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Everything posted by KFG_Keller

  1. anyway they could link the naplam effect to it when you blow it up? :twisted:
  2. oops! thats what it was, dammit, lol thx :)
  3. Shallow draft Oil drilling rig? :)
  4. Hope he sees my post then, course he prolly already thought of it oh, sorry bout my typos, sometimes i get typign so fast i dont notice them. :(
  5. I believe in later model B52s the tail "stinger" was radar controlled. :)
  6. Wondering if anyone has the Mirages or those types of A/C in the works for their projects?
  7. damn, i have a hanger screen for it already! :D
  8. Think it might be because of the canopy glass ? anyway we could make that matte n not glossy?
  9. Just having one problem, i'm trying to do Russian helmets, i have the proper pics, teh only problem i have is that damn visor, is it that black square in teh upper left hand corner?] Funny, somehow my suits are already camoed, i looked at them and they are a nice olive drab with varying dark colors of green.
  10. I enjoy the F-4e because of its versitility as a multirole a/c, fighter and bomber. :)
  11. i think this has been who has had the worst and most grizzly endings in the game thread :P
  12. Looking good!!! i think i figured out which airbases you'll have to operate her from already :)
  13. I love the smell of napalm in the morning :twisted:
  14. This is after trying to take out ZSu-23s in EnemyLandings with 750 pders and napalm(just testing stuff) i managed to tumble to a stop upside down, i wisely jettisoned my remaining ordance way before i tried to land.
  15. Anyway you can put it into the specific A/C folder? and still have it work correctly? Take it another step, lol, anyway you can put into the different skins folders? :)
  16. Press the F1 key to return back to forward view
  17. If you think the load of the Spud is amazing u should see the one of the A/C that got beat out by it. Look up info on the Martin Mauler, its loadout was more than what the empty weight of the Spud was.
  18. Nice, now where do u save it and where do u extract it from? :)
  19. Ur added to my favorites list :D and once my website for SF is up u'll be there too :)
  20. Nice! i'll get this thread over to simhq for those guys too :)
  21. There was a thread in simhq from one of the guys who figured out how to increase your Frames Per Second(FPS). http://www.simhq.com/simhq3/sims/boards/bb...TML/003766.html This should help, i have all my details set to high, except i have shadows off, mirrors are on. I run a 1.1ghz AMD Athlon, 128mb, Windows ME, 16mb Nvidia TNT2 64M, and not sure if i even have a sound card :shock: Alot of the time, since i'm scripting missions, i'm running mIRC, MSN msger, Yahoo, oICQ, Norton ANtivirus and Norton Firewall while playing it, it really doesnt hurt the game on my machine, except if someone messages me. I'll upgrade my RAM soon, but its a mid range computer, was top of the line 2.5 yrs ago.
  22. LoL, i'll get my KFG mates to convert ;) :) see you in the UN missions :D
  23. LMFAO@ranger now thats what i called limited stealth :P
  24. here's jsut from my Patrol Boat AAA in my new mission. Notice how i only have one engine

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