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Everything posted by SFP1Ace

  1. Right, i'll try to practice more then! :) But that speed performance...Only 30-40 KTS faster than Fresco C at 15k feet?
  2. Well, maybe that's just how it's supposed to be, maybe I just got used to F-4s performance and it's been a while since i the last time i flew f-100. Do you guys find it's performance adequate?
  3. Great mod but i've noticed some clipping issue with nearby clouds. Sometimes some clodus that are near the plane disappear when i look around the cockpit or orbit the camera around the plane in external view and appear again once i change the angle or gain some distance. Other than that its brilliant!
  4. On Windows 7, ATI Radeon 4890, Catalyst 9.6. Even if i force it off in catalyst control center, the game is still synced at 60 FPS...Anyone of you guys with ATI cards found a solution or is it just me with this problem?
  5. Aren't Arabs buying F-16E/F (block 60)?
  6. you've, sir, just made my day and by the time you'd upgraded you're rig - SF:Project 4 would be out
  7. Thanks, that's very interesting! Unfortunately my best source of information is wikipedia which is not bad, but lacks so detailed information. Could anyone recommend me any books (prferably available on ebay or amazon ;) ) which would further my education in cold war/modern jet fighters field? And again thanks in advance
  8. Some screenies as a proof (with ENB enabled). I didn't modify it in any way to make it work, just extracted to my Saved Games\Thirdwire\StrikeFighters2\Flight folder. If I'm right, shouldn't this great mod be in SF2 series download section as well? Any thoughts?
  9. It's brilliant! I've noticed that the new enviroment.ini file is twice as big as the old one! I guess the updated SF2 engine processes effects a little bit differently. Kudos to Orsin&Insky group and of course to Cellinsky for the original work
  10. Oh boy, can't wait, can't wait, can't wait And thank you in advance!
  11. There ya go: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=8897
  12. So I guess everybody is testing Better_Widesky mod with their SF2/V/E installs, huh?
  13. I on the other hand am spoiled with high FPS i get in FPS, RTS nad RPG games I play so I kinda expect the same from flight sims (not wise, yeah, i know ). But taking into account their different nature, flight sims are always behind the current available technologies....Just take a look at Black Shark...Almost new game but doesn't even utilise more 1 one cpu core. Shame, really. Hopefully things will start to change for the better :yes:
  14. Well for me the immersion is way better if I don't feel the jerkiness associated with low FPS. I mean I can tell the difference between 20 and 40 FPS right away and it really distracts me from the game...But thats me, if YOU are happy with 20 fps then good for you mate!
  15. I put the ini file in saved games\thirdwire\strikefighters2 europe\ (not in the flight subfolder) and it also worked! Now I can enjoy not only the doubled frame rate but this fake bloom/hdr effect as well! And here I thought that Christmas time is late December or smth :D
  16. Yes it seems to work with older series as well! I've just tried it with Strike Fighters Gold patched to october 2008 level, and my FPS went from 19-25 to 39-50 in cockpit (instant action)! So, to summarise, if you want to get this FPS boost you have to: 1. Have Vista/7 running the game 2. Have decent, NOT integrated graphic solution Now back in the original thread (now moved to modders corner) TK stated his thoughts on why this might be happening. This plugin may just skip some rendering and/or physics parts of the engine. Anyone noticed any differences (apart from the FPS of course ;) ) yet?
  17. Hmm, so it seems like this dll only works for: 1. Vista/7 users 2. SF2 series ...Can anyone with a dualboot confirm that?
  18. Yeah, so now TK can stop wasting time on advanced shaders, and bring us the air refueling, better mission planning, better comms, whatever ;)
  19. Well here's my thing: first time I was assigned strike mission to bomb AS I went with the default load out of 18 500 pound mk82s. At least 1 bomb hit the target (I noticed a crater in the middle of the AS) but didn't destroy it. In after action report it was said that the target was only damaged. So the next time i took them 750 pounders but with the same effect (or lack of it - hit the shelter, but didn't destroy it)...You guys think maybe I should finally use the 2000 pound ones? :D
  20. Nice idea Wrench, but I'm not the type to give up easily. I'm definitely gonna give mk84 a try ;)

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