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Everything posted by lindr2

  1. Part3 contains: 1) new weapons 2) some Updated weapons from part 1 & 2 3) new lod & ini for S-25O&OF & Mp-1000 Martin Pescador from bunyap weapon pack. This is still beta, maybe i add new RBK-500 lod for bunyap weapon pack, they use one model for 3-4? very different RBK family bombs (lenght from 1.4 to 2.5 metres etc), and add new RBK-500PMK GPS/GlONAS Guided Bomb (new weapon in service since 2007 export since 2008-2009) http://www.army.lv/files/53.exe Russian Arms Complite Export Catalog 2002 MUST SEE (on Russian/English languages) 54MB-PDF
  2. UPDATE: New weapon KAB-1500LG, RAT-52,Yu-2, KAB-1500S, KAB-1500 updated, For make intallation easy, i created 4 separated numered INI: all weapons, New weapons, part 1 & 2 updated weapons, Bunyap updated weapons (s-25) To install: 1) Open weapondata.ini -> Open Bunyap updated weapons.ini -> change all weapons data by new. 2) If You have my weaponpack parts 1&2 -> open weapondata.ini -> open part 1 & 2 updated weapons.ini -> change all weapons data by new. If you not have weaponpack parts 1&2 -> Open weaponeditor-> open weapondata.ini -> merge with part 1 & 2 updated weapons.ini 3) Open weaponeditor-> open weapondata.ini -> merge with New weapons.ini ALWAYS USE NEW DATA!!! http://rapidshare.com/files/154651043/Release_3.rar.html Weapons list: Soviet Union / Russia: 3M-14AE Club Cruise Missile 3M-54AE Club Anti-Ship Cruise Missile 3M-54AE1 Club Anti-Ship Cruise Missile 10Kh - V1 based Land Attack Missile 16Kh Priboy V1 based Land Attack Missile 2-engined Kh-59 Ovod (Updated) booster added (with remove animation) Kh-59M Ovod (Updated) booster added (with remove animation) Kh-59M2 Ovod - new TV seeker & fins Kh-59M Ovod (Cluster Warhead) (Updated) booster added (with remove animation) Kh-59MK Ovod (ASM) (Updated) some LOD fix's Kh-59MK2 Ovod (Land Attack) new version of MK UB-2F Chaika Radio Guided Bomb - FritzX based RC Bomb UB-2F-2 Chaika-2 Heat Guided Bomb - Heat Guided Bomb UB-5F Condor Radio Guided Bomb - FritzX based RC Bomb KAB-250L Laser Guided Bomb KAB-250S GPS Guided Bomb KAB-1500LG Laser Guided Bomb - new Gyro stabilized seeker KAB-1500TK TV Command Guided Bomb (Updated) - added release animation KAB-1500S GPS Guided Bomb - added release animation R-77M Adder R-77P Adder (ARM) R-77T Adder R-77M-PD Adder R-77P-PD (ARM) R-77T-PD Adder R-77-ZRK Adder (SAM) RAT-52 Torpedo (Updated) - added release animation RAMT-1400A Schuka - RAT-52 'Big Sister' RC version RAMT-1400B Schuka - RAT-52 'Big Sister' Active Radar version RN-40 30KT Nuclear Bomb RN-202 Ivan 58MT Nuclear Bomb Kh-555 Granat - Kh-55SM with HE warhead S-8OFP1 82mm Rocket (Penetrator) UB-8M1 Rocket Pod (Penetrator) S-8OFP2 82mm Rocket (HE) UB-8M1 Rocket Pod (HE) S-8OKOR1 82mm Rocket (Laser Guided) UB-8M1 Rocket Pod (LGR) - Note: ATR class weapon! S-13KOR 132mm Rocket (Laser Guided) S-13KOR-T 132mm Rocket AT (Laser Guided) S-13KOR-OD 132mm Rocket FAE (Laser Guided) S-13 LGR Launch Pod - Note: ATR class weapon! S-24BME IR Guided Missile S-25-O 340mm Rocket (Frag) - Note: Use NEW DATA! S-25-OF 340mm Rocket (Frag/HE) - Note: Use NEW DATA! S-25-OFM 340mm Rocket (Frag/HE) S-25-IRS 340mm Rocket (IRS Guided) S-25L 340mm Rocket (Laser Guided) S-25LD 340mm Rocket (Laser Guided) S-25-TV 340mm Rocket (TV Guided) S-25-OF 340mm Rocket Launcher (HE/Frag) Note: Use NEW DATA! S-25-O 340mm Rocket Launcher (Frag) Note: Use NEW DATA! S-25-OFM 340mm Rocket Launcher (HE/Frag) S-25 LGR Launch Pod - Note: GP class weapon S-25TV_POD - Note: GP class weapon Tu-16 Pylon - Note: GP class weapon China: Yu-2 Torpedo (Updated) - added release animation Iran: AGM-379/20 Zoobin AIM-23 Sejil - AA version of RIM-23 Farj-e-Darya (Heat) - TV version of Italian Marte Mk.2 Farj-e-Darya (HE) - TV version of Italian Marte Mk.2 GBU-67/9A - US GBU-8 based GBU-78A - US GBU-15 based Kosar Anti Ship Missile - C701 based Kosar 3 Anti Ship Missile - C703? based IRAN Kh-55 - Ukranian Kh-55 with HE warhead Nasr Anti Ship Missile - C706? based Retard-750 Laser Guided Bomb Retard-1000 Laser Guided Bomb Retard-2000 Laser Guided Bomb Sattar-1 Laser Guided Missile - AIM-54 Based Sattar-2 Laser Guided Missile - AIM-54 Based Sattar-3 Laser Guided Missile - AIM-54 Based Sattar-4 Laser Guided Missile - AIM-54 Based TIS-33 Laser Designator - Chinese origin? Toophan 2 Anti-Tank Missile - Updated Tow Yasser Laser Guided Missile - RIM-23 body + M117 Warhead IRAN TOW Launch Pod Argentina: AS-25K-RC Guided Missile AS-25K-IR Guided Missile AS-25K-TV Guided Missile AS-25K-LS Guided Missile MP-1000 Guided Missile France: AS-15TT Anti-ship Missile Italy: Marte Mk.2A Anti-ship Missile Marte Mk.2B Anti-ship Missile US: ASM-2 Bat Glide Bomb Mk4 1KT Nuclear Bomb Mk4 3.5KT Nuclear Bomb Mk4 8KT Nuclear Bomb Mk4 14KT Nuclear Bomb Mk4 21KT Nuclear Bomb Mk4 22KT Nuclear Bomb Mk4 31KT Nuclear Bomb Mk5 6KT Nuclear Bomb Mk5 16KT Nuclear Bomb Mk5 55KT Nuclear Bomb Mk5 60KT Nuclear Bomb Mk5 100KT Nuclear Bomb Mk5 120KT Nuclear Bomb Mk6 8KT Nuclear Bomb Mk6 26KT Nuclear Bomb Mk6 80KT Nuclear Bomb Mk6 154KT Nuclear Bomb Mk6 160KT Nuclear Bomb Mk7 8KT Nuclear Bomb Mk7 19KT Nuclear Bomb Mk7 22KT Nuclear Bomb Mk7 30KT Nuclear Bomb Mk7 31KT Nuclear Bomb Mk7 61KT Nuclear Bomb Mk8 25KT Nuclear Bomb Mk8 30KT Nuclear Bomb Mk11 25KT Nuclear Bomb Mk11 30KT Nuclear Bomb Mk12 12KT Nuclear Bomb Mk12 14KT Nuclear Bomb Mk14 5MT Nuclear Bomb Mk14 7MT Nuclear Bomb Mk15 1.6MT Nuclear Bomb Mk15 3.9MT Nuclear Bomb Mk17 10MT Nuclear Bomb Mk17 15MT Nuclear Bomb Mk18 500KT Nuclear Bomb Mk28 70KT Nuclear Bomb Mk28 1.1MT Nuclear Bomb Mk36 9MT Nuclear Bomb Mk36 10MT Nuclear Bomb Mk39 3MT Nuclear Bomb Mk39 4MT Nuclear Bomb Mk41 25MT Nuclear Bomb Mk53 9MT Nuclear Bomb BGM-71D Tow-2A Anti-Tank Missile BGM-71F Tow-2B Anti-Tank Missile
  3. MAN! you lost half of my weapons on your ini! You must be carefull! New release candidate will coming soon (with numered ini)! You list can't be used, because some weapons like s-25c already has on weaponlist, merge function not update they... and my s-25 not work with old data...
  4. New weapon: Kh-59MK2 - MK based land attack missile Updates: Kh-59MK LOD fixed, booster removed from INI, Kh-59, Kh-59M - added in-fly removable booster. Weapon pack 3 almost ready to release on CA, only ONE problem remaining Scale animation for Nukes drag chutes not work yet... I will post my 3d max files on usaf nuclear bombs topic. Please help! http://rapidshare.com/files/153988399/New_Kh-59.rar.html
  5. UPDATE: NEW WEAPON Kh-59M2, Bonus: new Marte Mk.2 & Fajr-e-Darya (iranian TV version Marte) Models with booster. http://rapidshare.com/files/154337578/New_Kh-59.rar.html
  6. I started new project... This is 1st part of ... max files included, it's free for repaint / ьщввштп. http://rapidshare.com/files/150032539/Nuc_Weapons.rar.html
  7. PLEASE HELP!!! Parachutes animation not work, for Big nukes... I use scale animation for this, send PM to AmokFloo, he said ''assign Besier scale to controller" i maked this, but no result... i take my ODAB-500PM for expiriments, changed some variants - no result.. http://rapidshare.com/files/154000682/N-3D_max.rar.html
  8. I will include this list to my weapon pack part 3, OK? work almnost complite, one problem unsolved - parachute for big Nukes....
  9. You loadout is wrong: MiG-31BM can't use any R-40R missiles. MiG-31 loadout is only R-33 & R-40TD (R-40TD-1) & R-60 family. You MiG-31BM can use P-77 family MiG-31 only possible A-A loadouts: 1) 4 R-33 on fuselage and 4 R-60(M) on wings 2) 3 R-40TD(TD-1) + R-40 pod on fuselage and 4 R-60(M) on wings Mig-31BM only possible A-A loadouts: 1) 4 R-33 or R-37 on fuselage and 4 R-77(M,P,T,T-PD,M-PD,P-PD) on wings 2) 4 R-33 or R-37 on fuselage and 2 R-33 or R-37 + 2 R-77(M,P,T,T-PD,M-PD,P-PD) on wings 3) 4 R-33 or R-37 on fuselage and 2 R-40TD-1 + 2 R-77(M,P,T,T-PD,M-PD,P-PD) on wings
  10. This stuff aslo maked by someone! I have this on my weapondata.ini. I do not remember where i took it... [WeaponData2068] TypeName=ASMP FullName=Nuke ASMP Missile ModelName=ASMP Mass=840.000000 Diameter=0.350000 Length=538.000000 AttachmentType=FRANCE NationName=FRANCE StartYear=1984 EndYear=1990 Availability=3 BaseQuantity=4 Exported=FALSE ExportStartYear=0 ExportEndYear=0 ExportAvailability=0 WeaponDataType=1 RailLaunched=FALSE RocketPod=FALSE Retarded=FALSE Streamlined=FALSE FinStabilized=TRUE SpinStabilized=FALSE HasGrowl=FALSE EffectClassName=NukeExplosionEffect ReleaseDelay=1.000000 WarheadType=15 Explosives=1500000026624.000000 FusingDistance=5.000000 ClusterBomblets=0 ClusterDispersion=0.000000 GuidanceType=7 Accuracy=80 MaxTurnRate=15.000000 MaxLaunchG=2.500000 LockonChance=99 LaunchReliability=85 ArmingTime=5.200000 SeekerFOV=25.000000 SeekerGimbleLimit=60.000000 SeekerTrackRate=30.000000 SeekerRange=120000.000000 MinLaunchRange=2000.000000 MaxLaunchRange=100000.000000 Duration=900.000000 CounterCountermeasure=0.000000 NoiseRejection=0.000000 CapabilityFlags=0x10000005 BoosterStart=0.500000 BoosterDuration=2.000000 BoosterAccel=80.000000 BoosterEffectName=MissileFireEffect BoosterSoundName=Missile BoosterNodeName=Booster BoosterPosition=0.000000,-2.600000,0.000000 SustainerDuration=25.000000 SustainerAccel=25.000000 SustainerEffectName=MissileFireEffect SustainerSoundName=Missile SustainerPosition=0.000000,-2.297000,0.000000 InFlightEffectName=MissileInFlightEffect InFlightSoundName= ReleaseAnimationID=-1 EODisplayFlags=0
  11. UPDATE: NEW weapons: - R-77M - R-77 with folded rear fins; - R-77T - R-77M with R-73M seeker; - R-77-ZRK - SAM based on R-77M, used on nevest SA-6 modificaton, new ini for this included, without SA-6L LOD, copy this from SA-6L folder. - S-24BME - IR guided modification of S-24. - S-8OFP1, S-8OFP2 - new unguided modifications of S-8 family & rocket pods for this, no new LOD, only ini - S-8KOR1 - Laser guded variant of S-8 (INI only) - ATR rack for S-8KOR1, used s-8 RP it's true, (Note: LGR can't used with RP directly, due of game engine restrictions). HELP! i created mission (r-77_sam.msn) for new SA-6L, placed it around StraightFlush radar, but they can't fire at my, what's wrong? http://rapidshare.com/files/152724219/R-77-PD.rar.html P.S. new TV screen color tested , final result must be or
  12. THIS NOT A JOKE! R-77 has folded/unfolded rear fins for using this missile in internal weapons bay of new russian planes (PAK-FA etc... )
  13. 3M-54AE, 3M-54AE1 - ASM Missiles, 3M-14AE - Land attack missile http://rapidshare.com/files/152115097/Club.rar.html
  14. Small historycal renference: A bomb was such large, that not placed in bombay, an airplane flew with half-open leaves. After an upcast an airplane had to be copied off, in spite of the special paint, edging at the bottom of airplane could push through a finger... P.S. i working on 3M54AE Club right now i planned make 2 versions of 3M54AE (ASM & Land attack) & 3M14AE
  15. UPDATE: i maked RN-202 ivan 58MT bomb... http://rapidshare.com/files/151822932/Nuc_Weapons.rar.html
  16. UPDATE: Mk6, Mk7, Mk8 LOD's Fixed, New weapon: Mk 41 25MT Bomb, RN-40 - Russian 30KT tactical Nuclear Bomb Used on MiG-23M, MiG-27 Family, MiG-29 (9-12 only) on LEFT WING INBOARD PYLON & on Su-7/17 family on LEFT FUSELAGE PYLON. For easy using nuce weapons included some ini: for B-36H, for MiG-29A (MiG-29 "9-12") , For Su-7BM (data.ini update, providing use ECM POD's & nuc weapons), new ini for MiG-27 Family & Su-17 family not needed, you can download my miG-27/Su-17 pack, they also have needed entry. But be careful: weapons ini on this pack has old entry for ODAB-500PM (have in my weapon pack) and maybe for some others weapons, also read knowledge base about Fitter fixes by wrench (wings min/max points). Bonus: KAB-250L laser guided & KAB-250S GPS guided & Kh-555 - non nuce version of Kh-55SM. P.S. How about my US Tow-2 included in Iran weapons pack as bonus? i want to hear yours POV about loft function in Tow-2B... P.P.S. I have some problems with my computer: V-card cooler was broken & my GF-6600GT working sometimes at 120-127'C, i changed cooler but, look's like shi's damaged. I passed through many troubles for take theses Screenshots... http://rapidshare.com/files/151473502/Nuc_Weapons.rar.html
  17. UPDATE: mk5 LOD & ini fixed (note: now one lod for all mk5), new 3dmax files included in pack http://rapidshare.com/files/150657811/Nuc_Weapons.rar.html P.s thanks Spillone104 to tech help & links & pictures!
  18. UPDATE: Mk4, Mk7, Mk28, Mk36, Mk39, Mk53 LOD bugs fixed, Mk5 still need work... http://rapidshare.com/files/150639338/Nuc_Weapons.rar.html
  19. UPDATE: NEW weapons Mk4, Mk15, Mk36 ,Mk39, Mk53; some bugs fixed... http://rapidshare.com/files/150587697/Nuc_Weapons.rar.html
  20. Thank You for support! Really? I fixed Mk7 size, it was wrong... Do you have Mk5 left side view photo/draft ? I used this http://www.strategic-air-command.com/weapo..._bomb_chart.htm for reference. Maybe You can help my & find anothers errors and missing photo / draft ? P.S i maked some new models (mk4 mk15 mk36 mk39 mk53 ), i will post it today in 2-3 hours...
  21. UPDATE: MK6, MK7 models, Mk8 iNI fixed , added Mk11, Mk12, Mk28, Mk14, Mk17, others bombs still in WIP... http://rapidshare.com/files/150319112/Nuc_Weapons.rar.html
  22. No way! Bad english is my problem, but f.. machine translator always harms me, instead to offer a help...
  23. UPDATE TIS-33 Laser pod, looks like it's final item in my Iranian weapon pack, i started new project "USAF nuclear bombs" first part will be posted today... http://rapidshare.com/files/150027236/iran_weapons.rar.html
  24. UPDATE: Sattar-3 model fixed, Sattar-4 LGR (IRAN), and 2 AT missiles Toophan-2 (Iraninian Tow modernization) AND LONG AWAITED TOW-2! A & B (i add to B loft function ONLY for new patch), i use M65 model (falklands pack?) for rail both model has release animation.. http://rapidshare.com/files/149775778/iran_weapons.rar.html

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