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Posts posted by SFP1Ace

  1. Z09SS,


    Whose F-102?  Gerwin's?




    It is clear that some addons cannot be downloaded here.

    Also, since I come from an FS9 and FSX background, I am accustomed to many sites and many forums as well. And download from nay and post in many forums.

    As simple as that. Let alone the fact that I could not ge used to the possibility that only one site has a monopoly on SF. Democratic principles? Perhaps.




      :blink: Then you should respect the DEMOCRATIC choice of all those talented modders who've chosen to NOT to upload their work to other, mostly irrelevant for SF2 gaming, sites. Dave DOESN'T prevent ANYONE from uploading their work elswhere. It just doesn't make sense when 98.6% (a ballpark figure :biggrin: ) of SF2 community uses Combat Ace exclusively...

  2. Stratos, I commend you for your good intentions, but you've been here long enough to know well that there's no chance in hell TK will "share" his source code for SF games...From years of reading his posts I know him will well enough to predict any answer he might give on any topic related to SF. He is a very stubborn man with his own vision of conducting business that has been hurt in the past by some publishers. He is very careful and conservative and the things you ask him for will NEVER happen. If you want new features then don't ask TK, but rather find a C++ programmer that would be willing to decompile SF2 exes/libraries and spent months/years cracking the code and fixing/adding stuff. If it happened to IL2 1946 and Cliffs of Dover then why can't it happen to SF2? (keeping in mind that our community is much much smaller the the IL2's.)

  3. Hey everybody, did the news get around
    About a guy named Butcher Pete
    Oh, Pete just flew into this town
    And he’s choppin’ up all the women’s meat


    He keeps hackin’ and whackin’ and smackin’
    He keeps hackin’ and whackin’ and smackin’
    He keeps hackin’ and whackin’ and smackin’
    He just hacks, whacks, choppin’ that meat

  4. I run it on highest settings DCS world and fc3 with i5 4670k o\c to 4.2 ghz,8gb of ram (teamgroup vulcan 2000mhz dual ch) Z97-HD3 Intel Z97 gaming mobo,samsung 840 pro ssd xfx 7950 3gb ddr5 gfx card running @stock and great fps

    never looked at making a\c for dcs is the model setup very different?

    The last time I've tried DCS World/FC3 (a couple of patches ago) with i5 4670k @ 4.5Ghz, 8GB RAM, Z87 mobo, Plextor M5S SSD and 7870XT 2GB GFX  AND FRAPS, the FPS were allright in the air, but could have been better on the ground/airport with lots of objects, parked aircraft etc took it's toll...with the graphic settings sliders maxed or nearly maxed as I recall, of course.

  5. Happy308 get 8 GB more ram and you will see a huge difference. 


    it's more like "Overclock your CPU to 10Ghz and you will see a huge difference". DCS is mainly CPU bottlenecked, heck it's not even properly multi-threaded (only audio has got a separate thread, all the rest is calculated on 1 CPU...)

    Hopefully DX11 Edge will improve on it...

  6. The F-35 was due to replace the Harrier, F/A-18 legacy hornets, F-16, A-10. The super bugs where already being developed to possibly replace the legacy hornets and  F-14. The cancelled MD A-12 was to replace A-6, EA-6 and A-7 platforms. With no other indigenous design the F/A-18 Legacy and Super Hornets filled the gap for all of the above in Navy and USMC service. The F-35 depending on what you read is between 5 and 7 years behind schedule. The RAF and RN retired their Harriers as planned, the F-35 was to be ready to go and filling squadrons as aircraft were retired. The RAF has the typhoon coming on line strong and a handful of tornados left, but they have no harriers, and the Royal Navy has been without a strike/fighter since 2011. The F/A-18 legacy and super hornet is a proven platform. The F-35 has only proven that it is going to take more time and a lot more money to complete. The Iraq and Afghan Wars has put a toll on both legacy and super hornets. The F-35 if and when they come online will replace the tired timed out and trapped out airframes of the hornets (this is already a problem with many legacy and some of the original production run super hornets now) and the older USAF F-16s, A-10s, and if it takes longer possibly some of the older F-15Es. With less F-35 that are going to be built as originally planned (US Navy cut their order by half other air arms have reduced numbers also) less of the afore mentioned aircraft will be replaced, with the inevitable reduction of strike fighter squadrons in all branches of service. It takes time to replace aircraft because they can only build so many a month/year so yes it takes about a decade to fully transition into a new aircraft give or take a few years depending on the platform and upgrades that may come along a with possible retro refits. All aircraft have teething issues, don't compare the tomcats maiden flight of 1970 to front line service deployment in 1974 to the F-35 ludicrous going on 14 years of development and over budget by almost 100 billion US dollars. The F-35 should already be here in decent numbers, the F-35 if and when it finally gets here will be a great plane. Boeing is going to capitalize on the F-35s development. Boeing has designed a weapons pod that makes the plane extremely stealthy.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inN8zSrr8OA


    The F-22 has cabinet space for war computer software upgrades, and can and has carried mud moving gear in its belly, and if needed there are hard points on the wings to hang some more mud moving gear. I think what we will see is a combo of the Gen 4 and 4+ planes fighting along side the JSF-35, and an F/A-22 in the future not a total replacement.


    I'm not debunking the F-35 I am still pulling for the program, however I think that it's wishful thinking now. I'm  just coming to realize it may not be as big a part of the future then what was proposed.


    Hey, thanks for such a detailed answer. I haven't been following the f-35 story really close so after reading  what you said the topic makes more sense to me now ;) . And I really hope F-35 will mature quickly enough and prove to be deadly and versatile platform! Especially since Polish MoD announced plans to purchase 64 (!) of them after 2020 (I think.)

    • Like 1

  7. Apples and Oranges. The F-14 was the F-4s replacement, the Super Hornet and F-35 are contemporary strike fighters competing for the same slots in air arms around the world. The F-35 has had several teething issues and should have been in front line service just a few years after the Superhornet.


    Contemporary? Isn't the F-35 replacing the Super Hornets in the (further) future? Just like it took some time for F-14 to replace F-4? And didn't the F-14 also have some teething issues?

  8. No point getting 2400 MHz ram with Haswell! No performance increase compared to 1600MHz ones! Haswells memory controller is tailored to DDR3-1600! Save the money, get the DDR3-1600 most def! clapping.gif.pagespeed.ce.letqCZTOMd.gif


    Seriously, I was considering getting the faster RAM (1866 or 2133) as well, but after spending many hours on the net, reading tests, comparisons and benchmarks, there was a negligible performance increase past 1600MHz (as far as games are concerned, perhaps it could be useful for movie encoding or raytracing).


    Btw, my RAM runs at CL9 and Aida-64 reports 23 GB/s read/write.


    P.S> I really hope you won't have to suffer any pay cuts :(

  9. Ok, I've finally managed to do some benchmarks. Get ready for a wall of text! ^_^


    Test setup: Intel i5 4670k, 8GB of DDR 1600 RAM, MSI Z87-G43 mainboard, AMD 7870XT 2GB GPU (Catalyst 13.12 WHQL) drivers and Windows 8.1 Pro 64 bit.


    My i5 4670K has been tested in 2 configurations:


    1 - downclocked to 3.2 GHz with 2 out of 4 cores & AES instructions switched off to simulate "basic" Intel Pentium G3420 CPU

    2 - downclocked to 3.3 GHz to simulate "lower tier" Intel Core i5 4440 CPU


    Each game has been run without mods (vanilla) except of CLoD which had TF patch 4.3 installed (obviously ;) ). Due to issues with my AMD card and latest iterations of SF2 games (FPS jumping between 30 and 60 thus making any benchmarking VERY unreliable) FE2 was used instead (FE2 are still VSYNC locked at 60 FPS, but at least FPS between 30 and 60 are possible!). Games were run at High or Maximum graphic settings with either x2 or x4 AntiAliasing applied. FPS measured with FRAPS benchmark.




    First Eagles 2 Jul 2010 1vs2 dogfight single mission FPS (min/avg):


    Pentium G3420 - 55/59.667

    i5 4440 - 55/59.733


    DCS World Su-25T 1.2.7 rampstart & navigation single mission (sitting in the cockpit & looking around in parked aircraft) FPS (min/avg)::


    Pentium G3420 - 26/33.133

    i5 4440 - 27/35.400


    IL-2 1946 4.12.2 The Black Death track FPS (min/avg):


    Pentium G3420 - 31/99.965

    i5 4440 - 33/106.486


    Rise Of Flight 1.032 Fokker E.III fly now autopilot mission FPS (min/avg)*:


    Pentium G3420 - 50/71.736

    i5 4440 - 57/77.971


    *Flying the "Fly Now" mission on autopilot was the only way to get repeatable and reliable results. Any quick combat missions resulted in unpredictable furballs with FPS varying too much to be useful for scientific purposes.


    IL-2 Cliffs Of Dover TF 4.3 The Black Death Track FPS (min/avg):


    Pentium G3420 - 19/51.395

    i5 4440 - 26/56.023


    Conclusion & notes:


    Out of all games tested only CLoD & RoF showed FPS gains on i5 that definately exceeded the 100MHz (circa 3%) clock difference between the 2 CPUs. In best case (CLoD min FPS)  the FPS difference was 37% in favour of i5.

    FE2, DCS & IL-2 1946 obviously don't  utilise more than 1 ( IL-2 1946) or 2 cores.


    So, to be honest, in your case buddy (playing those sims mainly) there's no reason to spend 3x more on i5 - Pentium G 3420 looks like the best bang for the buck!


    But, let me play the devil's  (i5 ^_^) advocate here:


    1. In my test both CPUs were run on the same high-performing mainboard with Z87 chipset. But if you'll pair up your Pentium G with a cheap B87 chipset mainboard then the performance difference MIGHT be even larger with i5 and Z87.

    2. Since games were run on high settings with AA applied, I'm not sure if my Graphic Cards wasn't the bottle neck in some cases. With more powerful card FPS MIGHT have been even higher on i5.

    3. i5 is more "future proof" Sure you'll spend lots of money NOW, but you won't have to change the CPU in a year or two AGAIN - especially that the DCS series (and the future DCS:WW2) are getting the DX11 EDGE engine later THIS year that will surely utilise multi-threaded CPUs much better than current crappy LOMAC's one.

    4. No overclocking! My i5 can run at 4.5 GHz on air, without issues (except for the noise from the fans XD ).


    Anyways, I hope you'll be happy with your purchase!

    Good luck! :biggrin:

    • Like 1

  10. As I noticed, latest SF2 patch iteratio0ns have serious problems with AMD Graphic cards. Namely the issue is that you cannot turn off the V-Sync so users of recent AMD  graphic cards are limited to 60 FPS. What is worse SF2 uses only Double Frame Buffering which means that as soon as the FPS drop below 60, they actually drop to 30 FPS.


    So at one moment your enjoying 60 FPS then seconds later it drops to 30 FPS (because a missile or a flak exploded in your field of view, which normally would drop your fps to, say, 57 - but since your locked with double buffered V-Sync it drops to 30, hence the stuttering).


    TL;DR - TK needs to publish another patch dealing with recent AMD GPUs and VSync.

  11. Perhaps it's best if I simplify this and just pick a built-in single missions in each game, and measure fps with FRAPS in DCS and SF2 after mission starts. In Il-2 I'll run the Black Death ;) I know the Il-2 is single threaded, but there's still 10-20% clock difference between Pentium G and i5 so I might as well measure it. I'll get back to you tomorrow with the results as it will take me some time to have all those game installed and set up.

  12. Sure, 2 issues though:


    1. I don't have any of those games on  my hdd atm, so I'll need to DL/install them first.


    2. We need to decide on a particular baseline game setup - SF2 vanilla or modded? Sf2:E or SF2:NA with the LOD engine? Specific pre created .msn mission file that you'll send me? Il-2 vanilla 4.12.2 or HSFX7? Which mission? DCS World or FC3 or A-10C?

    Where do I measure FPS - in the cockpit as soon as the mission starts? Is FRAPS OK? Etc., etc. ;)

  13. Games in this review are extremely GPU limited hence the small difference  between different CPUs (Metro Last Light stands out however).


    Brain how about I do this - I'll switch off 2 cores out of my i5 4670k and down-clock it to 3 Ghz which will place it roughly at that Pentium G level (minus the larger Cache of i5). Then we can run SF2, IL-2, DCS on my setup and compare? Whaddya say?


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