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Everything posted by SFP1Ace

  1. Holy Moses! Atreides rule! Down with Harkonnens!
  2. Thank you Erik! P.S. Donated tru paypal, I hope many will follow.
  3. Could anyone be so kind and post a download link for it? I need to check some settings and CA downloads are down... Thx in advance! ;)
  4. SF2 engine is definitely more CPU limited than GPU limited, imho.
  5. Maybe it's a problem with your hardware going bonkers? Have tried other games?
  6. My only concern is that it's so good it's gonna delay TW EXP3 even further XD Superb work mate!
  7. Yup, it was late night & I confused myself about Brain's post XD. Apart from the replaced destroyed.lod for the tomcat, all else seem fine or even better ;] Actually I'm gonna reinstall WoE at oct 2008 patch level just to check the damage modeling on phantoms for comparison with what we have now.
  8. Nah, when I put back the reference for F14 destroyed lod in data.ini, no wreckage appeared when I crashed the Tomcat. Anyway F-15 wreck is close enough shape-wise to let it pass... :]
  9. EAW Win 7 + NVIDIA Drivers

    Try closing the explorer.exe process before running the game - it helped me to get rid of the menu colors corruption.
  10. On the other hand broken off surfaces leave sticking out struts which I don't recall happening, say, a year ago... so perhaps Is I should eat my hat? O_o
  11. I've loaded short custom single mission in F-15 and after playing for 10 minutes memory usage peaked at 865MB (according to GPU-Z). Stock default GermanyCE terrain + some modded aircrafts, AMD Radeon 7870XT 2GB.
  12. Hi bro, what software do you use to measure this? MSI Afterburner?
  13. All First Eagles planes have the OpenCockpit=True entry in their cockpit.ini file. You can make SF2 jets have internal shadows from canopy framing too by adding this line to relevant section of a cockpit.ini. Disadvantage - lower FPS and when flying thru clouds, fog will obscure your instruments like in WW1 planes.
  14. Second that, please don't overdo the polys. SF2 engine is inefficient as it is, especially when it comes to rendering shadows. Perhaps you could release 2 versions, 1 for normal humans and 2nd for cyborgs living inside thier 8-core 5 GHz watercooled babies? ;) Great work BTW!
  15. F/A 18H

    Yeah thats the one - SWAT Kats: The Radical Squadron Here's little something for the memories sake XD: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_AdxJWFUh4
  16. Have you tried adding the opencockpit=true (or something along these lines) entry in cockpit.ini ?
  17. For me, using the autoupdater, the download was 31 MB. (May 2013 -> Jul 2013 EDIT: Oh, boy!, Looks like TK's minor tweaks to improve performance = butchering toning down the damage model. Just look at the F-14 Data.ini - now F-14 uses F15 damaged LOD, bunch of damage node related entries have been erased....I hope I'm wrong on this... EDIT2: from may 2013 F-14A avionics.ini file: [TVDisplayData] UseRadarTexture=TRUE DisplayLimitLeft=16 DisplayLimitRight=239 DisplayLimitTop=12 DisplayLimitBottom=243 ApplyFilter=TRUE FilterMaterial=DTVFilterMaterial OverlayTexture=F-14A_DTV.tga aaaand from july 2013: [TVDisplayData] UseRadarTexture=TRUE DisplayLimitLeft=16 DisplayLimitRight=239 DisplayLimitTop=12 DisplayLimitBottom=243 ApplyFilter=TRUE FilterMaterial=DTVFilterMaterial OverlayTexture= <- removed! EDIT3: It seems that all aircrafts' that had their Lod and Data files modified are missing damage nodes in [LeftStab] and [RightStab] sections of data.ini: Was: [LeftStab] ParentComponentName=Fuselage ModelNodeName=elevator_left DestroyedNodeName=D1_elevator_left Is: [LeftStab] ParentComponentName=Fuselage ModelNodeName=elevator_left DestroyedNodeName= Any thoughts??
  18. F/A 18H

    Ha! I remember one cartoon shown on Cartoon Network back in the 90's that had Cats piloting sexy fighter jets with THREE engines! :D And the music in that show was cool with rock guitar riffs! Oh memories....
  19. How did you come up with the right values? ;]
  20. F/A 18H

    How about getting a 'winder up the arse? Does a second engine increases the odds of survival such a hit in any significant way?
  21. Polish F-16s

    Like I said earlier Derk, that was probably one or two idiots/skinheads posting dissing sh!t about F-16 on some polish military forums that got DoctorWho so upset in the very first place. It's certainly not a prevailing opinion among polish internet users and it all was made much bigger deal than it really is/was. F-16 is a great piece of hardware and polish pilots are loving it! I hope that the replacement for our obsolete Su-22s (32 of them me thinks) will be some more falcons either C/D+ or E/F Then further down the road we could replace MiG-29s with Silent Eagles or Horny Hornets (denavalised) ;]
  22. Stuff is being done, be patient :)
  23. Polish F-16s

    We Poles are a strange nation, I'll tell you that. We're constantly haunted by our troubled history, invasions, partitions, genocide you name it...And our politicians won't let us to put the past in the past and move on. I too don't know specific posts that DW was complaining about, but if you dig deep enough you'll prone to find some malcontents ALWAYS, EVERYWHERE. IMHO F-16's won the competition because they were the most versatile & cost effective PLUS the Americans offered the biggest OFFSET (the last one is a FACT $$$$$ :D ). As for the "effin' American Jews - antisemitism was strong in Poland before ww2, we've had one the biggest Jewish population in the world (second after Soviet Union perhaps): 3-4 mln polish Jews. This wikipedia article is a good read if your interested: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jews_in_Poland Nowadays we barely have any "Older Brothers" left in Poland (not more than a couple of tens of thousands) but the antisemitism rears it's ugly head every now and then, here and there....
  24. I knot it's a stretch and probably won't solve your issues, but try Use32BitZBuffer=FALSE in options.ini.

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