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Everything posted by SFP1Ace

  1. Well, in TK's world, an autopilot is a cure for any flat spin...
  2. Besides they can act as an indirect advertisement for the PC games, imho.
  3. Not sure I get you point SZ. Is he not getting any money from ads and ppl paying to unlock more ac?
  4. +1 TK's got full plate on his hands ATM with mobile SF. And that's a good thing - if mobile games bring him more revenue then on only good things can come to SF games. TK isn't like Maddox Games, he doesn't promise things he can't/won't deliver.
  5. Since 19th of October. It hasn't even been 2 months yet. Don't worry
  6. Are you using integrated Intel graphics? If so try updating drivers and/or reducing in-game gfx settings to medium/low.
  7. Is Ho 229/ Go 229 one of them? Btw I think it's determined as a fraction or multitude of the 3d model's hitboxes ( or was it collision boxes?).
  8. Remember, this Holiday season :)

    Aaanyway, beware of sober reindeers!
  9. CDburnerXP & ImgBurn are the 2 I'd recommend.
  10. Great shore line & no repetition! Is that the old tiling terrain engine? Wow!
  11. I'm not 100% sure, but doesn't Mobile_SAM appear only during CAS (or was it Armed_Recon?) missions? You know, protecting them rolling tank platoons/convoys?
  12. Yup, we know this saying in Poland too.
  13. Oh cr@p! I hope one won't have to buy FC4 to get it fixed.......
  14. Was I wrong all the time?

    Reczpospolita newspaper has already recanted the article. It's so funny, it's tragic...
  15. SIck! as in Wicked! or Cool! or Nice! :)
  16. Right, but I used to think (& I still do, unless proven wrong) that JPG textures, unlike .DDS ones, still decompress into the Video RAM to the full BMP size, so the only efficiency is less space on HDD, not in the VRAM?
  17. Are you sure mate? Why would JPEG compression put less strain on the GPU than uncompressed BMPs?
  18. Dave it's very nice of you to reboot the Lomac/DCS community at CA. I own FC2, BS2 and A-10C but I haven't played them in a loong time. My main deterrent from these games is their abysmal less than opimal performance even on powerful rigs. I remember that patch for A-10C even DEGRADED FPS as compared to So I'm still waiting with any further purchases until Eagle dynamics will bring the old lomac engine into the 21st century (performance wise...). Thanks for reading (or not) my rant :D
  19. OT - XCOM Enemy Unknown

    Then you should also check the Xenonauts. :)
  20. Nice finds lads! NATO-spiced Fulcrums are so yummy!
  21. Nvidia 306.23 WHQL Video Drivers Available Now

    Nice! Some SLI & performance improvements for 400 series & newer. Me likey!
  22. Smells like a WW2 PTO mod is coming or smth... Thanks Wrenchie!

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