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Everything posted by SFP1Ace

  1. I've just noticed this morning that waypoint bearing and range counter labels on Typhoon's middle MFD were swapped over so i made a quick fix. Just unzip the file and drop it in your Typhoon\cockpit directory overwriting existing file. Enjoy! Michal mfd_bits.zip Edit: fixed some typos, etc.
  2. Hmm, I since I'm new to this, I wonder whether should I upload this file to downloads section or will the original creator update the model himself sometime in the future?
  3. Seems like a good idea, Foxbats-E plus some upgraded Floggers, thanks :) And you're right, 21's and 23's just lack the radar range to enage f-15 on equal terms at high altitude. I think it's only about 30 KM for mig 21 and about 60 KM for latest incarnations of mig 23...
  4. Yeah, but only if approprieate entry is provided in a *.dll file to be called by entry in ini file. If TK didn't put it in there then it won't work. I already tried to add Waypoint Bearing counter tu HUD but no luck. Waypoint number counter and range counter can be added to hud because (I think) these entries exist in avionics.dlls or hud.dll. For example folowing 2 entries exist in gripen avionics.ini: [HUD_WaypointID] SymbolType=WAYPOINT_ID_TEXT TextPosition=0.074,0.236 HorizontalAlignment=LEFT VerticalAlignment=CENTER TextFormat=WP %d [HUD_WaypointRange] SymbolType=WAYPOINT_RANGE_TEXT TextPosition=0.074,0.252 HorizontalAlignment=LEFT VerticalAlignment=CENTER TextFormat=%0.1f DisplayUnit=NM So I tried to add waypoint bearing counter as well: [HUD_WaypointHeading] SymbolType=WAYPOINT_HEADING_TEXT TextPosition=0.074,0.270 HorizontalAlignment=LEFT VerticalAlignment=CENTER TextFormat=%0.1f DisplayUnit=DEG But, because there's no data in any of the dlls about WAYPOINT_HEADING_TEXT for HUD (I think) then the ini's call can't return a value. So no go. Is there somewhere a comprehensive list of all usable vaules and parameters for creating avionics? That would allow to learn the engine's limitation easier and we could start pushing TK to get the missing stuff implemented in future patches
  5. Thanks Mikey! I guess there aren't many Gripen fans out there, otherwise someone would notice that long time ago...No fun flying when you don't know when you're gonna run out of gas Maybe grippen's avionics are still work in progress? The model is great though and FM 'feels' realistic too Sometimes I wish I had decent modding skills...
  6. Horrible sights...

    Ugh, I bet this might look like a rape scene for any F4 lover out there....
  7. I've also noticed that Gripen's avionics still uses Ground_Map radar entry instead of GM. Brain32, since you converted this bird for SF2 you might check that avionics.ini and reupload it And can anyone check that fuel gauge thingy? I just wanna know if i'm not alone with this one
  8. OK, I' managed to run out of fuel. It sure did feel like an eternity, must be because of all this F-15A flying I've been doing recently :blush2: . Still no luck with fuel quantity indicator. I found fuel flow, but no quantity :(
  9. I'm really curious about it cause there's a big difference in capabilities between first F-16 C/D block 25 and,say, block 52+. Now what about f-15 or f-14? Where there any "blocks" for them? Or is F-15C from '79 exactly the same as the current ones that serve in US airforce? (in terms of avionics, capabilities, etc.) Thank you for any informative answers
  10. Ha, I also used to use 26" HD ready with same resolution as a monitor, it was a samsung i think :). Regarding your issue, check the RAM/chipset timings in bios, they might be set to tight, f.e if your RAM CAS latency is set to 3 or 4 try 5, if your command rate (CR) is set to 1T then try 2 etc.
  11. But the question still remains: do you or do you not, sir, overclock your CPU/RAM/GFX?
  12. I had EXACTLY the SAME graphic anomalies in TW games, but it was caused by overclocking. If you're OC'ing your cpu/mobo/ram return it to default settings and see if this reoccurs.
  13. ATI Radeon HD4890 1GB RAM. Somehow your settings got me back to the preENB series era performance-wise and since the sole purpose of this mod (for me) is that FPS doubling under VISTA/7, i'm back to default settings. Maybe it just ATI thing
  14. Zmatt's ini cut my fps in half so i'm going back to default "bloom only + darkening" settings.
  15. Well in TW games F-15A does tell friend from a foe in TWS mode. Check the picture below
  16. EDIT: I'm using SF2 merged install (all three titles) june 2009b, this "problem" might not exist in WoE or older patch versions, don't know. As it is now waypoint rangecounter only indicatest ranges form 00.0 to 99.9 miles, so if the waypoint 200 miles away it won't show up properly. That's not very useful, especially if you don't use the white cons and/or map. To remedy this you'll need to change the following line in F15A_COCKPIT.ini [RangeCounter] Type=RANGE_INDICATOR CounterNodeFormat=counter_dist_%d MovementType=ANALOG_COUNTER ValueUnit=NM Scale=10.0 <--- change this to Scale=1.0 The rangecounter won't show the decimal parts of a mile anymore, but at least you'll know whether it's 50 or 150 miles ;) Hope it helps, Michal
  17. Thanks Stick! I just wish that ALL the bugs & glitches were so easy to fix
  18. I hope I won't sound dumb but here it goes: 1. Does an SF2:E F-15 have a TAS indicator? 2. I'm not sure but i think i remember it was/is possible to do IFF using TWS mode, if yes then how? 3. Is the on board ECM (an/alq-135 ?) better or equal to the under wing mounted an/alq-131? Is there any gain (as better chance to jam or better jamming radius) from equping these external ecm pods (game engine-wise)? 4. Streakeagle posted a superb guide to operating f-4/f-15 radars over at the thirdwire forums. Any chance for a similar guides to HUD/RWR? I'm willing to donate 10 quid (paypal) plus my undying gratitude . Also It would be a GREAT idea to combine these these guides to create a supplement manual for rookies such as me and many(?) others, coz you all know that TK's manuals are rather basic and lacking detailed information. 5. Same as above but about stock weapon's deployment ranges and envelopes guide? 6. And the last one, for those of you who didn't get annoyed by my previous questions :P, does any one else think that the F-15 is soo cool? I sure do! :yes: Thanks, Michal
  19. Well I'd rather call myself casual fpp/rpg/rts gamer with some inclinations towards simulations . That's why I spend my time flying TW series while my F4.0:AF and LOMAC is gathering dust (never got time to go throughout the steep learning curves for those games). Anyways after lots of googling I failed to find a direct comparison between them two ECMs. Most data that I found referred to the upgraded versions fielded on newer plane blocks. What I know now is that the F-15A ECM is AN\ALQ-135 so I'll just assume that it's at least as good if not better than AN\ALQ-131. So i guess that's another question answered. Thanks, Community . Now, what about that aspects designations?
  20. AN\ALQ-131 is 2-20 GHz, but I can't find anymore game data on eagle's internal jammer
  21. OK, i've done some research this morning and at least i managed to figure out the IFF question. F-15A in SF2:E can IFF targets in TWS mode, it takes some time though coz the onboard computer is slow (Intel 8088 or smth?). Anyways I've made a screenshot with descriptions for a future reference, it might as well be stickied in Knowledge Base if moderators will find it useful for other rookies Now most of the question's benn answered (Thanks, community ), but few still remain. 1. ECM. Here's the data for the F-15A's onboard ECM [ECM] SystemType=ECM_JAMMER JammerType=DECEPTIVE_JAMMER JammerStrength=60.0 And this is the data for the AN/ALQ-131 Type: DUAL MODE JAMMER JammerStrenght:50.0 So is deceptive jammer better than dualmode? Would I benefit in any way from equiping this external ECM pod on the F-15? 2. Targets aspect in track mode. What does 2R or 5L mean? I assume that L is for left and R for right, but how do i read the numbers?
  22. It's visual lock onto radar target command and i think it's ctrl+r. I'm using it as a IFF all the time . But i remember reading int he forums long time ago that TWS mode supposedly was able to tell wheter the locked target was friend or foe, but maybe i'm imagining things. And I'll try to extract them cat files (all 10 of them in my merged install ) to compare onboard ecm parameters with external pods. Just wanted to try the easy way by asking questions first :) 7. When I lock the target radar displays its aspect(?) as 6L or 1R etc. How do I read it?
  23. Well, u can always set fuel to Easy and have an F-15E (as in Economical or ENvironment friendly) But yeah, a community manual is what we need! Great name btw! I like the way it sounds! Community Manual, yum,yum
  24. I don't recall F-100's being that slow in previous installations. I mean I am just BARELY faster than Fresco C! I was chasing 1 fresco, at 15k feet, me and him on burners, fresco going at about 465 knots and me arounf 485-490 !? And I only had 2 winders on me, dropped the tanks earlier on...Is that normal? I feel as if this plane has no acceleration at all, it takes forever to gain some speed in level flight
  25. Somehow I just assumed than Hun was more of a rival to Mig-19 rather than 17, being supersonic and all...If i find to difficult to enjoy i'll just get back to f-8s, f-15s and f-4s. Thanks for your insight everyone! Edit: Hmm, should I have used "counterpart" instead for "rival"? Nevermind, time to go to bed

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