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Everything posted by SFP1Ace

  1. Thanks! So...IF I do it will you use it? ;) I mean would you add it to the knowledge base? Or I shouldn't bother?
  2. For example: AIRCRAFT: MIG-23MLD PRIMARY USER: Soviet SHORT DESCRIPTION: The MiG-23MLD was the ultimate fighter variant of the MiG-23. YEARS AVAILABLE: 1982 onwards with Soviet airforce. EXPORTED: Yes, from 1983. OTHER USERS: Afghanistan 1983-2000, Bulgaria 1983-2002, Kazakhstan 1992 -, Turkmenistan 1992 -, Ukraine 1992 - 2003. AIRCRAFT ROLES: Intercept (primary), sweep, CAP, escort, strike (secondary). MAX SPEED: xxx at sea level, yyy at altitude. SERVICE CEILING: 18600 m MAX G LIMIT: 8.5g RADAR: 60 KM max detection range, 45 KM max tracking range, Doppler lookdown capable, uses continuous wave for missile guidance. RWR: Yes, capable of detecting continuous wave ECM: Yes, deceptive, capable of jamming continues waves. DECOYS: Yes, chaffs & flares INTERNAL GUN: Yes, 1x23mm TYPICAL LOADOUTS: Air2Air - 4xAA-8B, 2xAA-7C, 1xdroptank (optional for long range missions) Attack - 4xAA-8B, 2xUB-32, 1xdroptank Strike - 4xFAB250, 1xdroptank Anti-Ship - 2xFAB500, 1xdroptank OTHER: Day&night capable, requires SMALL airbase to operate, excellent acceleration! Using this template I could literally do it for every stock plane in game, jst need help finding max speeds in ini files? BTW what types of missions does Attack loadout concern and whats the difference beetween this and Strike?
  3. That's a very useful information you got there in this guide. It could surely be included in a more comprehensive SF2 "Bible". Together if information on cockpit instruments, avionics, AND HUD symbology for EVERY stock aircraft, max lo & hi altitude speeds for Blue & Red side aircrafts, their max radar ranges, whether it's a doppler or not, type of carried weaponry (in game wepons of course) and it's min. max deployment ranges and alititudes, short take off and landing guides (like at what speeds& when to lower flaps, what speed do not exceed for given aircraft dry and loaded when landing etc.), guides for WVR & BVR combat for specific adversaries (it,s different to fight against, say, mig-17 than mig-23 ;)), modding section describing the prameters in data.ini files in detail and so on and so on. This would take a HUUUGE amount of time to put together I guess, but once completed it would serve several generations of SF2 simmers :) I for once volunteer to write some sections f.e. on aircraft, weapons & radars ranges, speeds etc.
  4. That would be one of the BEST things ever done for SF series.
  5. Hell yeah, thats what I was aiming for :). the thing is that each terrain contains 3 versions of planning map - 512x512, 1024x1024 and 2048 version. I'm pretty certain that the call in F-15C pit lod is for the lowest 512 version, so i was hoping tu adjust it but apparently it can be done only by the original pit creator :(. Or i can just supplant the 512 map version for 1024 one in terrains folder, but like I said it messes up the in game planning map a bit.
  6. Great! :good:TK should have included stuff like this in a manual looong time ago... I think IMHO this info should be put together with your previous radar tutorials and stickied! Thanks a lot streakeagle!
  7. Thanks, will do that! it's my first time doing something like this, so in worst case scenario, if it won't get approved, i'll just keep it for my private use. Hmmm, try this setting for [AlphaObjectTextureMaterial] entry in GermanyCE_data.ini [AlphaObjectTextureMaterial] EffectShaderName=terAlphaObject.fx DepthBufferCheck=TRUE DepthBufferWrite=FALSE RenderedInOrder=TRUE AlphaTestEnabled=TRUE CullMode=NO_CULL LightEnabled=TRUE SpecularEnabled=FALSE EmissiveEnabled=FALSE FogEnabled=TRUE AmbientColor=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 DiffuseColor=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 ZBufferOffset=2.000000 BlendOp=BLEND_SRC_ALPHA NumTextureStages=1 TextureStage[01].TextureName= TextureStage[01].MipMap=TRUE TextureStage[01].FilterEnabled=TRUE TextureStage[01].StageColorOp=TEXTURE_MODULATE_DIFFUSE TextureStage[01].StageAlphaOp=TEXTURE_BLEND_TEXTURE_ALPHA It might help with shimmering, but it has a know side effect of 'seeing trees through trees', you'll know what I'm talking about when you see it :)
  8. From the readme: 1024x1024 High resolution GermanyCE for Strike Fighters 2: Europe ----------------------------------------------------------------- Created for Nato Fighters 4+ by C5 and Team So it should work fine with NATO Fighters 4+. Just in case backup your GermanyCE folder before installing Stary's update :) BTW, I'm creating an unoffcial update (more of a tweak really) for NATO Fighters 4+, containing few new AI planes, a couple of new tanks, various data.ini tweaks and enhancements for Aircrafts and Ground Objects (changed/corrected service years to more realistic, tweaked radar ranges, loadouts, added missing RWR entries, radar frequency ranges, upodated RWR.lst for TEWS equipped planes etc.). I should have it finished in a couple of days. Anybody interested in "betatesting' it to check if it won't break anything in the already amazing NF4+ ? :]
  9. Well there is a 'way' to fix it - install Stary's HR GermanyCE terrain upgrade (the whole package, not just tiles) - last time I checked windmills seemed to look OK. EDIT: typo
  10. I had exactly same issue when i added Stary's HR Germany repaint textures without his ini nad tod files! Are you using Stary's HR GermanyCE upgrade?
  11. Version


    512x512 Tiles for CA_Stary's HR SF2E GermanyCE terrain update. Originally created by Stary, resized for your convinience. This should help any of you with weaker computers. Looks almost as good as original ;) Installation: Unpack and copy GermanyCE folder to your SF2E Terrains folder and allow for overwrite. Ennnnjoy :) SFP1Ace Credits: Stary for original tiles (hey, have I mentioned that you've done a superb (again!) job yet? ;) )
  12. Oh, well, it's a minor issue I can live with. Thanks for informative answers FC!
  13. That seems to do the trick, BUT it messes up the planning map when using zoomed out view. Is there some entry, regarding which versions of the terrain map is being used, in model ini file or is it hardcoded in plane's cockpit lod or smth?
  14. File Name: Optimised Tiles for SF2V Air & Ground War Expansion File Submitter: SFP1Ace File Submitted: 27 July 2010 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Terrains Optimised Tiles for SF2V Air & Ground War Expansion Pack v2.0 Gold These tiles are for malibu43 & eburger68's excellent SF2V Air & Ground War Expansion Pack v2.0 Gold. They have been optimised for a 8-bit color pallette for a 66.6% reduction in size and memory consumption - just for you folks with them older graphic cards! And they look 99.9% as good as the original ones so you won't be compromising on quality! INSTALLATION: Unpack the archives and drop BMP & TGA files to your Terrains/VietnamSEA & Terrains/SouthVietnam folders and allow for overwrite. Enjoy! SFP1Ace CREDITS: malibu43 & eburger68 for their awesome expansion pack CA_Stary for "Green Hell 2" Terrain Mod Brain32 for "Re-painted VietnamSEA Tiles" Pappa Goat for re-painted versions of the GH2/Brain32 tiles and many other, see included original readme file. Click here to download this file
  15. Version


    Optimised Tiles for SF2V Air & Ground War Expansion Pack v2.0 Gold These tiles are for malibu43 & eburger68's excellent SF2V Air & Ground War Expansion Pack v2.0 Gold. They have been optimised for a 8-bit color pallette for a 66.6% reduction in size and memory consumption - just for you folks with them older graphic cards! And they look 99.9% as good as the original ones so you won't be compromising on quality! INSTALLATION: Unpack the archives and drop BMP & TGA files to your Terrains/VietnamSEA & Terrains/SouthVietnam folders and allow for overwrite. Enjoy! SFP1Ace CREDITS: malibu43 & eburger68 for their awesome expansion pack CA_Stary for "Green Hell 2" Terrain Mod Brain32 for "Re-painted VietnamSEA Tiles" Pappa Goat for re-painted versions of the GH2/Brain32 tiles and many other, see included original readme file.
  16. Version


    512x512 Tweaked Tiles for CA_Stary's Enhanced SF2:Israel terrain. Originally created by CA_Stary, resized by Dave, optimised by me. Note: these *.bmp tiles are 512x512 in size with 8 bit color pallete.Includes TGA tiles from Dave's effort. This should help any of you with even very weak computers.Looks almost as good as Dave's resize but you get even bigger performance increase. Installation: Drop the bitmaps and TGA files in IsraelME folder and allow for overwrite. Now go and down some pesky MIGs :) SFP1Ace Credits: CA_Stary for original tiles USAFMTL for resizing those tiles
  17. Actually this might have been done before by someone else, but I discovered this while browsing through Stary's new tiles for GermanyCE and IsraelME. I think everyone will agree that he's done a superb job with terrain repaints and that his textures look great at 1024x1024 resolution? But what I've notice is that instead of being 24 bit bitmap files like TK's originals, they're only 8 bit BMPs!!! That's right that means 256 colors pallette! But it still looks great and somehow I just can't spot any color banding or other issues associated with low color pallettes. And thanks to this these 1024 textures are only 1MB sized instead of being 3 MB per texture like TK's. That surely saves some bandwidth and memory! And it makes 2048x2048 textures from MF planes only 4MB sized instead of huge 12MB per texture! Now I'm in a process of 'decolorising' all hi res textures on planes etc. with Pain.NET, just when saving bmps I have to make sure that dithering option is selected to prevent color banding. I hope some newb modders or ppl with older graphic cards will find this information useful! P.S. Sorry if it's old news EDIT: typos
  18. Somehow Brighter doesn't work for me. It just won't output any files... Maybe it's a Win 7 issue? Anyway Paint.NET or IrfanView will satisfy my needs just fine :)
  19. I haven't tried IrfanView yet, but if it can do batch operations then its will speed up the conversion quite a bit, thanks :-)
  20. That's much better now, although another, well known bug became evident (seeing trees through trees). I guess it's some engine related depth buffer issue. I'll settle with your settings until TK fixes this, thanks! Dzięki! ;)
  21. Really a superb job, Stary! On a sidenote, how do I fix this issue:
  22. Hej, thanks buddy! I must have gone blind:oops: Now I definitely spotted some palm trees here and there. I guess I just got used to farmlands heavily populated with trees from TK's desert terrain, while your desert 3.0 looks like a proper desert :) Once again a big thank you!:good:Desert 3.0 and updated campaigns gave the underdog SF2 a second life!
  23. Great stuff! But what happened to all the trees? Can't find any:blink:
  24. Recently I downloaded JAS39C for SF2 series, just wanted to try something different than the usal 60's and 70's stuff, and I can't find any remaining fuel quantity indicator. I checked the cockpit.ini so I know it SHOULD be there but I must be getting old since I can't locate it in the cockpit. Other strange thing - I've been flying Gripen on full afterburner for like 15 minutes and it didn't run out of fuel - and since I couldn't check the fuel quantity I'm guessing Swedes must built everything with economy in mind . Any insight on the matter would be appreciated. Thanks Michal P.S. I'm running SF2+SF:V+SF:E merged, windows 7
  25. just follow the linky: http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.p...696&p=41501

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