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Everything posted by lindr2

  1. @ lindr2

    'Old-style' Avionics & cockpit for MiG-31 & MiG-31B(BS) WIP
  2. Next one MiG-29K - New Fuselage fairing (based on MIG-29M but changed) with ECM & CM & FT - Wing span extended from 11.36m to 11.99m - 8 pylons - powerful RD-33K engine - no airopen on top part of wings - CM on vert tail removed - Gun ammo reducted to 100 - Iternal EO & LP ~ 60deg Gimble limit
  3. @ lindr2

    IMPORTANT! please fix my error in Mig-31M_data.ini & MiG-31BM_data.ini MUST BE: [DetectSystem] Reference Name=S-800Zaslon-M RadarType=AIR_INTERCEPT RangeUnit=KM & [DetectSystem] Reference Name=S-800Zaslon-BM RadarType=AIR_INTERCEPT RangeUnit=KM in therwise Wingman can't launch AHM's
  4. IMPORTANT! please fix my error in Mig-31M_data.ini & MiG-31BM_data.ini MUST BE: [DetectSystem] Reference Name=S-800Zaslon-M RadarType=AIR_INTERCEPT RangeUnit=KM & [DetectSystem] Reference Name=S-800Zaslon-BM RadarType=AIR_INTERCEPT RangeUnit=KM in therwise Wingman can't launch AHM's
  5. Инфу для радара где взял (Копье-21)?
  6. Получится, но сглаживание пропадет, получишь 3D чертеж - просто обводи по контуру и все! Плюс все UV карты можно импортировать и главное - легально, доказать ничего нельзя, сомневающимся предьявляешь 3D max файл (без исходника конечно), некоторые так и работают - все быстрее чем с нуля.
  7. @ lindr2

    not yet, but i want to see that.
  8. @ lindr2

    Max speed restricted by speedSL=416m/s 1500 Kmph is true value, on the altitude must be 2.83M, how get this? i don't know, ask Krizis, he said: get 2.5M on MiG-25 Maybe, but i changes engine thrust & tables to real,SLThrustDry=91000.0 SLThrustWet=165000.0 i'm working also on MiG-31, & must be SLThrustDry=91000.0 SLThrustWet=152000.0 for(MIG-31,B,BS) Easy to fix [Rudder1] MaxControlSpeed=128 //(m/s) set 200-300, need to know exact value.. no problem, i think
  9. 3M bombers dont't have big visual changes, except M-4 (no refueling boom & wings changes) , main difference is engines, i think you can upload all of them, by changing ini only + some 3D work for M-4. M-4: http://www.airwar.ru/enc/bomber/m4.html 3M: http://www.airwar.ru/enc/bomber/3m.html 3MN 3MS 3M with additional FT guns: cockpit:
  10. Мне дали Су-30МКИ и предложили принять учасите в создании 3М и Ту-22У. Начал юзать Су-37.
  11. Ok! 3M History M-4 - Strategic Bomber Engines: 4 x AM-3A RBP-4 Radar, ECM SPS-2, Bombs Only max loadout 24000 Kg, 9 x HR-23 Gun (Early) or 6 x AM-23 Gun (Late), empty W - 79700Kg, Max speed 947kmph, Ceiling 11000m, Range - 8000 km, max G - 2.0, 8 crew, in production 1954-56 - 32 planes No refueling. M-4-2 Tanker ~1970 converted M-4's 3M (M-6) - Strategic Bomber Engines: 4 x VD-7, RBP-4 Radar, ECM SPS-2, Bombs Only, max loadout 18000 Kg, 6 x AM-23 Gun, empty W - 75740Kg, Max speed 925kmph, Ceiling 12500m, Range - 11800 km, max G - 2.5, 8 crew, in production 1956 - 7 planes N0104, 0105, 0201-0205 3MN (M-6N) - Strategic Bomber Engines: 4 x VD-7B, RBP-4 Radar, ECM SPS-2, Bombs Only, max loadout 18000 Kg, 6 x AM-23 Gun, empty W - 75740Kg, Max speed 925kmph, Ceiling 12500m, Range - 11800 km, max G - 2.5, 8 crew, in production 1957 - 30 planes N0301-0805 3MS (M-6S) - Strategic Bomber Engines: 4 x RD-3M-500A, RBP-4 Radar, ECM SPS-2, Bombs Only, max loadout 18000 Kg, 6 x AM-23 Gun, empty W - 75740Kg, Max speed 925kmph, Ceiling 12500m, Range - 9400km, max G - 2.5, 8 crew, in production 1958 - 41 planes N0901-1701 3MD (M-6K)- Strategic Bomber Engines: 4 x VD-7B, R-1KV Rubin-1 Radar, ECM SPS-2, Bombs Only, max loadout 18000 Kg, 6 x AM-23 Gun, empty W - 75740Kg, Max speed 925kmph, Ceiling 12500m, Range - 11800 km, max G - 2.5, 8 crew, in production 1959-60 -9 planes N1702-1805 M-6K-14 - Missile carrier Prototype (2 x K-14) 2 planes, cancelled 1958. 3M-5 - Missile carrier Prototype (2 x KSR-5 (K-26) ) 1 plane (N 0305), cancelled 1973-75. 3MS-2, 3MN-2 - Tankers ~ 197x. converted 3MN, 3MS. 3MR - recon plane 1964, converted 3M.
  12. Su-35BM Cockpit manual
  13. This is SMT - small modernisation for 9-12, Fuselage fairing imposed from above for real plane fuel tanks & ECM placed in Fuselage fairing (for all planes 9-13 or above), 9-15,9-31,9-41,Mig-35-1 have CM in tail (same numbers). Airbrakes for 9-15,9-17,9-31,9-41, Mig-35 was changed. Mig-29BM has unfolded fuel boom, other refueling capable planes folded, 9-15, MiG-35, have another wings profile. 9-31,9-41 have more big wings span.
  14. @ lindr2

    Need ECM pods & pilons for 6 R-37 missiles http://www.airwar.ru/enc/fighter/mig31m.html http://foxbat.ru/
  15. Some new: MiG-29BM (9-13BM) MiG-29SMT (9-17)
  16. MiG-29 (9-13) MiG-29M (9-15) updated fuselage fairing sitll WIP airbrakes part ned to be corrected.
  17. Hmmm.. Russian sources said: 12 pylons for indian variant, but only 10 for guided weapons & AHM capable after some update (~1998).
  18. У меня есть Су-37 от Эрвина (бета) I have Su-37 beta from Erwin Hans.
  19. It's will be great! How about avionics & data? I translated all caption to english & converted all to emperial units, like in real life. (We made Radar & some avionics for India.)
  20. Someting like That... (use small updated Su-27UB skin)
  21. You skin is great!, but its Air show skin, combat skin is
  22. On work list: 9-12 (ini update), 9-13, 9-15(almost what if), MiG-29K [9-31(What if), 9-41], MiG-29N (MiG-29SD/SE), Mig-29S (9-13S), MiG-35-1 & Mig-35-1I (re-worked OVT) MiG-29BM, MiG-29SMT
  23. How about Su-30K skin "IAF Hawks"? Can You create skin? Or maybe, you know who can do it? Su-30K may be great addon.
  24. THank you for reply! P.S. R-37 has NATO-name AA-13 Arrow.
  25. Kalinin K-7, 11 test flights, (5.5 hrs time summary) crashed in 1933 15 crews died, 5 survived. http://airwar.ru/enc/bww1/k7.html Inside this airplane there was a RAILWAY that the gunners could move quickly. Plane had 360 deg turret defence, Each point was fired by three or more gunners. 12 turret with 8x20mm + 8x7.62mm Guns summary. Wing area 254 m.sq, span 53m, length - 28m, empty 21000 Kg. 16000kg loadout. max speed 234kmph, cruise 204 kmph, range 1000 km, ceiling 5000m 7 x AM-34 engines at 750 HP.

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