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Everything posted by lindr2

  1. Version


    Tu-16T Torpedo Bomber (Tu-16A mod) Original plane by Pasko, Column5 (FM and avionics) and Marcfighters (skin) Sound by: Spillone104 Features: - new engine mach table - Torpedo bomb bay - Torpedo Sight - Some ini Tweaks - Using A-6 cockpit - Radar data changed All of Tu-16 included in my weapon packs, but i changed some values (i. e. : after oct. patch inertial homing missiles can hit moving targets) Tu-16T Weapons: - SNAB-3000 Krab Heat Guided Bomb - UB-2F Chaika Radio Guided Bomb - UB-2F-2 Chaika-2 Heat Guided Bomb - UB-5F Condor Radio Guided Bomb - RAT-52 Torpedo (2 RAT-52 in bombbay) - RAMT-1400A Schuka Rocket-Torpedo - RAMT-1400B Schuka Rocket-Torpedo - 10Kh Flying Bomb - 16Kh Priboy Flying Bomb - Tu-16_Pylon (FT class) - need to use guided bombs & RAMT - Tu-16 Torpedo Sight with big zoom for easy using CGR - just aim target in crosshair during bomb/misile flight. - Tu-16 Bomb Sight - camera class, no lod
  2. In real life during takeoff, the hydraulic jack sharply thrusted a forward wheel downwards, it sprung, the airplane nose get up and plane can takeoff... Do You accept my engine & guns ini entries?
  3. я авионику три дня правил, послал, а он возми и выложи... не готово же еще было.. Сегодня я ипсравленные су-35бм и су-27СМ послал по су-35Бм еще работы много. Су-30МКИ вообще не начинал
  4. http://pilot.strizhi.info/photos/v/helicopters/ обсуждение на http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=36693
  5. любой серийно выпускемый образец ПОСТОЯННО модифицируется, когда изменений накапливается много, дают индекс. не знаю о количестве Р-74, Р-74МЭ, Р-73М2, а остальные выпускались БОЛЬШИМИ партиями. ЕСть вопрос: что за зверь AWD (area weapons dispenser) ?, не знаю не одного образца в игре с ним.
  6. Dublicate post.. not good, ok let's Mi-28N full story http://pilot.strizhi.info/photos/v/helicopters/ And Ka-52 again
  7. существуют: Р-73 - 45 гр угол обзора - 1984 Р-73Э - экспортный вариант Р-73 Р-73М(или М1или РМД-1,2) - 60 гр обзора - 1987-89 Р-73МЭ - экспортный вариант Р-73М Р-73М2 (или Р-73А) - 1994-96 Р-74 (или Р-74М) - 1994-2007? 75, по некотор. дан. 120 гр обзора Р-74МЭ - - экспортный вариант Р-74 еще есть Р-73Л и Р-73ЛЭ с лазерным взрывателем. еще Р-73Р обратного старта, и Р-74ПД в разработке.
  8. Ka-52 in serial production since 26.12.2008 after this 'show' (according official gover. document at 29 oct 2008) small serie are in production now. Ansat-U also set in production since 26.12.2008.
  9. This is pictures at final testing 5 new helicopters: mi-28N, Ka-52 (2 variants), Ka-252, Ansat Mi-28N was used in Georgia at 2008, some sources said: On August, 9th two helicopters, similar to the apache attacked the Georgian tanks, in attacks on them 7 missiles of a class a stinger have been launcvhed, two missiles were blow near to one of helicopters, it has been damaged and has returned back, the second helicopter has destroyed the remained targets and has returned. Note Mi-28N is heavy armored, empty mass ~8000 KG. More Ka-52 pics (spek again full story http://pilot.strizhi.info/photos/v/helicopters/ )
  10. не совсем, я сейчас ВСЕ оружие обновляю я могу кусками выдать, но тебе придется стереть все предудущее наше пво, заменить, добавить ини в weapon data. погу послать свою папку weapons, но тогда тебе придется некоторые loadout ini править (я убрал все АА-2... AA-12 b SA-2 - 19) заменил ВСК на русское, эффективность исправил, и добавил модификации напр ~ 8 видов Р-73, и т.д.
  11. mig23研究

    MiG-23-98-1 & MiG-23-98-2& MiG-23B-98 is Prototypes MiG-23-98-1 : Moskit-23 radar, new avionics, R-77 R-27R,T, R-27E(R,T); Kh-25ML,MP, Kh-29L,T,TD Kh-31A,P KAB-500L, KR); MiG-23-98-2 : Sapfire-23 radar with upgrade, R-77 & r-73Ecapable MiG-23B-98 - BN modification modenization, with Kopio radar in pod & laser gesignator on nose No contracts known... Reklame in Catalogue, need FULL catalog? (PDF)
  12. вообще давно уже сделал и Тор и ТОР-М и Тунгуку-М и Иглы и все остальное. Вот только Тор вертик старт имеет AI нормально пускать не может, отсюда и промахи а Тунг. реально все сбивает.
  13. Ansat,MI-28,Ka-52,Ka-252,Mi-8MTB5 photo's 75 photo's some pics: ka-52 cockpit
  14. сравни http://www.onlinedisk.ru/file/81059/
  15. // Crew --------------------------------------------------------- [Pilot] SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT Position=0.0000,4.339,1.27 PilotModelName=PilotRU SeatModelName=seat_f-100 SeatPosition=0.00,4.239,0.84 MinExtentPosition=-0.25, 5.91,-0.20 MaxExtentPosition= 0.25, 6.99, 0.92 CanopyNodeName= SeatID=1 [Gargrot_N] SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT Position=0.0,-0.22,0.71 PilotModelName=MiG-29SMT\9-17_G SeatModelName= SeatPosition= CanopyNodeName= SeatID=2
  16. Erwin Hans already made Sapsan & APK-9E.
  17. all of THEM http://pilot.strizhi.info/photos/v/NPKB/
  18. OK! in this cause another pics. !!!! more models in detail -> http://pilot.strizhi.info/photos/v/NPKB/1143+7/ !!!! on a MiG-29K/KUB Factory Mig-29K carrier model Ul'yanovsk model PR1153 (Mig-23A,Su-25K) (Yak-141) Var'yag
  19. Early on http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=34693 MiG-29K (9-41 not 9-31!) training complex New old HOME for MiG-29K (9-41)
  20. Updated by Fake pilot metod - New Fuselage fairing - New outerwings (extended to 11.99m)
  21. MiG-29KI (9-41) Updating avionics for MiG-29KI
  22. конечно не получится!, надо avionics править. Вот пример: авионика для AJ-37 60.dll, для AJS-37 я перевел все в 70.dll ничего сложного было: стало
  23. File Name: Viggen Pack (JA-37, JA-37 edt33, AJ-37, AJS-37, SH-37) File Submitter: lindr2 File Submitted: 7 Feb 2009 File Updated: 8 Feb 2009 File Category: Saab Aircraft Viggen Pack (JA-37, JA-37 edt33, AJ-37, AJS-37, SH-37) Plane by SFP1 Dev A-Team Sound by Spillone104 Installation: - You MUST HAVE ORIGINAL Viggen, it can be download from Capun site: http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1 (Registation Required) - copy LOD & Skins form Viggen folder to all package folders, Do not copy anything others. - Copy weapons & sound - add ini from weapons.txt to weapondata.ini Features: - Realistic Radar ranges - Most Historycal loadout - AJS-37 & JA-37 Edt33 avionics updated to Avionics70.dll - Some Sweden weapons added - Internal Gun removed for AJ-37, AJS-37, SH-37, added gunpods - HUD converted to Metric units. Info links: http://hem.passagen.se/weasle/eng_index.html http://www.canit.se/~griffon/aviation/text/37viggen.htm AJ 37 Viggen Primarily a single-seat ground-attack fighter aircraft, with a secondary fighter role. First delivery in 1971, serial numbers 37001-37108. RM 8A powerplant. PS 37A radar. Partially decommissioned in 1998, some upgraded to AJS 37. SH 37 Viggen Single-seat maritime reconnaissance and strike aircraft, first delivery in 1975, PS-371A radar, serial numbers 37901-37927. Partially decommissioned in 1998, some upgraded to AJSH 37 JA 37 Jaktviggen Primarily a single-seat all-weather interceptor fighter, with a secondary attack role. First delivery in 1979, serial numbers 37301-37449. A 10 cm (4in.) stretch of AJ 37 fuselage between canard and main wing. PS 46A LD/SD radar. Partially decommissioned in 1998, some upgraded to JA 37D. AJS 37 Viggen Upgrade of some AJ/SF/SH 37 between 1993 and 1998. Avionics and software upgrade. Decommissioned in 2005. Weapons included some of them craeted by others models i collected, INI included Sweden weapons list RB04 - AntiShip Missile RB05 - RCG Missile RBS12 - AGM-119 RBS15 - AntiShip Missile RB24 - AIM-9B RB24J - AIM-9J/P RB27 - AIM-26B RB28 - AIM-4C/D RB71 - Skyflash RB74 - AIM-9L RB75 - AGM-65A/B RB75T - heavy version, HE warhead RB98 - IRIS-T RB99 - AIM-120B 135mm m/70 RP (6 rockets HE,AP) BK90 - Cluster bomb U22, U95 - ECM pods BOX9(KB) - CM dispenser RB04, RB05, KB, U22, U95, 135 M70 pod & rockets created by lindr2, Rb04, RB05 texture by Ravenclaw_007, other weapons just collected at one place for EASY USE, i'm so sorry i can't remebers all Autors, but almost is MF & BY weapons, i just add nationally specified data for these weapons. Click here to download this file

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