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Everything posted by lindr2

  1. Version


    I'm so sorry... Bugs fixed: HUD added for MiG-27ML (in imperial units ), KLEN-PS in MiG-27M, ML renamed to KLEN-PM (PS for Su planes, PM for MiG's), Tracker Gimble limit corrected from 6 to 30. New weapons: Soviet Air Explosive Bombs. ODAB-500PM - unguided based on FAB-500. KAB-500-OD TV Guided Bomb based on nice KAB-500-Kr
  2. File Name: Su-17 Pack Part 1 File Submitter: lindr2 File Submitted: 9 May 2008 File Category: Soviet Aircraft and Variants Su-17 Pack Part1 Soviet only planes (no export) Su-17 First Version AL-7F Engine, 4 wing pylons, 2 fuselage pylons ungiuded weapons Su-17M AL-21 Engine, CGR Added , 2 backside fuselage pylons added, external ECM pod SPS-141 Su-17M2 ARM Missiles (Kh-28 Only with "Metel'" Pod), centerline pylon added (ONLY FOR Kh-28), LGR Missiles (with external laser designator "Projector") Su-17M3 Version with internal laser designator KLEN-PS (KLEN-PM - for Mig's ), 2 additional pylons for IRM and 2IR (with APU-62). Fuselage pylons now supports Giuded weapons. Su-17M4 TV guided weapons, new KLEN-54 Laser Designator with LGB supports, centerline pylon removed New weapons: Projector - russian Pavespike analog Metel' - SAM Finder, need for Kh-28 (In Real for using Kh-58 and Kh-27 also need external POD "Vyuga", but i's mounted in special pylon and not occupe more place, in this reasons I not include this pod in pack) use AAQ-13.lod SPS-141 ECM POD (DECEPTIVE_JAMMER use alq-101.lod ) if someone want create correct LOD's, contact my please, i have drawings of its weapons. Click here to download this file
  3. Version


    This Pack contents MiG-27 variants, with historycal correct weapons & systems MiG-27 (MiG-23BM) - first version 1973-1987 unguided weapons and CGR 360 planes ,exported MiG-27K Modifications with Kayra TV-LASER designator, suport LGB, EOGB, LGR, EOGR, very good ECM, HUD ~200 planes 1976-1994 NOT Exported MiG-27M "Light" Variant MiG-27K LGB, EOGB not supported, no HUD ~ 150 planes 1978-1994? Ukraine exported in Sri Lanca ~50 planes in ~1995 MiG-27D Mig-27 first series updated to MiG-27M Standart in 1983-1987, 304 planes service ended in ~1994 MiG-27ML Bahadur Indian Variant MiG-27M 1986 ~ 150 planes
  4. This is Norwegian P-3N or NOT?
  5. Other's cockpits: Mig-31BM Book practical aerodinamics mi-25rb in RUSSIAN http://www.airwar.ru/other/bibl/mig-25rb_aero.zip 93 MB SCAN Mig-27M Indian Mig-27 Visit http://www.airwar.ru/main.html for more information (ONLY IN RUSSIAN LANGUAGE).
  6. This is NOT Mig-31 cockpit, but it's Mig-31M W.O. cockpit Real Mig-31 pilot cockpit http://www.airwar.ru/image/idop/fighter/mig31/mig31-10.jpg Real Mig-31 pilot weapons officer cockpit http://www.airwar.ru/image/idop/fighter/mig31/mig31-11.jpg
  7. Su-30 MKK ,MKM, MKI, Su-27SK etc It's ONLY export planes. Not for RUSSIA air Force, be cause letter 'K' in names - "Kommercheskiy" - Commercical. Su-35 is yesterday also, first Su-35 created in 1989-90. WE DON'T NEED THIS PLANES. NOW. Today we work about new su plane V generation, this work will be ended in short time. Su-34 production started, Tu-22M, Tu-95, Tu-160, Su-24M, Su-27, Mig-29 update starting now, MiG-31M with R-37 missiles (280km max range) may be started in service, i think this enough.
  8. Complite overview russian A-A missiles from first hand "tehnika i vooruzhenie" military magazine http://publ.lib.ru/ARCHIVES/T/''Te...9.%5bdjv%5d.zip - part 1 small range (in RUSSIAN, tables included) http://publ.lib.ru/ARCHIVES/T/''Te...2.%5bdjv%5d.zip - part 2 long range (in RUSSIAN, tables included) I'm RUSSIAN, if you will have problems with translating, i try to help you.
  9. Tu-22M0 Prototype Tu-22M1 Prototype Tu-22M2 211 planes in years 1974-1984 Tu-22M3 268 planes in years 1983-1993
  10. SORRI FOR BAD ENGLISH, be cause I'm russian, but Don't fear Tu-160 today we hawe only 17 planes in service, and modification only in project. BUT NEW Tu-22M will be your nightmare!!! ground radar 400 km range and 6 m resolution, kh-35, nuke missiles and bombs, precision weapons etc. 200 - 300 planes will be modified for this standart. RUSSIA IS NOT AGRESSOR BUT WHITOUT POWER, WE WILL BE VICTIM. POWER CREATE FREEDOM !!!

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