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Everything posted by KFG_Keller

  1. No clue, but i'm running windows ME, i have norton anti-virus and norton firwall running in the background whenever i play, i'm sure it causes some slight lag, but nothing major that i've noticed, i've even played it with MSN msger, aim, yahoo and mIRC running, with no problems, usually i'm just checking modifications. I also only have 128mb RAM and a 16mb Nvidia TNT 2 M64 graphics card(needs updated badly). Onyl time i get CTDs is when i mess up with my mission scripting so far.
  2. Its on its way, i cant remember who is working on it right now.
  3. Hows the progress going on getting a SF lobby on there?
  4. nvm, found what i was looking for :)
  5. Ok, flying a mission, i think it was one of Rangers.[/img]
  6. Hmmm, have to ask the mission builders that one, *bump*
  7. Dont rush it Digital Overload! :) make it good as u can :)
  8. In flight i found that right clicking the mosue zooms out, and left clicking the mouse zooms in.
  9. Havent done any MP yet, too busy trying to help out with the other stuff atm, i'll look into it and see what i can do, i saw the MP ini file with some of the stuff in it, i'll take a look later :)
  10. I FOUND IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok, to find the big list, go to your strike fighters terrain folder, go into desert, get ur extractor on the desert.cat file, go down till you see the DESERT_TARGETS.ini it has the grid coordinates of all the cities and airbases, along with their target radius, and the coordinates of the targets within the radius. HAVE FUN!! oh, oen more thing, when making the missions, and you want to start on the ground, in the .msn file, go down to the first [MissionData] section, now this is how it should look [MissionData] FriendlyAirActivity=1 EnemyAirActivity=1 PlayerMissionID=1 PlayerPositionID=1 MissionNumber=5123 AdjustStartPoint=FALSE AdjustBaseWaypoint=TRUE then, when placing your aircraft on the runway, for example this is D2 [AircraftMission001] AircraftType=F-4E Name=SHOWTIME FormationType=USFighter Size=6 RandomChance=100 MissionType=CAS MissionSubType=CAS_DEFENSIVE ObjectiveID=2 RatingForSuccess=100 StartOnGround=TRUE Position=251000.000,761000.000,121 Heading=180.0 Speed=0.0 Alignment=FRIENDLY Loadout=STRIKE height should be 121, otherwise you boucne and your wingmen blow up into tiny pieces. Cheers! have fun with your missions :)
  11. how do i get that debug thing up and running? i might spend some time tonight writing down coordinates. :D
  12. NP, glad to see you are over here from the EAW crowd too :)
  13. you are truly a beautiful man! this is a good start!! :D
  14. Just wonder what exactly it takes to make the campaigns, i know Ranger has been releasing lots of Missions, and was wondering how you would put this missions into a campaign or sort them and make a player decided campaign with a multitude of missions ora selector that would make a player maybe even refly a mission if he failed to destroy his mission target, etc... Thx in advance
  15. when saying using notepad, put the file extension .msn on it, that makes the game recognize it as a "mission" file. Cheers.
  16. Agreed, i have one airbase grid location, and thats the one that Ranger included in that mission template he gave me and Rogue to fool around with, other wise its impossible. Other question, could we make different maps? i mean change the land/water tiles etc... say for like a campaign that is completely land locked? or the water plays a small role because its not near enough to the target area?
  17. Intruder is in progress right now, and yes, the Mk82 snake eye would be great :D
  18. should say in the readme, i cant remember right now
  19. Aye, i've taken some nasty hits from AAA, got some screenies too, but usually their high rate of fire will rip you to shreads if you dont take evasive actions.
  20. Its very fun i might add :)
  21. Aye, i wouldnt mind a few daisey cutters, maybe some high drag bombs? be easier to lay the munitions right ontop of the positions.
  22. Ok, anyone have a list of the airfields that we know of? If not i went into the missions and wrote down the ones that are already out, i can post if need be.
  23. A different kind of calling card......

    LMFAO, wonder what his wife/gf has to say? ;)

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