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Everything posted by SFP1Ace

  1. Holy cow, that's some outstanding graphics you've got there, ravenclaw!!! Which terrain is it?
  2. No tak, that's very true. I want it in game only if it complies with historical reality :) There are so many things IN SF2 we can't control and make realistic (avionics, mission planning, refueling, you name it...) but at least we can control (to a degree, depending whether the object's been modelled at all) is order of battle, right? So I'm aiming to create a little bit more realistic setting within the game's engine limits...I guess I'm a detail freak ( to a degree ;) - I would have to remove Su-27 sq as I'm pretty sure that in 1986 they weren't deployed anywhere near East Germany, rather than to Kola Peninsula). anyway I just order another book on soviet and russian a-a & a-g missiles, somehow I trust printed sources more than websites (irrational?). The second question - I really have no idea, I would probably have to try it and see, but I really don't feel like doing it :D
  3. from http://www.saunalahti.fi/fta/MiG-29-4.htm R-73 (AA-11) "ARCHER" Missile Family: R-73M1 off-boresight version utilized with helmet mounted sight R-73M2 training missile shape with seeker head R-73E APU-73-1D pylon R-73U purpose: highly maneuverable dogfight missile design bureau: Vympel development: early 1980's first airborne tests: 1989 first delivered IOC: 1992 See? Even more confusing....
  4. Do you mean adding something like this in campaign.ini for squadrons in question: Supply[001].WeaponType=R-73 Supply[001].Quantity=6 But weren't specific supply parameters removed in SF2 series? Does it even work? UPDATE: from SF2 knowledge base It seems Weapons loadouts for player squadrons are NO longer required in SF2 – that’s these bits: Supply[001].WeaponType=Shafrir1 Supply[001].Quantity=60 Supply[002].WeaponType=Matra530 Etc………
  5. Yeah, that's what I was thinking as well, to create a year specific versions say MIG-29_86, SU-27_86, MIG-23MLD_86. The case of MIG-23MLD is easier - in '86 campaign there 3 sqs so I could equip just one (from what I found on the net in the '80s only some regiments of mig-23mld where carrying aa-11 so that would make sense). But there's only 1 sq of 29s and 27s each. I would have to create additional squadrons just to carry alternative loadout and combined with AA-11 it would bump the difficulty way too much I think. Plus I don't wanna stray too much from the vision creators of the original '86 campaign intented, just wan't to enhance it slightly :). And I'm also aiming for realism too so if I get the proof that in '86 AA-11 was NOT part of a standard loadout then it will have to go. Thanks for the ideas though
  6. I tried to play ARMA some time ago and while the graphics were 10x better than OFP, the campaign was quite the opposite :( (I'm more of a single player guy). I also bought OFP 2 on steam and while many folks consider it !^&* I kinda liked it (only played it for couple of hours, like so many other games it awaits in a loong line of games I intend play through). Funny thing about me is that I almost never buy games when they're released. Usually I would wait a year or so till the game is fully patched, costs a fraction of release date price, and my PC hardware catches up with the recommended requirements.
  7. Thanks Fubar, we're slowly getting there, but still the crucial year is 1986 (cough, NF4+, cough ).
  8. Thanks, but I read it before. It confirms the 1984 date but it's too vague. Other source mentioned 1987, and that early MIGs 29 were equipped with aa-8 and only later on with AA-11. So when was this later on? 1985,1986 or, say, 1989? Or maybe Soviets started equipping Su-27 from 1984 and MIG 29s and 23s from 1988 or later?Maybe someone's got a book or a monography on the topic? It's just this kind of knowledge that I seek, cheers.
  9. File Name: Optimised Tiles for Updated Default SF2 Terrain File Submitter: SFP1Ace File Submitted: 27 July 2010 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Terrains Optimised Tiles for Updated Default SF2 Terrain by Piecemeal V 1.1 These tiles are for Piecemeal's excellent Updated Default SF2 Terrain v 1.1. They have been optimised for a 8-bit color pallette for a 66.6% reduction in size and memory consumption - just for you folks with them older graphic cards! And they look 99.9% as good as the original ones so you won't be compromising on quality! INSTALLATION: Unpack the archives and drop BMP files to your Terrains/DESERT3 folder and allow for overwrite. Enjoy! SFP1Ace CREDITS: Piecemal for his Desert3 terrrain ODS Team and various others for the original tiles, see included readme file. Click here to download this file
  10. Thanks! Now I just can't go back to the stock desert terrain and it's all your fault, you know ;) I guess I'm safe to assume we can expect an update in two weeks? ;)
  11. OF...oh that brings memories...I've fiinished the main campaign several times, it was THAT good, and RESISTANCE too. Did you know that there was 3rd campaign available (as a download I think) where you took on the role of Soviet commando (I think it was called Red Hammer, but I might be wrong on this). It was half as long as the main campaign. Sorry for the OT, can't help you with mods for ARMA series, my ARMA gold is collecting dust, there's just so many other good games that occupy my time, (HL2 Orange Box, SotSE and of course SF2 series to name few ;) ).
  12. Actually I've found even better way to deal with it - Castshadow=FALSE in pit1.ini solved it pretty well. No shadow's better than borked shadow :]
  13. Piecemeal, could you fix this issue in your next update please? Thanks!
  14. Well, I think the issue you're describing is called Z-fighting, and it has to do with your graphics card Z-Buffer. Anyway I've got this issue with shimmering buildings/buildings shadows as well, but it's visible only from a greater distance ALSO with stock, unmodded terrians :(. I guess it's a driver or game engine related issue and nothing can be done about it as far as I know...Turning off city building shadows (Setting shadows to HIGH) alleviates it to some degree, but the 3d building models still seem to 'flicker'. Maybe someone more knowledgeable than me might chime in some info on this?
  15. "15" is kinda used by F-15 already. So what would look good on TWES display? SU15 or SU-15 seems too long as most of the codes ar no longer than 2 digits or letters. Maybe just TM for Taifun-M radar? Whaddya think?
  16. Well then, RL stuff's always better for immersion, and it kinda makes sense. You've just saved me the hassle of creating custom TGA file, cheers pal!
  17. OK, I don't think there's any better alternative to it, cheers!
  18. Hey, probably it's just me being greedy. Still dreaming about Falcon 4.0 style exhausting 500+ pages brick-thick manual (will get there, eventually, I have no doubts about it ).
  19. I think this http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2343#p15670 should be included as well :)
  20. True, BUT once completed it will be so much easier than googling for knowledge, coz it's gonna be in one place, in one format. PLUS as you've noticed ALL this data is from plane's ini files therefore all the values are true as far as SF2 represented reality is concerned. I know it's a lot of work, but i've got a considerable amount of time to spend on my hands (no job atm, limited social life, u can call me a temporary nerd, LOL) so I don't mind if you don't mind :)
  21. How can I increase the resolution of a moving map? Here's the pic of moving map in NF+ F-15C (I think it's just too blurry):
  22. RIght, so I guess it's hardcoded in game's engine. Time to start knocking on TK's door

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