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Everything posted by SFP1Ace

  1. Very useful pack, thanks!
  2. Welcome to CA mate! It's a known bug, we've seen folks with this problem few times here. Are you running SF on laptop with NVIDIA Optimus technology? If so try updating drivers for both Intel HD and Nvidia graphic chips, IIRC EDIT: It may be that you computer has got AMD and Intel graphic instead of NVIDIA and Intel, but no matter what your setup is try updating them drivers to the latest versions.
  3. Paint Shop Pro X4 sale

    Today I purchased PSP for mere $29.99 (+VAT) from Corel's on-line store.Payed through paypal, dled (circa 350MB) and installed it under 15 minutes :] Ultimate version goes for $39.99. If you want a powerful image editing software thats a lot cheaper than Photoshop, that's the one to get IMHO. And before you say GIMP, I've discovered just recently that it can't handle 32-bit TGAs properly (sux when you wan't to edit some water to land transition tiles for Strike Fighters :( ) ... Sale lasts till 4th of Semptember.
  4. Paint Shop Pro X4 sale

    Hey FC. Well this is my GIMP experience: 1.Open one of the terrain *TGAs from STARY's Gerwin Iceland repaint in GIMP 2.8 2. Open the same file in Corel PSP or Adobe PS. 3. See the difference... 4. Maybe I'm doing smth wrong with GIMP, IDK...
  5. EuroTrip

    I bet Slovakians don't fancy this movie :)
  6. EuroTrip

    "me scusi"
  7. Paint Shop Pro X4 sale

    Beware! Murphy's law at it's best! X4 version also has porked transparency/alpha channel handling*...X4 users are waiting for Service Pack 3 from Corel to fix this mess.... * PSP X4 opens 32 bit TGAs, GIFs etc. alright, but when saving file, the alpha channel gets seriously distorted...Well it wasn't expensive, but still... Corel better get their act together, I don't think such a glaring bug would sneak past back in the JASC times...
  8. I've gotta agree with Stary. It looks...kinda chubby :) EDIT:
  9. I modified the bmp's with GIMP to give them "brownish" looks (no batch, each separately). And placed them in the "fall" subfolder in IcelandNA folder together with TGAs. I also added fall season entry in the appropriate ini file. Still it look like somehow game engine doesn't want to use "my" fall tiles for coastal transitions (when combined with coastal TGAs which are supposed to be shown over the BMP's, yes?), but defaults to yours summer ones in the main folder. What am I missing? O_o Should I modify the TGA's as well? EDIT: I've found the culprit! It's the effin' GIMP, it doesn't read TGA files saved in Photoshop correctly :/...Phoshop ftw :/
  10. Stary, why am I getting this? It looks like the coast transition tiles default back to yours, but I don't know why...Something to do with them TGA files, but for the love of god I can't pinpoint the cultprit... :( Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  11. Actually I decided to whip out autumn & winter tiles. It's gonna be crap, I know, but I should learn how to "do" things instead of "demanding" them.
  12. Hehe, I've never actually seen North Atlantic, so I was going by "gut feeling", no biggie ol' champ ;) As for seasonal tiles, I was thinking that in winter Iceland would be "planet snowball", no? Any way that just my bitching & nitpicking, your probably busy with other projects & RL, so feel free to ignore me :D EDIT: If there's a simple way I could use GIMP to sprinkle some snow on green tiles, someone lemme now so maybe I can create winter tiles myself? White spray tool + some alpha or smth? Am I warm Przemek?
  13. Superb job Stary! Makes one think that TK wasted time/money developing this new terrain engine ;) P.S. yeah, darker water would look better IMHO. Any plans for seasonal tiles?
  14. It's a jet trainer that many generations of Polish & Indian pilots learned to fly on.
  15. Were F-15As fitted with chaff & flare dispensers from the start? I'm curious, because some book (Eagle Engaged was it?) that I read suggested that they weren't, IIRC. Thanks!
  16. A question to F-15 experts

    Well that just begs to create several TW F-15A variants :)
  17. A question to F-15 experts

    Ok, thanks guys! I might still PM Crusader, to satisfy my OCD .
  18. A question to F-15 experts

    OK, found the book. Eagle Engaged, page 32: "The Tracor ALE-40/45 Contermeasures Dispenser (CMD) was added later (with MSIP, the Multi-Stage Improvement Program) to provide active means of defeating "a missile in t the air"." Really? So Eagles only relied on TEWS and ECM jammer up to mid 80's? O_o Anyone?
  19. Curiosity has landed

    Did it kill the cat?
  20. Hats off! Przemek, this is a MAJOR accomplishment! Hopefully TK won't interfere...
  21. Nice. Are there any dynamic campaigns for single player yet?

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