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About leviatan-b

  1. Help

    Thanks. The problem was that i was using rudder control on the joystick, and not the X, Z buttons on keyboard. Now, it works fine. Next question is, can i change chaff and flares, or they are launched both at a time. Thanks to the ironhand (i think that is the name), i have started to evade succesfully AMRAAMs. Can someone tell me a tip of avoiding short range missiles? Does the flares do the job or some extra manouvering need to be done?
  2. Help. Please, i don't know how to control aircraft on the ground. Which key's to hit. When i turn rudder, nothing helps, and i can't see in game settings (input) what to use. Also, when i press Q, Su27 throw flares. Are these IC decoys or radar decoys (chaft), or both. If they are flares, how to change them to chaft, and why Su27 have only four of them. As i noticed, american aircraft have much more (AI aircrafts). Sorry if my English is not so good.

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