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Everything posted by lindr2

  1. В ближайшем будущем многобалочные держатели я делать не планирую, однако я уже думал об этом. продолжаю работу на текстурами, к сожалению меня тут пытались заразить вирусом, к счастью систему удалось спасти.
  2. правлю текстуры ранее сделанных образцов, ничего нового добавлять не планирую
  3. File Name: MiG-23MLD File Submitter: lindr2 File Submitted: 02 November 2010 File Category: Soviet Union/Russian Aircraft MiG-23MLD Readme MiG-23MLD (factory code 23-18) Model based on MiG-23M model by TMF, sound by Spiloone 104 Hangar screen by Epizikl This plane required MiG-23/27 Weapons Pack. Please install it first. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=9693 - part1 http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=10041 - part2 To Install: - unpack Archive in temporary folder - copy MiG-23MLD_ folder to Aicraft folder. - copy Sounds to sound folder Plane specifications: MiG-23MLD - Max G: 8.5 - Radar: N008 Ametist (also known like RP-23MLA-2) - ASP-17 gunsight - MiG-23MLD can use R-24,R-13M,R-3S,R-60,Kh-23,R-13M1 missiles, R-73 allowed, but required APU-72 Rail. - Max Loadout 2000Kg - R-35-300 Engine - TP-26 Heat seeker - new RWR & ECM - BVP-50-60 CM - Aerodynamic upgrade ("vortex generators") "MLD" update program, also known like "1000-th bulletin" modernisation has been begun june 1982 and completed in 1985, 566 MiG-23MLA planes have been modernised, SN are: 0390310389-0390323765 (except 0390310485,486,556,560,561) and 0390324647-0390324949 Last Russian MLD retired in 1999, but Ukraine AF, Belarus AF use them after 2007-2009 49 historical correct SN & plane numbers included MLD export: Bulgaria (1992), Angola (1998) Click here to download this file
  4. MiG-23MLD



    MiG-23MLD Readme MiG-23MLD (factory code 23-18) Model based on MiG-23M model by TMF, sound by Spiloone 104 Hangar screen by Epizikl This plane required MiG-23/27 Weapons Pack. Please install it first. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=9693 - part1 http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=10041 - part2 To Install: - unpack Archive in temporary folder - copy MiG-23MLD_ folder to Aicraft folder. - copy Sounds to sound folder Plane specifications: MiG-23MLD - Max G: 8.5 - Radar: N008 Ametist (also known like RP-23MLA-2) - ASP-17 gunsight - MiG-23MLD can use R-24,R-13M,R-3S,R-60,Kh-23,R-13M1 missiles, R-73 allowed, but required APU-72 Rail. - Max Loadout 2000Kg - R-35-300 Engine - TP-26 Heat seeker - new RWR & ECM - BVP-50-60 CM - Aerodynamic upgrade ("vortex generators") "MLD" update program, also known like "1000-th bulletin" modernisation has been begun june 1982 and completed in 1985, 566 MiG-23MLA planes have been modernised, SN are: 0390310389-0390323765 (except 0390310485,486,556,560,561) and 0390324647-0390324949 Last Russian MLD retired in 1999, but Ukraine AF, Belarus AF use them after 2007-2009 49 historical correct SN & plane numbers included MLD export: Bulgaria (1992), Angola (1998)
  5. i made some old bombs suite.... AF-16, AF-32, AF-82, AO-8, AD-10, Akh-8 (1927 family - first "original" soviet bombs ) AO-8
  6. "...Вернемся к нашим баранам" Не удержался и сделал несколько ранних моделей советских бомб (модели 1927 года) АО-8, АФ-16, АФ-32, АФ-64, ФАБ-70М1, ФАБ-70М2, которые являются модернизацией дореволюционных образцов к сожалению у меня нет First Eagles 2, но думаю там примерно тот же формат дата.ини... АО-8 АФ-82 занимаюсь коррекцией текстур ранее сделанных бомбы (бугели уже поправил) ФАБ-50м2
  7. да ладно.. могу еще скриншотов наделать ... Если будет все в порядке, до нового года пак выпущу. Модели правда получились тяжеловатые 1800-2500 полигонов. Урезать значит потерять месяц - полтора. Радикально... да! Флуда не люблю. Самая дорогая вещь в жизни - время.
  8. Содержимое топика стерто: причина флуд со стороны С300 Уважаемый С300 уважайте себя и других людей, если вас интересует какая-то тема, заведите отдельный топик. Этот топик был посвящен конкретной теме. Я специально завел новый топик, чтобы уйти от флуда, (может тема это и важная но не имеет никакого отношения к рассматриваемому вопросу, следовательно это флуд) P.S. Я ничего не понял из вашего поста, к сожалению ваши посты на русском не на много понятнее ваших постов на английском. На тот случай, если ваша реплика была адресована мне, пожалуйста заведите отдельный топик и оформите все по-человечески. Тогда возможно я смогу понять, что вы от меня хотите. P.P.S. Не адресуйте, пожалуйста ко мне никаких вопросов относительно вещей, выложенных С125, я не имею к никакого отношения, не использую их, не желаю их обсуждать. Адресуйте, пожалуйста вопросы лично к автору, путем посылки Личного Сообщения (РМ).
  9. PROBABLY FINAL LIST: Leaflet bombs AGB-100-30 AGITAB-250-85 AGITAB-500-300 RBK-250 Agit Fragmentary AO-2,5-2 AO-2,5-3 AO-2,5SCh AO-8 AO-8m3 AO-8m4 AO-8m5 AO-8m6 AO-8m6Bis AO-8m6SCh AO-10-6.5SCh AO-10-6.5ST AO-10SCh AO-10SCh M52 AO-15 AO-20m1 AO-20m2 AO-20m3 AO-20m4 AO-20Tr AO-25-20 AO-25M AO-25MSCh AO-25m1 AO-25m1bis AO-25m2 AO-25m13 AO-25SL AO-25SL M46 AO-25-35m13 AO-25-30 AO-25-33 AO-50-100Sch AO-50-100Sl AO-50-100M Fragmentary-Chemical AOKh-8 AOKh-10 AOKh-15 KMGU Blocks (KMGU has 8 block, made by drawings, ODS,AS has parashutes, no new KMGU canister old lod fits ok) BKF АО-2,5РТ (AP) BKF АО-2,5РТМ (AP) BKF AS (Smoke) BKF ODS-35 (FAE) BKF POM-1S (Mines) BKF PTM-1 (Mines) BKF PFM-1S (Mines) BKF PTAB-2,5 (AT) BKF PTAB-1M (AT) Armor piercing BRAB-220M BRAB-500M BRAB-500DS BRAB-500 М55 BRAB-800DS BRAB-1000M BRAB-1500 М55 (small series 1955-60) + reworked: BRAB-220 BRAB-200DS BrAB-250 M43 BrAB-500 M38 BrAB-500 M43 BrAB-1000 M38 BrAB-1000 M43 Penetrator BETAB-170DS BETAB-450DS BETAB-750DS +reworked BETAB-150DS BETAB-500 BETAB-500Sh BETAB-500ShP BETAB-500U(reworked) Smoke AD-10 DAB-25-30F DAB-100-80F DAB-100-90FM DAB-500 GAB-100D Day marking DOSAB-100-70b (White) DOSAB-100-80ch (Black) DOSAB-100-80k (Red) DOSAB-100-80z (Green) DOSAB-100-85zh (Yellow) DOSAB-100Tb (White) DOSAB-100Tch (Black) DOSAB-100Tk (Red) GP AF-16 AF-32 FAB-50m2 FAB-50m3 FAB-50m4 FAB-50m5 FAB-50m6 FAB-50m7 FAB-50m9 FAB-50Sv FAB-50SCh FAB-50SL FAB-50ShG FAB-50TsK FAB-50TR FAB-70m1 FAB-70m2 AF-82 FAB-100-85NG FAB-100Sv FAB-100M FAB-100N FAB-100SCh FAB-100SL FAB-100TsK FAB-100TsKN FAB-100TsL FAB-250-200NG FAB-250-230 FAB-250Sv FAB-250M FAB-250N FAB-250TsK FAB-250TsKN FAB-250SCh FAB-250 M43 FAB-250 M43/47 FAB-250 M44 FAB-250 M44/48 FAB-250 TsK M44 FAB-250 TsK M44/50 FAB-250 M54 FAB-250 M54TU FAB-250 M62 FAB-250TS (Penetrator) MAB-250 (Anty bridge) FAB-500-300 FAb-500M FAB-500Sv FAB-500 M43 FAB-500 M43/47 FAB-500 M44 FAB-500 M44/48 FAB-500 М46 FAB-500 M46TU FAB-500 M54TU FAB-500Sh (with chute) FAB-500ShL (with chute, 1986) FAB-500ShN (with chute, low level attack) FAB-500T FAB-500TA FAB-500TS (Penetrator) FAB-1000Sv FAB-1000 M43 FAB-1000 M43/47 FAB-1000 M44 FAB-1000 M44/48 FAB-1500 М46 FAB-1500 М54 FAB-1500-1640 M54-MS FAB-1500-2600TS (Penetrator, real weight 2600KG) FAB-1500T FAB-1500Sh FAB-2000Sv FAB-2000 M43 FAB-2000 M43/47 FAB-2000 M44 FAB-3000 М46 FAB-3000 М54 FAB-3000 M54-TGA FAB-5000 M43 (Very rare ~ 50 bombs) FAB-5000 М54 FAB-9000 М54 German GP bombs (modernized for use by soviet planes) FAB-250Tr ( SC-250 ) FAB-250Tr ( SD-250 ) FAB-500Tr ( SC-500 ) FAB-500Tr ( SD-500 ) FAB-1000Tr ( SC-1000 ) FAB-1000Tr ( PC-1000 ) FAB-1400Tr ( PC-1400 ) FAB-1700Tr ( SD-1700 ) FAB-1800Tr ( SC-1800 ) Fotoflash FOTAB-25-14 FOTAB-50-35 FOTAB-50-67 FOTAB-100-60 FOTAB-100-80 FOTAB-100-140 FOTAB-250-215 Frag-GP-Incendiary FOZAB-500 OFZAB-500 M62 GP-Incendiary FZAB-250 FZAB-500 FZAB-500M Chemical Akh-8 KhAB-25 KrAB-25 KhAB-100-80S M46 KhAB-100 KhAB-200 KhAB-250-150S M46 KhAB-500 KhAB-500-280S M46 KhAB-1500-960S M46 BAS-100 BAS-250-230 BAS-250 M62L Night marker NOSAB-100-70B (white) NOSAB-100-80K (red) NOSAB-100-80Z (Green) NOSAB-100-85Zh (Yellow) NOSAB-100TMk (red) NOSAB-100TMZ (Green) NOSAB-100TMZh (Yellow) FAE ODAB-500Р ODAB-500PM (reworked) ODAB-500PMV (reworked) FRAG-GP OFAB-100 Ver.1 OFAB-100 Ver.2 OFAB-100-125TU (Chute) OFAB-100M OFAB-100NV OFAB-100NV-TU OFAB-100T (Chute) OFAB-100-120TU OFAB-250-270TU OFAB-250Sh (Chute) OFAB-250ShL (Chute,1985) OFAB-250ShN (Chute,low level attack) OFAB-250T Navy Marker bombs (need help with effects) OMAB-25-8N (Night,chute) OMAB-25-12D (Day) Practical P-7 P-25M2 P-40 P-50 P-50Sh P-50Sch P-50T P-50-75D P-50-75N P-100-70 P-100Sch P-100TsL P-250 UPLAB-50 Anti-submarine PLAB-50 MPLAB-100 MPLAB-100S PLAB-500-380 Ver.1 PLAB-500-380 Ver.2 (Chute) PLAB-500-380 Ver.3 (+Disk) +reworked PLAB-250-120 "Color-Marker rockets" (no engine, bombs as fact) PR-8TsO-K (red) PR-8TsО-Z (Green) Anti-tanks PTAB-2,5-1,5 PTAB-10-2,5 Cluster bombs (warning: min drop altitude for 1950-60 era soviet CB ~500 m, 70-80 ~300m - REAL values) RRAB-1 RRAB-2 RRAB-3 PROSAB-100 PROSAB-250 M52 RBK-100 AO-1 (AP) RBK-100 PLAb-10K (Anty-Submarine) RBK-250-170 MA-3 RBK-500-225 PTAB-2,5 (AT) (real weight 225kg) RBK-250 AO-1 (AP) RBK-250 AO-2,5-2 (AP) RBK-250 AO-2,5SCh (AP) RBK-250 AO-10-6,5ST (AP) RBK-250 AO-10SCh (AP) RBK-250 PTAB-2,5 (AT) RBK-250 PTAB-2,5-1,5 (AT) RBK-250 PTAB-2,5М (AT) RBK-250 AZh-2 (inc) RBK-250 ZAB-2,5T (inc) RBK-250 ZAB-2,5 (inc) RBK-250 ZAB-2,5М (inc) RBK-250-275 АО-1Sch real weight 255kg) RBK-500-255 PTAB-10-5 (AT) (real weight 255kg) RBK-500-375 AO-10 (real weight 375kg) RBK-500 AO-2,5RT (AP) RBK-500 AO-2,5RTM (AP) RBK-500 BETAB (BETAB-20) RBK-500 PTAB-1 (AT) RBK-500 PTAB-1M (AT) RBK-500 ShOAB-0,5 (AP) RBK-500 ShOAB-0,5M (AP) RBK-500 SPBE-D (reworked) RBK-500 SPBE-D (reworked) RBK-500 ZAB-2,5 (inc) RBK-500 ZAB-2,5SM (inc) ZAB-100-65TSh (100 inc balls Fusing altitude ~200m) ZAB-500-300TSh (780 inc balls Fusing altitude ~300m) RBS-100 AO-25-30 (RBS - bombs pack (3 bombs) RBS-100 АО-25-33 OFAB-500ShR (3 charges) Incendiary ZAB-1-E ZAB-2,5T ZAB-10TG ZAB-25ZhG ZAB-50FP ZAB-50TG ZAB-100-50ZhG ZAB-100-105 ZAB-100-115 ZAB-100M ZAB-100Sv ZAB-100TsK ZAB-250-200ZhG ZAB-250-130V (chute) ZAB-500-350 ZAB-500-350R ZAB-500-400 ZAB-500Sh ZAB-500V Napalm tanks ZAB-100-40P ZB-250SM ZB-360 ZB-500 ZB-500AS ZB-500GD ZB-500RT ZB-500Sh ZB-500ShM Flare SAB-3 SAB-3M SAB-3M M47 SAB-5 SAB-15 SAB-25 SAB-50-15 SAB-20-28 SAB-100-55 SAB-100-55 M47 SAB-100-75 SAB-100-90 SAB-100MN SAB-100MP SAB-250-180MF SAB-250-200 SAB-250T SAB-500-350 SAB-500-350R
  10. Полу-риторический вопрос: А РУССКИЕ МОДЕРЫ НА ЭТОМ САЙТЕ ЕСТЬ ? А то задолбало по-английски вопросы задавать...
  11. Found here http://fishki.net/comment.php?id=60565 124 photos & video photo http://ru.fishki.net/picsw/112009/12/post/istribitel'/69011.jpg http://ru.fishki.net/picsw/112009/12/post/istribitel'/70005.jpg http://ru.fishki.net/picsw/112009/12/post/istribitel'/71007.jpg http://ru.fishki.net/picsw/112009/12/post/istribitel'/73010.jpg video: http://fishki.net/flvplayer.swf?file=http://ru.fishki.net/picsw/112009/12/post/istribitel'/Harald Huf SU27.FLV&autostart=true
  12. File Name: MiG-23ML (MLA) DPRK File Submitter: lindr2 File Submitted: 27 September 2010 File Category: Soviet Union/Russian Aircraft MiG-23ML (MLA) DPRK Readme MiG-23MLA factory code 23-12A Model based on MiG-23M model by TMF, sound by Spiloone 104 This plane required MiG-23/27 Weapons Pack. Please install it first. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=9693 - part1 http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=10041 - part2 To Install: - unpack Archive in temporary folder - copy MiG-23MLA_DPRK folder to Aicraft folder. - copy Sounds to sound folder Plane specifications: Mig-23MLA: - Max G: 8.5 - Radar: N003E Ametist (also known like RP-23MLA) - ASP-17 gunsight - MiG-23MLA can use R-24,R-13M,R-3S,R-60,Kh-23,R-13M1 missiles - Kh-23 required Delta-NG2 pod (on fuselage) - Max Loadout 2000Kg - R-35-300 Engine - TP-26 Heat seeker 3 historical correct plane Numbers, 20 semi-historical (60-79) if you want use histocal correct numbers only, please replace decals.ini & number.lst in DPRK skin folder. 32 planes delivered in 1984 Click here to download this file
  13. please read this http://combatace.com/topic/50285-mig-23m-late/
  14. big weapon pack WIP

    kh-22 missile in bunnyap pack is almost ok. Now I do not plan rework kh-22 like kh-23,25 etc p.s. now i have kh-32 picture (red - training version) looks same as kh-22 but new inside... in service since ~1995
  15. File Name: MiG-23MLA Angola File Submitter: lindr2 File Submitted: 24 September 2010 File Category: Soviet Union/Russian Aircraft MiG-23ML (MLA) Angola Readme MiG-23MLA factory code 23-12A Model based on MiG-23M model by TMF, sound by Spiloone 104 This plane required MiG-23/27 Weapons Pack. Please install it first. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=9693 - part1 http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=10041 - part2 To Install: - unpack Archive in temporary folder - copy MiG-23MLA_Ang folder to Aicraft folder. - copy Sounds to sound folder Plane specifications: Mig-23MLA: - Max G: 8.5 - Radar: N003E Ametist (also known like RP-23MLA) - ASP-17 gunsight - MiG-23MLA can use R-24,R-13M,R-3S,R-60,Kh-23,R-13M1 missiles - Kh-23 required Delta-NG2 pod (on fuselage) - Max Loadout 2000Kg - R-35-300 Engine - TP-26 Heat seeker 6 historical correct plane Numbers ~ 35-50 planes delivered in 1984-1988 Click here to download this file
  16. DDR BN http://combatace.com/files/file/11235-mig-23bn-wp/ DDR MLA http://combatace.com/files/file/10375-mig-23mlmla-ddr/ DDR MF http://combatace.com/files/file/10332-mig-23mf-ddr/ :yes:
  17. Version


    MiG-23ML (MLA) DPRK Readme MiG-23MLA factory code 23-12A Model based on MiG-23M model by TMF, sound by Spiloone 104 This plane required MiG-23/27 Weapons Pack. Please install it first. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=9693 - part1 http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=10041 - part2 To Install: - unpack Archive in temporary folder - copy MiG-23MLA_DPRK folder to Aicraft folder. - copy Sounds to sound folder Plane specifications: Mig-23MLA: - Max G: 8.5 - Radar: N003E Ametist (also known like RP-23MLA) - ASP-17 gunsight - MiG-23MLA can use R-24,R-13M,R-3S,R-60,Kh-23,R-13M1 missiles - Kh-23 required Delta-NG2 pod (on fuselage) - Max Loadout 2000Kg - R-35-300 Engine - TP-26 Heat seeker 3 historical correct plane Numbers, 20 semi-historical (60-79) if you want use histocal correct numbers only, please replace decals.ini & number.lst in DPRK skin folder. 32 planes delivered in 1984
  18. ACM on 60km range...LOL! Oh GOD, please protect US from revisionists & their mods!
  19. Version


    MiG-23ML (MLA) Angola Readme MiG-23MLA factory code 23-12A Model based on MiG-23M model by TMF, sound by Spiloone 104 This plane required MiG-23/27 Weapons Pack. Please install it first. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=9693 - part1 http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=10041 - part2 To Install: - unpack Archive in temporary folder - copy MiG-23MLA_Ang folder to Aicraft folder. - copy Sounds to sound folder Plane specifications: Mig-23MLA: - Max G: 8.5 - Radar: N003E Ametist (also known like RP-23MLA) - ASP-17 gunsight - MiG-23MLA can use R-24,R-13M,R-3S,R-60,Kh-23,R-13M1 missiles - Kh-23 required Delta-NG2 pod (on fuselage) - Max Loadout 2000Kg - R-35-300 Engine - TP-26 Heat seeker 6 historical correct plane Numbers ~ 35-50 planes delivered in 1984-1988
  20. File Name: MiG-23ML (MLA) CzSSR File Submitter: lindr2 File Submitted: 22 September 2010 File Category: Soviet Union/Russian Aircraft MiG-23ML (MLA) CzSSR Readme MiG-23MLA factory code 23-12A Model based on MiG-23M model by TMF, sound by Spiloone 104 This plane required MiG-23/27 Weapons Pack. Please install it first. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=9693 - part1 http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=10041 - part2 To Install: - unpack Archive in temporary folder - copy MiG-23MLA_Cz folder to Aicraft folder. - copy Sounds to sound folder Plane specifications: Mig-23MLA: - Max G: 8.5 - Radar: N003E Ametist (also known like RP-23MLA) - ASP-17 gunsight - MiG-23MLA can use R-24,R-13M,R-3S,R-60,Kh-23,R-13M1 missiles - Kh-23 required Delta-NG2 pod (on fuselage) - Max Loadout 2000Kg - R-35-300 Engine - TP-26 Heat seeker 17 historical correct Serial & plane Nunbers - 17 planes delivered in 1982-1983 Click here to download this file
  21. Version


    MiG-23ML (MLA) CzSSR Readme MiG-23MLA factory code 23-12A Model based on MiG-23M model by TMF, sound by Spiloone 104 This plane required MiG-23/27 Weapons Pack. Please install it first. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=9693 - part1 http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=10041 - part2 To Install: - unpack Archive in temporary folder - copy MiG-23MLA_Cz folder to Aicraft folder. - copy Sounds to sound folder Plane specifications: Mig-23MLA: - Max G: 8.5 - Radar: N003E Ametist (also known like RP-23MLA) - ASP-17 gunsight - MiG-23MLA can use R-24,R-13M,R-3S,R-60,Kh-23,R-13M1 missiles - Kh-23 required Delta-NG2 pod (on fuselage) - Max Loadout 2000Kg - R-35-300 Engine - TP-26 Heat seeker 17 historical correct Serial & plane Nunbers - 17 planes delivered in 1982-1983
  22. NEW ZAB-100-40P, P-50SCh, P-100SCh, P-100TsL, SAB-50-28, FOTAB-100-60, SAB-5 ZAB-100-40P 40kg incendiary tank with KS mixture (simular 'Molotov cocktail') 1941, wide used in WWII
  23. "Vijay" CM is part of plane model. you need ini file only. CM.rar why they missed? i don't now, really... sorry for that P.S. more 50% from my bomb pack is WWII bombs, do you interested this? i can send beta for you...
  24. Weapon pack Part 4



    How to install: For make intallation easy, i created 4 separated INI: 1) New weapons, 2) My_Updated_weapons ( Weapons existing in part 1 & 2 & 3, updated in Part4) 3) Bunyap_Updated_weapons (9M17P for exp.) - additional versions existing weapons & corrected ini for existing weapons 4) Others_Updated_weapons (KAB-500KR); To install: 1) Open weapondata.ini -> Open Bunyap updated weapons.ini -> change weapons data by new. 2) If You have my weaponpack parts 1&2&3 -> open weapondata.ini -> open My_Updated_weapons.ini -> change weapons data by new. If you not have weaponpack parts 1&2&3 -> Open weaponeditor-> open weapondata.ini -> merge with My_Updated_weapons.ini 3) Open weaponeditor-> open weapondata.ini -> merge with New weapons.ini ALWAYS USE NEW DATA!!! Planes_INI folder contains data ini for some planes which can use my weapons. Some weapons needs new GUNDATA, don't forget to install it. To install new guns: copy GUNDATA.ini to -> OBJECTS folder Open Guneditor-> opengundata.ini ->save Russian Recon cameras data - Recon_cameras.INI To install Open weaponeditor-> Recon_cameras.INI -> merge with New weapons.ini Note: some weapons have LOFTED function (Kh-22 family for ex.), you may have problem during use these weapons on short range. (turn off this function, if use cruise missiles on short distance < 30 km) Updated ini is -> 1) added CEP, 2)corrected speed, 3)corrected service years (for BY WP), 4) corrected guidance type (For BY). Weapons list: My weapons: Soviet Union / Russia: BRAB-250 Armor Piercing Bomb BRAB-500 Armor Piercing Bomb BRAB-1000 Armor Piercing Bomb BRAB-200DS Penetrator Bomb BETAB-150DS Runway Cratering Bomb BRAB-220 Armor Piercing Bomb mod.1930 BRAB-500 Armor Piercing Bomb mod.1930 BRAB-1000 Armor Piercing Bomb mod.1930 Kh-101 Granat Cruise missile Kh-102 Granat Cruise missile 9M36 Strela-3 (SA-14) (only ini) 9M313 Igla-1 (SA-16) 9M39 Igla-1M (SA-18) 9M39V Igla-V (SA-18) - air launch version 9M42 Igla-S (SA-18) FAB-500 M62 MPK Smart Bomb FAB-5000 5000-kg Bomb SNAB-3000 Krab Heat Guided Bomb 9M114 Sturm AT Missile (Heat) - stand alone version 9M114F Sturm AT Missile (HE) - stand alone version 9M114M Sturm AT Missile (Heat) - stand alone version 9M114MF Sturm AT Missile (Heat) - stand alone version 9M120 Ataka AT Missile (Heat) - stand alone version 9M120F Ataka AT Missile (HE) - stand alone version 9M220O Ataka Missile (Frag A-A) 9M120M Ataka AT Missile (Heat) - stand alone version 9M114 Launch Pod (2x) - GP class for stand alone version missiles 9M114 Launch Pod (2x) - GP class for stand alone version missiles (anither version) 9M114 Launch Pod (8x) - GP class for stand alone version missiles 9M114 Sturm AT Missile (Heat) - Rocket pod version 9M114F Sturm AT Missile (HE) - Rocket pod version 9M114M Sturm AT Missile (Heat) - Rocket pod version 9M114MF Sturm AT Missile (HE) - Rocket pod version 9M120 Ataka AT Missile (Heat) - Rocket pod version 9M120F Ataka AT Missile (HE) - Rocket pod version 9M120M Ataka AT Missile (Heat) - Rocket pod version 9M114 Sturm Rack (HEAT) 2x - Rocket pod 9M114F Sturm Rack (HE) 2x - Rocket pod 9M114M Sturm Rack (HEAT) 2x - Rocket pod 9M114MF Sturm Rack (HE) 2x - Rocket pod 9M120 Ataka Rack (HEAT) 2x - Rocket pod 9M120F Ataka Rack (HE) 2x - Rocket pod 9M114 Sturm Rack (HEAT) 4x - Rocket pod 9M114F Sturm Rack (HE) 4x - Rocket pod 9M114M Sturm Rack (HEAT) 4x - Rocket pod 9M114MF Sturm Rack (HE) 4x - Rocket pod 9M120 Ataka Rack (HEAT) 4x - Rocket pod 9M120F Ataka Rack (HE) 4x - Rocket pod 9M120M Ataka Rack (HEAT) 4x - Rocket pod 9M114 Sturm Rack (HEAT) 8x - Rocket pod 9M114F Sturm Rack (HE) 8x - Rocket pod 9M114M Sturm Rack (HEAT) 8x - Rocket pod 9M114MF Sturm Rack (HE) 8x - Rocket pod 9M120 Ataka Rack (HEAT) 8x - Rocket pod 9M120F Ataka Rack (HE) 8x - Rocket pod 9M120M Ataka Rack (HEAT) 8x - Rocket pod 9M39 Launch Pod - GP class (for Igla-V) 9M39 Launch Pod (1x) - GP class (for Igla-V) 9M39 Launch Pod (4x) - GP class (for Igla-V) 9M39 Igla-V Rack 4x - 2IR class 9M220 Ataka Rack (AA) 6x - 2IR class ZAB-250 Incendiary Bomb Projector Laser Designator (for Su-17M2) TRS-82 82mm Rocket TRS-82 Launch Pod TRS-132 132mm Rocket TRS-132 Launch Pod TRS-85 85mm Rocket B-408/3 Rocket Pod (TRS-85 LP) B-374 Rocket Pod (TRS-85 LP) R-40RD Acrid-C R-40TD Acrid-D R-40RD-1 Acrid-E R-40TD-1 Acrid-F 3M8 Krug (SA-4) 3M8M Krug (SA-4) 3M8M1 Krug (SA-4) 3M8M3 Krug (SA-4) 9M38 Buk (SA-11) 9M38M1 Buk M1 (SA-11) 9M317 Buk M1-2 (SA-17) 9M317 Buk M1-2 (SA-17) V-300-205 Berkut (SA-1) V-300-207A Berkut (SA-1) V-300-215 Berkut (SA-1) 5V17 Berkut (SA-1) 5V18 Berkut (SA-1) 5YA25 Berkut (SA-1) 5YA25M Berkut (SA-1) 5YA24 Berkut (SA-1) 44N6 Berkut (SA-1) 9M14M Malyutka AT Missile 9M14P Malyutka-P AT Missile 9M14-2 Malyutka-2 AT Missile 9M14-2F Malyutka-2 AT Missile 9M14-2M Malyutka-2 AT Missile 9M127 Vikhr AT Missile 9M127M Vikhr-M AT Missile 9M121 Vikhr Rack 6x 9K121 Vikhr Rack 8x (6x on game limitation ) GUV-8700 (9A669) Gun Pod GUV-8700 (9A669) Gun Pod (GSHG 2x) GUV-8700 (9A800) Gun Pod SPPU-6 Gun Pod - Su-24 Main Gun pod SPPU-6 Gun Pod (-10 Deg) SPPU-6 Gun Pod (-22 Deg) SPPU-6 Gun Pod (-45 Deg) SPPU-6-1 Gun Pod SPPU-6-1 Gun Pod (-10 Deg) SPPU-6-1 Gun Pod (-22 Deg) SPPU-6-1 Gun Pod (-45 Deg) China: Yingji-63 Land Attack Missile EU: AC-3G/PARS-3 Trigat LR Trigat Launch Pod AC-3G/PARS-3 Trigat LR (AA) Trigat Launch Pod AA Israel: Spike-EP AT Missile Spike-ER Launch Pod Nimrod AT missile South Africa: ZT-3 Swift Anti-Tank Missile ZT-35 Swift Anti-Tank Missile Swift Launch Pod ----------------------------------------- My updated weapons: Kh-55 Granat - LOD & ini Kh-55SM Granat - LOD & ini Kh-555 Granat - LOD & ini IRAN Kh-55 - LOD & ini 3M-14AE Club Cruise Missile - ini updated 3M-54AE Club Anti-Ship Cruise Missile - ini updated 3M-54AE1 Club Anti-Ship Cruise Missile - ini updated Kh-15 - ini updated Kh-15P - ini updated Kh-15S - ini updated Kh-20 Kometa Nuclear Cruise Missile - ini updated Kh-20M Kometa Nuclear Cruise Missile - ini updated Kh-61 Yahont - ini updated HAL Brahmos - ini updated KAB-500S GPS Homing Bomb - ini updated KAB-1500LG Laser Guided Bomb - ini updated KAB-1500TK TV Command Guided Bomb - ini updated KAB-1500S GPS Guided Bomb - ini updated KAB-250L Laser Guided Bomb - ini updated KAB-250S GPS Guided Bomb - ini updated KAB-1500TK-K TV Guided Bomb (Cluster) - ini updated 10Kh - ini updated 16Kh Priboy - ini updated -------------------------------------------------------------
  25. Ну, теперь другое дело. Никаких проблем. Единственное, что я не понял, зачем скины Польские и Ливийские, тк. 23-18 был на вооружении СССР, России, Украины Белоруссии, Болгарии, Анголы (2 самолета в Кот Д'Ивуар не в счет, остальным республикам СНГ если и достались то не эксплуатировались.) Well, now an another matter. No problems. The only thing, that I have not understood, what for Polish and Libyan skins, because. 23-18 was on service of the USSR, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Bulgaria, Angola (2 planes in Cote D'Ivoir are not counted, to other republics CIS if have got that were not maintained.)

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