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Everything posted by lindr2

  1. MiG-29E (9-21) http://www.airwar.ru/enc/xplane/mig29e.html Machine translation from russian: Within the framework of research work on creation of computer-integrated complex of MIG-29 on the basis of the digital computing engineering and multiplexed ductings of informative exchange in the middle 80-x MMZ the name of A.I.Mikoyana did prepare an airplane - flying laboratory of MIG-29 N 211 (9-21, N11), known also as MIG-29E. Flying around of the finished off machine was executed on August, 1, 1986 On it tested elements of side digital complex BCK-29. By the end of December, 1988 MIG-29 N211 accomplished more than 50 test flights. Were drawn on the results of these researches for development of basic principles of structural and apparature construction of BREO (OnBoardRadioEquipement), his subsystems and information-control systems of cockpit MIG-29 the modernized variants and projects of airplanes of next generation. MiG-29KVP http://www.airwar.ru/enc/xplane/mig29kvp.html Machine translation from russian: MIG-29KVP (MIG-29 9-18) is an experimental airplane for working off trampline flight and aero-finisher landing on a surface complex "Nitka" in behalf of creation MIG-29K. Maked a summer 1982 from MIG-29 (9-12) N-7. 21 August 1982 Test-pilot A.G. Fastovec executed on it the first flight from the surface springboard of T-1. MiG-29E (9-16) In 1986 one MIG-29 9-13 plane of was remaked in a variant 9-16, (or MIG-29E (1) ) for testing Thrust Vectoring engines, a test pilot was Magomed Talboev.
  2. Question in relation to the Chinese AA missiles in weapons pack. PL-7,PL-8,PL-11 are R-550, pyton-3 & Aspide the analogues, but here have very bad CM/noise rejection descriptions, what is such supposition based on?
  3. I read this monts ago, in http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=24967 last post is My. I make "home use" patch for weapons pack in soviet weapons part (fix some bugs, add new missiles etc.) Some questions was difficult, i e R-23T was maked in All Aspect variant, but after start in service, results exposed a firing test, that at a frontal attack a detonator malfunctions was very often. But I don't have needed information about chinese AAM, if to follow soviet practice, efficiency of the Chinese analogues of western AAM must be on 15-25 % below, USSR acted thus at the export of weapon in non-WP countries. If you want, i can send my weapon.ini variant to discussion.
  4. No, i interesting about Pakistanian Mirage ROSE Program, in some old sources it has Mirage III-5 name
  5. STOP!

    IL-38SD "Sea Dragon"
  6. Question about weapon data (EOGR). Missile data has options Traking Data Display, Gimble angle display (Crosshair, Four Corners etc.). Can I changes this graphics primitives, or add new ? Where's placed they ? Some monts ago, after manipulation with weapons data in WOV crosshair pointing cross and double lines no longer represented. I just copy weapon folder in WOI, load INI to New Weapons Editor, merged with original data , save it -> All OK! In WOI All crosshairs showing, in WOV - No.
  7. I never work with Tu-95, maybe it will happen later ? Russian language internet has some pics. Some Tu-95 Photo http://www.army.lv/?s=503&id=158&v=3#info Tu-95K-22 GOOD photos http://clubtm.fastbb.ru/?1-1-90-00000068-000-0-0-1191987741 I thinks these photos you saw already, but... http://legion.wplus.net/guide/air/b/tu95.shtml
  8. Ha! Ha! Ha! I remembered a REAL funny case during the tests of new Russian ASM. Programmers made a mistake - in place of coordinates of ship passed in a ASM the coordinates of our plane which started it, thank heavens, it was lucky us it fallen to pieces to pieces from an extra G during a turn... P.S. Not a Joke...
  9. MiG-23 in Afganistan markings and serial numbers SORRY!!! i forget about BIG GOOD Camuflage site over http://wp.scn.ru/ 500 new shemes on mouth. http://wp.scn.ru/ru/ww3/f/37/1 - MiG-23 markings and serial numbers in example: this plane shootdown 2 Iranian CH-47 (21 July 1978). Vladimir Astahov MiG-23MLD plane, taked part on Iranian Choppers intercept 26.09.1988
  10. 27 GIAP, 145 GIAP, 927 GIAP etc/ I think YES, to more squadrons was in rotation, my list was more old on a relation you link date... Serial numbers? It's big problem ...sorry i don't know needed men You may read this magazine http://rapidshare.com/files/95848742/AiV_1997-03.rar (p-26-33 Mig-23 in afganistan) Add link http://www.airwar.ru/enc/fighter/mig23mld.html (Afganistan WAR MiGs pictrures on down part) Some 120 IAP pics, most unofficial
  11. Full list squadrons, who flight in Afganistan War: 120 IAP MiG-23MLD Bagram 190 IAP MiG-23MLD Bagram 655 IAP MiG-23MLD 168 IAP MiG-23MLD, ML 85 IAP MiG-23MLD, ML Bagram 115 Gua IAP MiG-21bis Bagram и Kokaity (USSR) 200 OshAE Su-25 Shindand (1980-1984 ) 378 ShAP Su-25 Kandagar (since 1984 году based on 200 OshAE) Im rotation: 187-го ShAP, 80-го ShAP, 90-го ShAP 136 IBAP Su-17M4 M3 Kabul, Bagram, Kandagar 217 IBAP Su-17M4 M3 Shindand 156 IBAP Su-17M4 M3 Mary-2 (USSR) 274 IBAP 50 OSAP pp 97978 (An-12, Mi-8, Mi-6) Kabul 149 Gua BAP Su-24 (Alma-Ata) 143 BAP Su-24 (Kutaisi-1) 735 BAP Su-24 87 ORAP Su-24R Recon 200 Gua TBAP Tu-16 1984 Bobruysk 1225 TBAP Tu-22M2 Mary-2 251 Gua TBAP Tu-16 (1988-1989 ) Mary-1 Mary-2: 185 Gua TBAP Tu-22M3 1225 TBAP Tu-22M2 402 TBAP Tu-22M3 341 TBAP Tu-22M3 840 TBAP Tu-22M3 52 TBAP Tu-22M3 Helicopters : 181 OVP Kunduz 280 OVP Kandagar 289 OVP Kandagar 290 OVP Bagram 335 OVP Bagram 338 OVP Kunduz 339 OVP Bagram 361 OVP (Mi-24, Mi-8MT) Circik In rotation: 101 OVP 292 OVP 399 OVP 486 OVP 319 OVP Spetsnaz Heli 205 OVE Mi-8MT Mi-24V Jelalabad 208 OVE Mi-24, Mi-8MT Jelalabad 239 OVE Mi-8MT, Mi-24V Lashkargah ("спецназовская эскадрилья") 254 OVE 262 OVE 19888 Bagram 292 OVE Jelalabad 296 OVE (из 3 ОА) 302 OVE 65235 Shindand 320 OVE 263 OVE RadioRecon 92199 339 OSAVE I think Afganistan airwar cant possible without Su-25 and Su-24 Su-24 work too hard from 1984-1989 without any losses only 1 plane was light damaged in unaccurate takeoff, and 1 plane lost during night landing with side wind at 15 m/s - w/officer died. Su-24 first use in combat KAB-1500L, and KAB-500L Su-25 was CAS plane in Afganistan only at first 15 months of war 200-OShAE (attack squadron N200) make >2000 CAS flights. Since 1985 Su-25 has average time in action 250-300 hours at pilot (su-17 - ~ 120 hours). Rutskoy-469 missions. Some planes has ~ 950 missions on plane (with differents pilots ). 12 Su-25 pilots died. Su-25 carried 256 flare/chaff (since 1984). During war Su-25 lanched 139 Kh-25 & Kh-29L missiles.
  12. New cockpit will has MFD and finger sensor panel...
  13. Good idea! And how about Mirage 5А, Mirage 50 and Mirage III-5 ?
  14. I have some private pictures of new russian plane but i don't move it to home or post it whitout security permission, i sure at 100% they say NO. I can give information to you only from open sources http://www.airwar.ru/other/draw/tu22m3.zip http://rapidshare.de/files/39688659/tu-22m3.rar.html
  15. YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND: i'm Russian aviation engineer, and work on REAL Tu-22M3 (new modification whthout index), i's my work, SFP is hobby.
  16. I work on new modification real Tu-22M3, not for computer model, but I can't say you any details, it's a secret, i can one thing - work run very good.
  17. I find 100% checked information about Pakistanian F-16 who "Shootdown" 2 MiG-23MLD It was 12 sep 1988 pakistanian pilot Halid Mahmud attack at East from Asadabad MiG-23MLD 120 IAP, pilot Sergey Privalov, soviet planes take little damage from aim-9 and succsesfuly landed on Bagram airbase. Halid Mahmud get 1 confirmed and 1 probabbly Kill.
  18. American press is FREE ? Sorry i will never believe in it, USA is finance & military monster, i respect American nation, but I hate the American politics, history did not know greater hypocrisy. In 1982 was cold war US use any way to compromate USSR, during war any things is GOOD. US "Free" press to many times write horrible lies about my country, about things which I saw by the eyes, I CAN'T TRUST THEM AFTER THAT.
  19. Above 80% ISRAELI COMBAT REPORTS IS PROPAGANDA, IS NORMAL IN THE WAR. Israel is little brave country, surrounded by enemy, keeping high morale in the war, more important what true. In accordance OFFICIAL SOVIET MILITARY OBSERVERS REPORTS only confirmed Israeli air combat losses in 1982-1985 was 6-12 june 1982 - 42 planes (>5 F-15A, >6 F-16A ) syrian AF lost 54 planes - 4 MIG-23MS, 6 MiG-23MF, 26 MiG-21Bis, 7 Su-22, 11 Mig-21MF, most planes killed by F-15A and F-4E, in example all 4 MIG-23MS killed by F-4E with lost 2 F-4E. But most Syrian planes was export modifications planes, with the worsened characteristics. In october 1983 new MiG-23ML with R-24 shootdown 3 F-15A and 1 F-4E with no losses. RUSSIA IS MY COUNTRY, I work for MoD and create new radars for Russian planes, and I MUST trust official records, be cause I'M NOT betrayer. SORRY but i have full text of USSR AF losses in Afganistan, Only 2 MiG-23 was lost in ALL WAR 27.12.85 MiG-23ML 655 IAP v. Jabal us-Sarag AAA, pilot killed 21.06.85 MiG-23ML 905 IAP s. Kandagar Stinger, pilot killed But first meeting F-16 and soviet planes was in 1986.
  20. Good speach, good example of American PROPAGANDA, but facts talk about reverse: - "the slow response rate of its engine to throttle inputs" - is TRUE for SM,MF and others, Bis modification fix this problem, MiG-21Bis can accelerate form 550 kmph to 1100 kmph at 18 sec, Max vertical speed is 225 m/s; - "and it's limited internal fuel capacity" F-16 has 3100 Lt fuel, mig-21Bis - 2900 Lt - "propensity for adverse yaw at high roll rates" - NOT FULLY TRUE, MiG-21 has turning stabilisator In 1996 romanian AF make MiG-21 Lancer, based on MF modification, more bad what BIS, they ahange only radar and navigation, in 1999-2001 Romanian pilot win championship godfights vs F-16C two times. In 1982 war Syrian MiG-21bis and MiG-23MF Shootdown 6 F-16A, F-16A shootdown 7 Su-22, 1 MiG-23MF, 1 Mi-8, 4 Gaselle In Afganistan war Pakistanian F-16 shootdown Su-25, MiG-23MLD from escort kill him. NOW WHO WAS SITTING DUCK? P. S. My Favorite american plane is F-15C - very good enemy, only Su-27 and MiG-29 can fight with him. P.P.S. But i dont like MiG-29 series, famous russian aviation scecialists say: ... too small plane for big deal.
  21. Simple question: in WOV single mission creator has no intercept, no CAP, no Anty-ship mission. Can I tweak this or not?
  22. MiG-21bis has good chance to kill F-16C BlC50 in close dogfight be cause: MiG-21Bis normal fly mass is 8726KG * 9.8 - 85514 N (Empty mass 5460 KG), engine trust is 1 х 69600 N dry,1 х 97100 N wet -> 69600 N / 85514 N -> 0.81 normal MAX 97100 N / 85514 N -> 1.13 on forcing engine. F-16C Bck50 normal fly mass is 12003 KG * 9.8 - 117629 N (Empty mass 8273 KG), engine trust is 1 х 79200 N dry, 1 х 129400 N wet -> 79200 N / 117629 N -> 0.67! normal MAX 129400 N / 117629 N-> 1.10 on forcing engine. P.S. You can also check another planes...
  23. Not Su-27 ! Real Su-27 cockpit But You right partially, some avionics from MiG-29 were used on Su-27, and otherwrise in work of mig-29BM were used some Su-27CK elements ..
  24. "...Will you say that is modernized Su-27SM, MIG-29SMT? Indeed, first Su-27SM appeared in 2007. Their amount is calculated a few ten, seems, 24 are two squadrons.." http://www.militaryparitet.com/html/data/ic_news/162/ 15.10.2007 ..."Notably, that while AF of Russia while so yet and got not a single MIG-29SMT, Byelorussian VVS already the pair of years is exploited by modernized MIG-29BM" .. Vzl'ot national aviation magazine - Oct 2005 http://www.take-off.ru/asp/main10_2005

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