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Everything posted by lindr2

  1. Accordig FUNDAMENTAL AND APPLIED PROBLEMS STEALTHS-TECHNOLOGIES by A.N.Lagarkov, M.A.Pogosjan [Lagarkov Andrey Nikolaevich - the member correspondent of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the director of Institute of theoretical and applied electrodynamics of Incorporated institute of heats of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Pogosjan Michael Aslanovich - the member correspondent of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the director of State Unitary Enterprise of an aviation-industrial complex "Sukhoy". RCS: Tornado F3 - 10 sqM F-15A - 10 sqM F-16A - 6 sqM Mirage-2000C - 6 sqM F-15C - 4 sqM Mirage F1-C -3 sqM F-16C - 3.5 sqM EF-2000 - 1.5 sqM F-18E/F - 1.2 sqM F-35 - 0.07-0.15 sqM F-22 - 0.06-0.12 sqM
  2. Ok i make some new stuff, see pictures above... Question: how to Emulate Chemical bombs , made Russian KhB-250 & KhB-2000 OFAB-500U, BetAB-500U & new skin for my RBK-500 family collection Napalm Tank ZB-500RT, KhB-250, OFZAB-500 KhB-2000 OFAB-500U drop
  3. Новости, События, Факты

    Так что теперь ИЛС можно делась в русскими надписами или с иероглифами?! Класс! надо китайцам сообщить.
  4. BaseRCSModifier=0.0010 is square meters? or multipler coeff for aircraft surface? According russian data RSC: Su-27 Earlly = 15 m^2 Late = 10 m^2 Su-33 = 12 m^2 Su-30MKK = 4-6 m^2 Su-35BM ~ 1.5-3 m^2 PAK-FA > 0.5 m^2
  5. Да? а ты попробуй... Что-то Югославские Миги-29 не смогли. А знаешь почему? Когда миги появились на фарнборо проявилась неприятная особенность: если радар мига вблизи светил на F-15 и f-16 те ничего не видели, сплошную засветку, наши приемники всегда отличались плохой чуствительностью. Мощность излучения запрадных радаров в режиме захвата горадздо ниже, про режим сканирования я уж не говорю. Правда и мы этим пользуемся Мощность помеховой станции Ту-95 МС БОЛЬШЕ МЕГАВАТА!!! Когда его включают на 400км невидно нефига. Никакой алгоритм не поможет - физика. P.S. кстати все те возможности АРГСН о которых я говорил у нас реализованы. Современные наши радары воздух земля тоже весьма продвинутые могут перескоп подводной лодки при волнении моря до [секрет] баллов на расстоянии [секрет] сотен КМ обнаружить отследить и поразить ракетой типа Х-35. Проверено в реальных условиях.
  6. 3D моделинг

    УРРРАААА!!! ЗАРАБОТАЛО !!!!! (через 4.5 часа тырканий) СПАСИБО Krizis!!! OFAB_500U.rar ini в комменте RARа
  7. Ракета с АРГСН действительно на порядок эффективнее ПАРГСН, потому что когда радар переключается режим узкого луча для подсвета цели, RWR тут же выдаст сообщение и самолет произведет срыв захвата, в Эфиопии Су-27 не смогли сбить не одного МиГ-29 при помощи Р-27, которая может сбить цель маневрирующую до 8 G, МиГи легко срывали захват. АРГСН включается на 3 - 4 раза меньшем расстоянии и с меньшей мощностью времени на реакцию практически не остается. Кроме того ракету с АРГСН можно - наводить на цель получая данные от самолета ДРЛО или наземного радара (носитель используется как ретранслятор) - наводить на цель получая данные от КОЛС - наводить на цель не имея постоянного контакта с целью (ПАС - полу-активное сопровождение) - наводить на цель имеющую статус КЖЦ (Коротко живущие цели - {очень короткое время контакта ~ 0.05-0.1 сек}) - объекты имеющие сильную ECM и Стелс объекты
  8. YES Unclear status - close to division of UAC, but with MiG name. not affect. To take under the state control. The ECONOMIC policy the MIG was unacceptable. It is impossible to accept plundering of budgetary money or sale of military production to the unfriendly countries.
  9. 3D моделинг

    Пришли пожалуйста пример (MAX + LOD), хоть самый простой, у меня есть проблемы с анимацией моего парашюта. вот модель самого парашюта (получена из полусферы) chute14.rar
  10. 3D моделинг

    Какой еще 130?! последний пост у меня имеет номер 102, если сделал пришли пожалуйста пример.
  11. You have passed some important points. - Planes withdrawn of Algeria have arrived on arms of the Air Forces of the Russian Federation - The MiG will keep design offices, however will stop existence as the corporation is independent and will be a part of the united company under the full control of the state. - Enmity between the MiG & of Su was always. The state relation to MiG has sharply worsened after 2000 because of: - A failure of the project 1.44 - Not co-ordinated export of planes the MiG, for example during war in Ethiopia-Erithrea, Russia has officially supported Ethiopia, has directed there Su-25T and Su-27S. Russian pilots directed by the Ministry of Defence participated in operations. According to the governmental order in 2008 they have received the same privileges as veterans of local wars*. An instant in the meantime delivered planes to Eritrea with the Russian/Ukrainian mercenaries, during battles Su-27 have brought down not less than 2 MiG-29. *Officially the USSR / Russia was at conflicts (death-count) Afghanistan (15051), Egypt and Syria (52), Yemen (2), Vietnam (16), Laos (5), Algeria (25), Cuba (69) Korea (315), Hungary (720), Angola (11), China [(936) 1946-50 + (60) 1969], Czechoslovakia (98), Mozambique (8), Libya (22)
  12. 3D моделинг

    извини, а как все-таки насчет scale animation? Можешь помочь? А то у всех остальных работает.
  13. Ok! Photo report from MiG factory 11.02.2008 MiG-29KUB MiG-31 family plane Simulator Rekalme video for India 2009 http://www.aviapedia.com/videos/airshow/Bangalore-demo.wmv (18MB)
  14. Not absolutely so... You read the book of general Troshev "My war. The Chechen diary of the trench general"? So many interesting data. For example you heard about general Shamanov? The general Death as names its some. Fragments: In the end of May - the beginning of June I have seen it in battle. Nearby the Chiri-yurta we Assaulted the cement works locking an input in Argunsky gorge. About it Episode I told above. Besides that a complex of factory buildings Represented a powerful shore fortification so also the district was Difficult for our attacking subdivisions. And gangsters have well entrenched, Have become stronger and were ready to battle to forces much surpassing them. Shamanov has reported on me the decision on battle. I have approved its variant. However In order to avoid bloodshed has asked (for conscience clearing) to send The truce envoy to insurgents. "Put them the ultimatum: resistance is useless - Or delivery in a captivity, or utter annihilation ", - I have told to Vladimir Shamanov. It has made all, has followed instructions. In general, we have arrived "On-gentelmen-ski". As they say, our business - to offer. The field commander defending militants has answered the ultimatum defiantly impudently: we, say, here all will bury you, in gorge you not Will enter, - something in this sort. Shamanov already teeth has begun to grind, having listened to the gangster: - Well, the swine, you at me will wait! I still will talk to you, if is live You will remain! - also has there and then ordered: - Forward! And here has begun. One day, the second, the third... That artillery blows, That a fighting patrol, fire skirmishes. And at last - night storm. Competently and With firmness insurgents defended. Some soldiers have trembled. Shamanov on the sly Grew furious. - Calm down! - we spoke to it to it with the general V.Bulgakovym. - not Hurry up. All the same we will break. Vladimir Anatolevich has headed night attack itself. In air from iron and Lead it was already close. On air - a floor-mat. Insurgents shout: "the Allah, akbar!" And Shamanov, like 'Chapaev', - ahead... Took a factory. The whole group of insurgents have exhausted: tens corpses have found in entrenchments And ruins of buildings. We go with Шамановым after battle on positions, live we search. I look - and at Shamanov a camouflage in blood. - You that, are wounded? - Yes, a little, - answers and breathes, as a horse after gallop. - Immediately in hospital! - Wait, a companion the general, - has begged Shamans. - I while pains not I feel. Allow to the leader of a gang to look in eyes. I promised... It was necessary to agree. We eventually have found two live insurgents. At One - a grenade has broken off a bum. A terrible show. Lays on a back - Reaches. Before our eyes also has come to an end. At the second has torn off a hand. Blood already the Has almost flowed out and now only slowly flew down in a brown pool. Have peered - Vakh, The field commander who threatened to bury here us all. Pale, as Chalk. Looks scaredly. - What you, the villain, have done? - I have begun. - it is so much people (the before In total!) has ruined, the factory has torn down!. - Has enough done some fighting, a nit?! - has flared up Shamanov. Wished to add still something, and at the Chechen - tears in eyes. Has begun to cry, as The child. Have spat in hearts upon the blood-stained earth and have moved to the.
  15. все не так просто: - В РЕАЛЬНОЙ ЖИЗНИ : самолет обнаруживает цель и выдает целеуказание ракете, она летит сама к цели по заданной траектории, потом включает ГСН, при необходимости курс корректируется с самолета. - В игре иннерциальной наведение без захвата ГСН НЕ РЕАЛИЗОВАНО.
  16. Дальность пуска для радийных определяется: - дальностью ГСН SeekerRange - дальностью захвата радара Track Range - Качеством радара TrackStrength - Силой РЭП противника JammerStrength - ЭПР самолета - противника BaseRCSModifier (m^2) BaseRCSModifier=1.2 для F/A-18F, а не 0.05, как ОНИ поставили. На своих Мигах я бил простые цели р-77 с 50-60 км, сложные с 20-30 км
  17. i just checked my military E-book archive (>2GB Russsian military manuals) i found books (RUSSIAN lang.) - The textbook of the sergeant of rocket troops and artillery. For commanders of instruments, mortars and rocket artillery fighting vehicles. 1989 (djvu) - The textbook of the sergeant of tank subdivisions. The book 2. 1976 (djvu) - The textbook of the sergeant of Chemical troops. The edition 2. 1988 (djvu) - Military charters of Armed forces of the USSR. 1979 (djvu) - The textbook of the sergeant of Airborne troops. A unit 1 & 2. 1975 (djvu) - The textbook of the sergeant of engineering troops. 1976 (djvu) - The textbook of the sergeant motorised-rifle units.1978 (djvu) I can send you these books, But the translator is necessary to you. P.S. Interestingly, and your professor there are these books?
  18. Do you know wSteel Panthers Main Battle Tank (SPMBT) Game. SPMBT is a classic super-mod for the fanfavorite 1996 SSI game, Steel Panthers 2: Modern Battles strategy Game. This Game is Free, but include big Database about military forces, weapons and formations of all countries between 1946-20XX.
  19. send my 3MS.data.ini file, i will try to find solution.
  20. 3D моделинг

    он немцев эксперт, естественно у него все работает. Он ксати МИГ-29/35 двухместный сделал ему FM нужна. Помоги вопрос прокачать, у меня уже очередь на парашюты штук 20 моделей. Я по топику лазил, этот вопрос поднимался не раз люди делают как здесь написано, потом пишут "спасибо, все работает" например тут http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...scale+animation
  21. File Name: Tu-16T File Submitter: lindr2 File Submitted: 11 Feb 2009 File Category: Heavy Bombers and Multi Engined Aircraft Tu-16T Torpedo Bomber (Tu-16A mod) Original plane by Pasko, Column5 (FM and avionics) and Marcfighters (skin) Sound by: Spillone104 Features: - new engine mach table - Torpedo bomb bay - Torpedo Sight - Some ini Tweaks - Using A-6 cockpit - Radar data changed All of Tu-16 included in my weapon packs, but i changed some values (i. e. : after oct. patch inertial homing missiles can hit moving targets) Tu-16T Weapons: - SNAB-3000 Krab Heat Guided Bomb - UB-2F Chaika Radio Guided Bomb - UB-2F-2 Chaika-2 Heat Guided Bomb - UB-5F Condor Radio Guided Bomb - RAT-52 Torpedo (2 RAT-52 in bombbay) - RAMT-1400A Schuka Rocket-Torpedo - RAMT-1400B Schuka Rocket-Torpedo - 10Kh Flying Bomb - 16Kh Priboy Flying Bomb - Tu-16_Pylon (FT class) - need to use guided bombs & RAMT - Tu-16 Torpedo Sight with big zoom for easy using CGR - just aim target in crosshair during bomb/misile flight. - Tu-16 Bomb Sight - camera class, no lod Click here to download this file
  22. 3D моделинг

    я amookflow вопрос задавал, он в 2008 работал как и я. Он занят был, прислал пример, который сам не проверил, он меня он не заработал. 13.10.08
  23. 3D моделинг

    Кто знает, как сделать scale animation? задолбался уже, все делаю как советуют, в игре упорно нет scale anim (нужна для парашютов) Но У других же работает! Пришлите пример, пожалуйста в 3D max если можно + откомпилированный LOD. scenes.rar
  24. Загрузил Ту-16Т на сайт ждем-с Исправления для Су-27СМ Su_27SM.rar
  25. about takeoff Probably need to correct climb/stall speed... Also try decrease drag coeff... 4xAM-3 is powerful combination... i have most same problem at my Tu-4 pack (Tu-4, Tu-4A, Tu-4K, Tu-4R, H-4, H-4A, KJ-1, new ini for b-29 & b-29B & Washington) I get takeof whitout problem, but my wingmans takeoff, then after 5-10 sec of flight start going down... All other planes takeoff whitout problem.

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