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Everything posted by SFP1Ace

  1. Instead that cash went towards recuperating losses incurred from EXP2 & SF2:NA development...Well, at least ThirdWire is still afloat, so maybe in the future will get to see more under-the-hood improvements, I sure hope so...
  2. UH-60X Stealth Blackhawk

    Hejka, ja wiem, że na pewno nie wyglądały jak w "Zero Dark Thirty"!
  3. +1, in such case SF series going the "Il-2 way" would be a logical conclusion. Provided there'd be ppl with sufficient skills to have a crack at it...
  4. the Iranian threat...........

    + bud light one the house 4 everyone!
  5. the Iranian threat...........

    Dear morteza, you'll soon learn that in the FREE world people like to make fun of stupidity. If Iran regime's "news" agency put out STUPID photoshopped images, trying to convince THEMSELVES of the "military might of the persian tiger"....well what do you expect to happen? EDIT: BTW I love to watch Jon Stewart and Bill Maher make fun of the stupid party, err.. I mean Republican Party. And I chuckle when I watch/read jokes about Polish politicians. Welcome to the free world buddy! :D
  6. Polish hydrographic ship ORP "Arctowski" during sonar testing bottom of the Baltic Sea found what looks like a Ju-88: http://www.youtube.c...&v=K4Bz7fe0pdI#
  7. Best war comedy (or romance)

    Never seen Fawlty Towers, just some of the Monty Python's (liked it!) and some of the Thin Blue Line. I guess that BA fits in the "quirky British humor" category, which suits my taste. Thx!
  8. Best war comedy (or romance)

    Forgive the blasphemy, o Jedi Master, but I haven't seen a single episode of Slack Baldder in my life. Should I?
  9. Best war comedy (or romance)

    Did I see a young'un dr House in this piece or what? :D
  10. Squid, it is a well known fact in CLOD community (banana forums :D ) that this game has graphic issues with AMD/ATI GPUs. Also it DOESN'T support FSAA/MSAA. 1. You might get away with shader based MLAA or FXAA using injector tools (SweetFX etc.). 2. I guess buying NVIDIA card is out of the question? 3. You might wait for the community patch being made by Team Fusion under auspices of ATAG guys. Good luck!
  11. Tanks?

    If you'd consider making a Chieftain I would gladly supply you with decent orthogonal views for the mk.3 :)
  12. Todays my birthday!

    Happy birthday mate! Don't crash & get a good job as well ;)
  13. It's Enemy Engaged: Comanche Hokum with community patch, I belive. Sweet.
  14. Who says 'Romance is Dead?'

    .....Wow! To pull something like this - it's like a best proposal ever!
  15. First rule of the list: you don't talk about the list.
  16. Quote from another forum: "This is probably an issue on Brian's end... In a nutshell, someone used an exploit or vulnerability to get server level access to this site. Probably some dateless, pimplefaced, snotnosed, hot pocket snarfing, script kiddie living in their mom's basement as this is amateur hour stuff. Sometimes low rent no talent "hackers" hack sites and get paid by crooks for driving traffic to their illicit urls. I can only guess since I do not have access to cpanel, but it sounds like someone has hijacked and redirected this site's traffic to url2short.info. It's a fake "tinyurl" type site that plants a redirect trojan on vulnerable machines. If your anti virus is up to date you should be ok. I just tested Avast and it does recognize the exploit. This has been done before to other vBulletin (I am guessing that this is what Brian is using) forums. Here is how to determine if this is the case and correct it (note: some of this is from memory): 1 Go into cPanel and under Remote MySQL you should either see either no hosts configured or, if you have a specific database of your own enabled, the name of that database(s). Now this is the important part; if you see a "%" character, DELETE IT. That character is a wildcard that allows any server to connect. 2. Make sure you change your passwords in cPanel and MySQL. 3. Pick any add-on, disable it, then re-enable it to clear the datastore. 4. Found this tidbit which should make fixing things up easier. Download the tool_reparse.php from this thread: http://www.vbulletin...ad.php?t=220967 . It will rebuild your templates if they are corrupted. Read through the thread first so you understand what's going on and what the tool does. That should do it. If you ask me how I know all this, let's just say that if you have ever seen me shoot, you know I sure don't do THAT for a living... One last thing. I did a little checking and it does not appear to be a dns exploit, so that's good. It seems odd that that url is not on my blacklist yet my software just ignored the redirect without even throwing up a warning, which is a little odd. I would not have known about this if I hadn't seen this thread. I will have to look into that. HTH Updated with more explanation..."
  17. U can try nice freeware app called "BlueScreenView" from nirsoft. G'luck!
  18. Well, it's decided then - faulty AI logic. It is kinda funny though! ^_^
  19. What if you clear the runway to make a room for the wingman? Won't he eventually take off? (I've never tried this, just wondering).
  20. Congratz on quick reflexes I wonder if in this case it's that 30kts speed which breaks the wingman AI (as opposed to taking off from ground airstrip)?
  21. So true. At first I had great fun fooling around with this "feature", but in the end it's just another long standing bug that may or may not get fixed... Another good one: in SF2: NA don't take off from the carrier right away, wait for your buddies to do it first, then watch as most of them fall in to the Atlantic

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