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Everything posted by SFP1Ace

  1. F/A 18H

    Wicked Hornet! No, I've got a better one: HORNY HORNET!!!
  2. Polish F-16s

    Morons are everywhere...Back in 2006, one of the so called leaders of the far far faaaar rightist "national" movement published a "book" titled "How I fell in love with Adolf Hitler" . Oh irony.... I believe that Grippen C/D has worse radar, range and thrust to weight ratio than F-16 C/D 52+ but I can be wrong about it.
  3. Nowy samolot dla VIP

    Jeśli chodzi o długodystansowe to pewnie wybiorą B787...które potem będą stały w naprawach ze względu na choroby wieku dziecięcego XD
  4. Polish F-16s

    I wouldn't worry about some backward-minded Polish trolls...The only opinion that matters is that of Polish Viper drivers and I haven't heard THEM complaining!
  5. Polish F-16s

    Sure, eurofighter or rafale are more potent but also more expensive. I think that out of the 3 competitors (Grippen C/D, Mirage 2000-5 & F-16 C/D B52+) VIper was the best fighter overall, the most versatile one and with the formidable A-A capabilities (APG-68 V9 radar + AMRAAMS 120C-5 etc.). F-16 was the best option Poland could afford, back in 2003 IMHO.
  6. Nowy samolot dla VIP

    Pozwolę sobie na odrobinę sceptycyzmu i obstawiam czarterów ciąg dalszy...
  7. Hopefully EXP3 will bring small avionics updates making it possible. Thx for the answer Brain!
  8. So it will obscure detected contacts which aren't in line with the "cutouts", correct? If so, any way to remedy this or is it a tradeoff?
  9. F/A 18H

    Interesting, it looks like they took the Silent Eagle approach with this one...
  10. Well, just to let you know, such issues are VERY low on TK's to-do list, so don't have any expectations - it will save you some disappointments...
  11. You can change the map zoom levels by editing filghtengine.ini, specifically this section: [MapSettings] MapMaxSize=200000 MapMinSize=20000 MapInitSize=100000 MapScaleRate=5.0 ZoomControl=CAMERA_ZOOM_CONTROL In SF2 games flightengine.ini resides in FlightData.cat file. Not sure about 1st gen games though...
  12. Well this rig should let you enjoy even the SF2:NA new terrain with high FPS me thinks! Congrats & enjoy!
  13. I sincerely hope it's not your graphic card dying...have tried other 3d software/games? Maybe it's just corrupted SF2 installation...
  14. Perhaps it's one of those "minor tweaks to improve performance" that TK included the recent patch?
  15. Hi, I don't know what budget your on but here are my suggestions: CPU - Intel i5 ivy bridge 3570 (or 3570k if you're into overclocking); motherboard - something based on Z77 chipset (Asrock Z77 Extreme4 for example); 8GB (2 sticks of 4GB each) of DDR3 1600MHz RAM - any known brand should do - kingston, corsair, geil, g.skill, patriot etc. HDD - again depending on your budget either 1TB Western Digital Black series or bigger (not a fan of Seagate), or, ideally combine it with a 128 or 256 GB SSD drive; Graphics - AMD Radeon HD 7850 or better, Nvidia GTX 660 or better with at least 2GB of RAM; Power Supply Unit - stick with Corsair, Fortron, Seasonic, Tagan, Antec, 600W or better As far as I know, SF2 doesn't benefit from 3D As far as the screen goes - stick with either 1920x1080 Full HD or a 1920x1200 one, 22 inches or more. Brand? IDK, maybe try IIYAMA or EIZO. Good hunting! ;]
  16. Have you set Ground Objects to Unlimited in graphic settings?
  17. Excuse me for butting in, but has anyone actually managed to get the SweetFX working in SF2 games (Vista/7 DX10 mode)?
  18. SF2 Library Reorganization Complete

    Xmas came early this year! Awesome! It's better than getting EXP3 from TK! :D Many thanks to all the brave souls who tackled this huge task! P.S. Me thinks that the HAL HF-24 Marut doesn't belong in the 4th Gen+ category ;)
  19. Check if you have the file named "a.exe" or something similar on your disk and try running it instead of setup, see if it helps.
  20. It's very nice of TK to release such a DLC. I sincerely hope it's just him testing new type of product rather than clearing his warehouse before abandoning EXP3 & PC business altogether...
  21. Though not "marine", you could also consider: cutthroat, raider, ravager. Brigand seems fitting, swashbuckler doesn't have the "flow" IMO.

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