not , with AL-31F engines ect... It's normal For example M-4 prototype projects (1950-1953): 3-4 variants engines 4 x NK-12, 4 x AMRD-03, 8 x TV-2F, 6 x AL-5 ect. Thank You for reply!
  6. В 80-е годы Испания не входила в ВОЕННУЮ ЧАСТЬ НАТО, онв присоединилась к НАТО в 1982 но с особыми условиями, пересмотренными в 90-х
  7. updated ini + avionics {2 variants Easy & Normal}+ screens in normal mode you can search & track enemy planes. http://www.filefactory.com/file/af5cgfh/n/Tu-126_rar [317KB]
  8. No planes were hidden all strikes period then, closer to end of operation DS, all 24 planes succesfully moved to Iran, 12 of tehem were returned after 1991-1992, 12 others were confiscated by Iran, in 2000 Iran buy other 12 Su-24MK, maybe Iraqi? to Silverbolt: Carrier based - Su-24K, project was cancelled in ~1975-80 Others cancellled projects: Su-24BM - non swing wings, internal weapons bay, 2 tail stabiliser (1979-83), Su-24MT - tanker (1989), Su-24MM - 'little modernization' additional fuel tanks, additional air intake on top part of fusellage (1985).
  9. Su-24, Su-24MR, Su-24MP Data .ini & avionics entries http://www.filefactory.com/file/af499b0/n/Su-24_MP_MP_rar Su-24 is first s-24 family version with unguided weapons & CGR only, some elements removed by ini edit? but nose need 3Dwork [another antenn & ect] self defence weapons is R-55, used kh-23M, PTB-2000 [from my weapons pack] on central pylon, in service since 1976 ~ 450 planes producted. Su-24MR - recon version, radar changed by 'styk' SLAR radar Recon pods - Efir-1M & tangage added, 3ds nax files included free to change & modify. note for MP & MR: 2 IRM missiles R-60(M), ALWAYS placed on LEFT WING pylon, on right - recon pod. VERY small quantity of SU-24MR were exported [4 planes to Alger on 2005], i set EXPORTED=false 130 planes producted Typical Su-24MR loadout: 2 R-60M on APU-62 on leftoueterwing pylon, Recon Pod Efir-1M on right outerwing pylon, 2 x PTB-3000, 'Tangag' Recon pod on central Pylon. Su-24MP ECM plane Radar Removed by powerfull ECM stations 2 prototype & 10 serial producted {1984} in 1991 all planes in service [10] included in Ukrainian AF. on central pylon KS-418 ECM pod
  10. Happy to hear it... NO DOUBT MF work is best on WOx community. but i read carefull Your data.ini i have some questions: - You set flaps 45 deg on landing position, but i read in manual 25 deg on takeoff & langing - You set slats 10 & 30 deg position, but i read in manual -> max 20 deg for slats - about loadout: You set EP stations in outerwing position +- 3.8 m, what ECM posd You planned to use? I know SMT can use MSP-418K (150kg) http://www.cnirti.ru/catalog-10-18.htm - maximum posible loadout on wing pylons - 2000 KG SUMMARY for 9-12, according manuals, but You set loadout like this: AttachmentPosition= 3.802,-3.248,-0.135 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=1550 AllowedWeaponClass=EP AttachmentType=WP SORRY, i can't believe on that... have some questions about internal fuel tanks, some sources got different results (for 9-12) FT Fusellage: N-1 - 650 or 705 or 710 Litres, N-2 - 870 or 875 Litres, N-3 - 1800 or 1810 Litres, N-3A - 285 or 310 Litres Wings tanks: 660 or 700 or 800 Litres Need Your comments... It's JUST a QUESTIONS, and WOx just a GAME...
  11. ECM on wire, how to make this in WOE? Need the advice... http://www.cnirti.ru/catalog-10-17.htm
  12. МИг-29 (9-12) и (9-13) от TMF

    бля ошибки детские, кроме того сравнил File compare файлы, которые должны быть одинаковыми, фигушки там сям опечатки например с распадом СССР боевой радиус миг-29 вырос 1,5 раза, строки пропущены, ИЛС 'детский' половину возможностей движка не использует, хотя кое чего они от меня взяли 'РЛ' например, непонятно почему например изменяемую шкалу и индикацию подвеса не взяли, crusaider мне это показал год назад. вообще авионика и дата.ини производит впечатление недоработанности, непохоже на MF. Пожар был что-ли?, к 3D моделям и ародинамике претензий нет, тут уровень очень высокий, мне учиться и учиться, хотя непонятно, почему не взяли 2 таблицы из 3 для движка, они же у них есть. Покрутился, есть претензии к маневренности, уж дракен-то на вираже я должен делать. часть самолетов от пушек потерял, у меня такого не было, мой 9-13СД малазийский под АИ от 5 ракет уклонился, выдержал бой против 5-6 самолетов, F-16 пытались сбить его из пушки - не смогли, уклонился. всего сбил 3 самолета ракетами и один из пушки.
  13. In soviet AF BN were replaced by Mig-27 Family Replacenent MiG-23BN -> Mig-27 started in 1975, in 1986 last AP's removed MiG-23BN to storage. in 1988 MiG-23BN Duty were ended officially. When I was the child my family had a rest in the summer near to military aerodrome, I took a bicycle and went to look as airplanes come in the land, they flew by over very low, it was possible to view all details. At first it were a Su-17, then an MiG-27, now there Su-24.
  14. МИг-29 (9-12) и (9-13) от TMF

    ВСЕ в килограммах,ньютонах, метрах в секунду, момент инерции черт знает в чем в слюгах каж-са.
  15. МИг-29 (9-12) и (9-13) от TMF

    DELETE all strings like this SpecificStationCode=AA12 s**t! TO MUCH ERRORS in LOADOUT... like this AttachmentPosition=-3.151,-2.726,-0.098 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=1550 AllowedWeaponClass=RP,BOMB,2BR - ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE IN 9-12!!! MiG-29 9-12 max loadout 2000 KG, 2000KG at 6 pylons! {PTB-1500 not included}
  16. МИг-29 (9-12) и (9-13) от TMF

    БЛИИН глянул в дата ини МИг-29 они че ... ? AttachmentPosition= 3.802,-3.248,-0.135 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=1550 AllowedWeaponClass=EP AttachmentType=WP 1.5 тонны на законцовках крыла!!!! , да миг 9-12 на всех шести пилонах больше 2000кг не поднимает... и какие нафиг ECM контейнеры на 9-12, что-то не слыхал на СМТ есть, весит 150 кг http://www.cnirti.ru/catalog-10-18.htm P.S. черт и 2BR на концах крыла.... Застрелите меня... вот так должно быть
  17. МИг-29 (9-12) и (9-13) от TMF

    these guys set SpecificStationCode for all stations, remove all of this...& you will be happy. i will change some values on avionics / data / HUD tga.
  18. OF COURSE TMF WORK ALWAYS EXCELLENT, However any tough job, and airplane creation in a simulator it very much the TOUGH JOB, is always accompanied by errors. If would put did not concern Russian airplane, I probably would keep silent. But SOVIET / RUSSIAN AIRPLANE concerns ANY me DIRECTLY as I and my father we work in this sphere very much for a long time. My father participated in activities on Su-17M4, Su-24, Su-27, 30, 34 and others, my achievements are much more modest, I only participate 10 years in creation of a radars. I write the posts not that will become famous and to anger someone.I only wish to apply the knowledge on advantage to our community. When you create an airplane, it is necessary to use various, it is frequent with contradictions. Besides while translating from Russian on English and back often there are problems, I well know it on work with India. I simply wish to help.
  19. I talking only about Soviet / Russian MiG-29 (9-12) & (9-13), NOT about OTHERS. SOVIET / RUSSIAN 9-12 & 9-13 CAN't USE AHM BEFORE RADAR HARDWARE & SOFTWARE MODERNISATION. AND 9-13 SOVIET / RUSSIAN radar don't have AG mode BEFORE RADAR HARDWARE & SOFTWARE MODERNISATION. P.S. I'm autor some parts of flight manuals (not MiG's), if someone don't like this, let's try make it better.
  20. I CONGRATULATE you and edition Миг-29, this big achievement TMF, however is unconditional and I am obliged to mention some lacks, I yet have not held full testing, but some things are appreciable at once. For example: Loadout, excuse, but in real life MiG-29's (9-12) & (9-13), or MiG-29A & MiG-29C as you it name the modifications, NOT capable to use AHM &EOGR. The first modification, capable to use AHM, is an MiG-29S (9-13S), manufactured by a small series. There are separate messages on modernisation of serial MiG-29 (9-12) (9-13) to the S standard With but real acknowledgement at me are not present, and messages in an open press, are often written by people not knowing a real state of affairs. Moreover some publications are notorious desinformation. Except the SM & SMT program, are capable to use AHM planes: MiG-29BM (Belarus ~ 60 airplanes, also can use EO & LASER giuded weapons [laser in Passive mode only]) and airplanes some versions SD and SE, created for export ONLY. A capability to use AGM on 9-12, 9-13 has appeared only with program SM & SMT. However the program run slowly. It's BIG PROBLEM for RUSSIAN AF. The first SMT have gone into service in 2004-2006 instead of in 1998 as write some. It was planned to convert 20 MiG-29 (9-12) in 1999, only 2 or 3 airplanes however have been converted. Apropos HUD captions I already spoke, I will not repeat... look's like it is similar useless. P.S according MiG-29 manual 'TWS' scan rate is 1 frame in second;
  21. No problem... I just inform you about my 'research' result. One question still unclerared - weapons. Sove sources said - 6 RAT-52 missile torpedoes or 2-4 anty-ship mines in bombay PLANNED, but realised or NOT? Need some 'investigation'. M-4 Prototype have UB-2F guided bombs, but tihs loadout rejected. Missile carrier prototypes (projects cancelled)
  22. Где прицел в F-15 и F-16?

    здесь на сайте, только читай внимательно что на что ставится, тогда обойдешь одним, максимум двумя.
  23. Now most FULL complect INI files for Bison family... Bison.rar M-4_ref.txt contens dataini for freuling pod & FT, udes Bdouglas LOD - M-4 Bomber {1954} - 33 planes converted to M-4-II tanker in 1960-1970 - M-4-II Tanker in service to 1988 3M (M-6): - 3MS Bomber {1958} ~ 30 planes ECM SPS-2, i'm so sorry, i forgot about this, converted to 3MS-1, 3MS-2 tankers in 1962-1980 - 3MN Bomber {1958} ~ 35 planes ECM SPS-2 converted to 3MN-2 tankers in 1962-1980 - 3MD Bomber {1960} ~ 10 planes Radar Rubin-1A, ECM SPS-2 created for K-10 or K-14 missiles, but project was canceled, used as bomber. - 3MS-1 tanker, (1962) refueling probe not removed, in service to 1994 - 3MS-2 tanker, (1962) refueling probe removed, in service to 1994 - not included in pack - 3MN-2 tanker, (1962) refueling probe not removed, ECM removed, in service to 1994 Known issues: - M-4 need glass nose - 3MD need new nose and wing with increased area [see drawings in my previous post]
  24. Где прицел в F-15 и F-16?

    Поставить ВСЕ патчи... или хотя бы до 2006, иначе не заработает. но сначала Обнови DirectX Runtime по ссылке http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...;displaylang=en , иначе патчи не заработают.
  25. Где прицел в F-15 и F-16?

    подробности давай - чьи машины MF или нет, куда поставил (WOE, WOI, WOV), как ставил, какие версии, правил что-нибудь? старые F-15С,D,E и F-16С,D,E сделаны под avionics.60.dll новые F-16A и F-15A под 70.dll, я не хотел летать на F-15с с кокпитом F-15A и на F-16C с кокпитом F-16A, или пользоваться морально устаревшим ИЛС ранних версий, поэтому отредактировал TGA пленки в фотошопе и полностью переписал avionics.ini Это еще не все: большая часть авионики F-15A - встроена в WOE и WOI, в других версиях еще нужно распаковывать и ручками вставлять.

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