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Everything posted by SFP1Ace

  1. And you're already using watercooling and overclocking - that's the spirit . This track & rally cars part sounds like fun! I, on the other hand, am in the middle of driving licence courses for bike and car. I wish I'd done this 10 years ago, though...but better late than never!
  2. Your welcome! In the future, if you'll feel the need you can easily add another GTX 280 to your setup provided your PSU can handle it. 2xGTX 280 would be a very powerful combination even by today's standards, you'd be missing out on DX11 though. Not that it makes a whooping difference, DX10 only recently became a standard.
  3. Thanks to a small team of people dedicated to crack on Nvidia's corporate bullcrap and their SLI patch 0.9b allowing SLI on non-SLI certified mobos. Fcuk you Nvidia! Read this and enjoy mate! http://xdevs.com/eplugins/content/content.php?content.30
  4. Same here! DX10, 1920x1080, everything Unlimited, detail mesh size upped to 8. Lowest FPS I saw was on runway, with a large flight (8 planes or so) lining up behind me - low 30's. Usually during game it's 50-60 fps (Vsync on). Drops to high 30's or 40's when mud moving, lots of explosions, flying over city, etc. I'm looking forward to EXP2, who knows, maybe I'll get constant 50-60 FPS no matter what situation? :D Yup, that's my good ol' P5Q Deluxe, pushing 490 fsb. Actually it's the best mobo I've ever had!
  5. My E8500 was also C0 stepping, and to reach 4.4GHz i used 1.45 V! On air (TRUE 120 rulez! :D ). IMHO high voltage isn't as dangerous to your CPU as high tempratures. If you've got proper cooling (and watercooling definitely IS proper cooling) don't be afraid to push the voltage lil bit more. Don't worry, Intel CPUs CAN handle it. Most of the cases when CPU dies of overclocking are if it's not cooled properly AND/OR is stressed with PRIME95/LINPACK 24/7 - this is not normal CPU operating environment!. Right now I'm using Q9650 (E0) also running at 4.4 GHz at 1.4625V. On HOT summer day temps on each core will exceed 70 deg Celsius IF I'll torture it with PRIME 95. In games temps rarely exceed 60 deg Celsius. On normal, cool day they are 5-10 degs lower. Remember, for 45nm C2Q and C2D cpus deadly temps (CPU shuts down) start close 100 deg Celsius (Tjmax). As long as you're running much cooler than this - you're safe. True, the CPU maybe won't last 20 years, more like 5-10, but I bet you'll upgrade it before then ;). Bottom line: 1. Don't be afraid to apply some more voltage WITH good cooling solution. 2. I've been overclocking every CPU I had since my Celeron 400 Mhz back in 1999 and only ONE died on me ( and it was an Athlon64 2 Ghz, oc'ed to 2.2 GHz IIRC :P). 3. You have to be REALLY jinxed/unlucky to kill your CPU. IMHO yes, there is danger but it's acceptable (read - very low). 4. Even non oc'ed CPU can die! 5. If after increasing voltage your PC becomes unstable, decrease it!!! Many cases of dead CPU were because owners were ignoring instabilities - an obvious sign that something was wrong. 6. Make sure your PSU can handle it! 7. I don't take any responsibility for any damage to your PC that may result from running your hardware beyond manufacturer's specifications ;P. Sorry for an overtly long post, I hope it helps somewhat ;) P.S. When I wrote about not noticing FPS increase after upgrading to 2x460 GTX I meant SF2 series only. Other games run at least twice as fast ;)
  6. That's pretty sweet! I however use the VSYNC to keep the framerate as steady as possible. I hate when the game goes from 30-40 to over 100 FPS just because i looked in a different diection ( on an airfield for example). Bootsjunky, I would advise you to withold with the upgrade at least for a while. Let me state the reasons. First of all we've got the same mobo - P5Q Deluxe is pretty sweet. Long time ago I had my E8500 at 4.4 GHz on air, fsb was well over 500! Your's watercooled, surely you can push it safely beyond 4 GHz? While the Core i5 series is faster than Core 2 Duo series clock for clock, the difference is not THAT huge (and you should be able to oveclock your E8500 some more). True, i5 760 has 4 cores, but SF2 doesn't use that yet. Now wait at least until EXP2, it's gonna bring some more optimisations towards multicore CPUs. It might be that by spending, say, 20 bucks on this expansion pack, you'll get better performance improvement with your CURRENT PC than by spending hundreds $ on new hardware and NOT buying EXP2 ;) . I think that it's quite possible that after EXP2 the performance of your current PC will be more than satisfactory and you won't feel the need to upgrade anymore :D. The last thing - recently i upgraded from an ATI HD4890 (comparable to your GTX 280) to dual GTX 460 SLI - zero FPS improvement! (well not exactly, at least with NVIDIA I can disable VSYNC if I want, never could do it with ATI in SF2 series). Food for thought, eh?
  7. Polen am Bau!

    Lol, now I wish I had paid attention during my german classes more than ever.
  8. Polen am Bau!

    I wish I could understand german...I'm guessing it's some kind of stand-up joke about Polish workers in Germany? Or am I mistaken?
  9. So that's why it's taking longer than expected I'm sure EXP2's gonna be worth the wait!
  10. AIM-120 AMRAAM

    Cool! I don't think that an a-a missile with a price tag of well over 1000000$ would be very cost effective
  11. Thanks! I like the idea of a lifetime support for NF4+ ;)
  12. But would a name length difference of a mere few letters result in size difference of thousands of bytes?
  13. I remember installing (some time ago) the Flight Of The Intruder anniversary cockpit available here at CA. It was very nice and detailed. How does it compare to the stock WoV A-6 cockpit?
  14. To all of CA staff and modders - a big Thank You! Thank you for keeping this site alive. Thank you for all these great mods you've created. Thanks you for always willing to help be it a mod or a computer issue. Thank you for not quitting although many of you have been with SF series from the very beginning - 8 years by now...Thank you for putting up with annoying noobs and (sometimes) criticism of your work. Thank you for all the mods you WILL create. Thank you for providing all of this for FREE! Some of the mods here could easily be made payware - they're THAT good (and judging by screenshots the Korea mod will easily rival TW stuff). However you still make it available for everyone and don't charge a single penny - most commendable! Guys, sometimes you may feel annoyed or unappreciated, but believe me - you are doing a stellar job here and I just wish that more people, more often would let you know that! I sincerely believe that the community here, at CA are simply the best community of all sim games! I know I'll repeat myself but what the heck....Thank You!
  15. That's an interesting POV mate. So you recon U.S. wouldn't retaliate with nukes even if NKorea would drop several nukes on US/SKorean forces in a hypothetical conflict? BTW, did you know that polish (communist) government had a secret nuclear program to acquire nukes to have bargaining chip against Uncle Joe (in the '70s). They even managed to smuggle kritronic (or whatever it's called) device out of US and there were plans to conduct test explosions in shafts drilled in Carpathian or Sudety Mountains. Luckily for us this never came to fruition and the program was abandoned. I read it in a newspaper few years ago so I'm not sure how much truth there is to it....
  16. Unfortunately I've got a feeling my country will enter 3rd decade of this century with less that 100 modern fighters...Our defence budget is only 1.95% GDP and most of the expenditures go to the Army, then the Airforce and the Navy is almost forgotten...Thank God that a war with Germany or Russia is nowadays something of a madman's dream rather that even a distinct possibility.....
  17. Over G Fighters... worth it?

    I remember playing it on xbox 360 about 4 years ago - didn't like it. From what I remember it was too arcadish for my taste and the controls were horrible. I was playing with a pad though, so you should have a better experience with proper joystick. Good luck!
  18. File Name: Alternative Armour Pack File Submitter: SFP1Ace File Submitted: 09 September 2010 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Objects Alternative Armour Pack This armour pack is my humble attempt to make ground war somewhat more "accurate". It's been created with SF2:E/NF4+ in mind, but it should be easy to adapt it to other mods/installs. Several "new" tanks have been created, but due to my lack of modelling skills they're only ini edits. Other tanks (both TW and community ones) have been tweaked. "New" stuff: - Chieftain mk2, mk5 & mk11 (edited stock Centurions); - 120MM L11 gun for Chieftain, parameters optimized for the L15 APDS round; - Leopard 1 (edited stock Leopard 1A1); - M1 IP (edited M1 Abrams from NF4+); - M60A1 AOS (edited stock M60A1); - M60A3 (edited Pasko's & Kesselbrut's M60A3) - T-80B (edited T-80BV by SWS, BPAo, Fubar512 & 331Killerbee) Modified stuff: - 120MM L44 customized for '80s M829 APFSDS round); - Centurions (mk5,6,8,10,13), Leopard (1A1-1A5), Leopard 2A4, M1, M1A1, M48 (A2 & A3), M60A1, T-54, T-55, T-62A, T-72A, T-80BV; Modifications inlclude following changes/corrections: - tank's weight; - armor values have been changed to RHA equivalents against Kinetic Energy rounds. Angled plates have been taken into account whenever possible. Late tanks (T-72, T-80, Abrams, Leo 2) armor RHA values have been greatly influenced by data presented in "Armor Basics" created by Paul Lasowski & included in Steel Beasts; - number of gun rounds carried; - presence (or lack thereof) of nightsight, gun stabilization; - rangefinder & ballistic computer values; - service entry dates. I "hope" all this changes enhance accuracy but please bear in mind that: - SF series is about flying and the ground war aspect is kind off limited; - I'm no guru, I pulled the data from the Internet, therefore it might not be actually accurate, lol; - there's no easy way to calculate RHA values, info on the net can vary significantly from source to source; if you have some good/reliable literature where these are well/reliably documented for many cold war tanks and their variants/sub-types you're welcome to share ;) If you find any bugs/errors, please let me know so I can correct it. INSTALLATION: Back up your stuff first, so you can revert changes if you don't like them! Unzip archive and copy Objects folder to your mod directory (usually "C:\Users\Username\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Europe\" when using Vista/7). If you want M60A3 & T-80B\BV to show up you'll need to download them from CA (I didn't include lod files or textures). M60A3 is included in US Armour Pack, T-80BV is, well T-80BV. For T-80B copy T-80BV lod files into it's directory. If you don't have NF4+ installed you'll have to get the M1 Abrams from the US Armour Pack as well. And obviously if you want all the "new" stuff to show up in a campaign, you'll have to modify campaign data file. For starters I suggest replacing British Division's Leos with Chieftains in 1979 & 1986 campaigns. If you're still lost PM me :). Enjoy! SFP1Ace CREDITS: Pasko & Kesselbrut (M60A3) SWS, BPAo, Fubar512 & 331Killerbee (T-80BV) NF4+ Team/Kesselbrut (M1 Abrams) Click here to download this file
  19. Oh, I see . Thanks for the intel, comrade ;)
  20. Pardon me for asking but why 1993? Did NATO got their hands on MiG and Su radars back then? A spy defected to US? I'm also assuming that before NATO couldn't tell the difference (RWR wise) between N001 & N019 due to their similarity (N001 being developed from N019), is that right? Thanks!
  21. This makes this "unofficial' mod for NF4+ I was wrapping up obsolete, lol. Great stuff guys, NF is among best things that happened to SF series, period.
  22. Well there are so many great mods out there, but IMHO "must have" for 2nd gen series surely include: SF2 - Piecemeal's Desert3 terrain plus enhanced campaigns for it; SF2:Vietnam - Air & Ground Expansion Pack; SF2:Europe - NF4+ & Stary's terrain repaint; SF2:Israel - 1948 War For Independence & Stary's terrain repaint; and that's just the tip of an iceberg, enjoy! P.S. I forgot to add - there's also Korean Air War mod in the works ATM, the team is aiming to relase it around Christmas, it might get delayed though if needs polishing. Let me tell you this - judgeing by the screenshots posted it's gonna blow yer mind and IMHO the quality will at least equal TW stuff...Go and check out the thread: http://combatace.com/topic/58773-mig-alley-update-thread/
  23. I guess whichever trainer jet our government chooses, it'll be an improvement over the 40-year old Iskras...

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