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Everything posted by KFG_Keller

  1. LOL http://www.simhq.com/simhq3/sims/boards/bb...L/003727-6.html
  2. Anyone having a good laugh in simhq fourm?

    naw, i love a arguement, even if it is pointless, then he degraded vets, that crossed the line with me
  3. Ok, i'm a relative newbie to moding games, but, just one question, these go in the .cat files or are they saved as .msn and what program do you use to save them/view them? i already have the file extractor, just need a point in the right direction. :) thx! :)
  4. Might need to cheeck your key settings, i changed my keyboard ones to my joystick. otherwise the other guys can help =
  5. Here! Here! With as complicated as these games get now a days you cnat fix the problem overnight, i for one am enjoying offline play until this stuff can be fixed. Cheers! :)
  6. Anyone having a good laugh in simhq fourm?

    :twisted: "i know nutttthhhhhhhiiiiinnnnng, nnnutttthinnnnnnnggggg!!!!!!!"
  7. Anyone having a good laugh in simhq fourm?

    note: this is jsut for a laugh, i dont wnat it spilling over into here.
  8. lol, its only thursday, dont even know what my plans are yet :P
  9. Roger wilco dont work on my puter :( Dont know if i'll have time either, might be going down to lockheed martin to use their shooting range to pratice high power :D or i'll have spanish/french/philosophy and sociology hmwk :(
  10. nice! liked ur first mission pack! its great, now if i could only figure out how to do it :D
  11. lol, check my post i made, its a few down from this one :)
  12. Kali might be an alternative soon, its being looked into remember :D
  13. I just submitted a revetment style hangar screen, you can put any aircraft you want in it, if you can copy it in, i'm sure plenty of you know how to do that. The pic is attached to this post for your viewing pleasure, its only the jpg version which wont work in the game, i'm planning on making more on various spots around the airfields also.
  14. Nice finding, but i cant help you yet *bump*
  15. I noticed a considerable change in their roll rates, still not able to do a 4 point roll in the A-4.
  16. NICE SCREENIE! :) can see his helmet plenty good enough :D
  17. Ok, i keep seeing alot of people having trouble with MP because the host will have 3rd party A/C or will have a different mod. Anyone working on a utility like STAB to be able to switch between mods and A/C to aid in the ease of MP? Just an idea, i have no idea how to do this stuff. I know the EAW crowd has experience with this stuff. Just an idea to make it easier on us.
  18. No problems flying the Spud, LOVE IT, great job, whats your next projects? :D
  19. You should have 1 default aircraft that is used for that mission. I have the same thing, i think right now you can only use the pre-determined A/C for the missions.
  20. Ok, by no means have i seen a room for Strike Fighters on Kali yet. I think if we generate enough interest we could probably get a server on their for chat, then use direct connect w/IP for MP. http://www.kali.net/ thats the address for it, membership is free right now, its been increased to 5000 new memberships allowed. I by no means have contact Kali as of yet, i know there might be many out there who play EAW(European Air War, father of SF) on Kali. This is just an idea since many are having trouble with MP it seems.
  21. Ok, i'm trying to make my own hangar screens, the only problem that i have now, after resizing and getting the DPIs right, is that it jsut wont load properly in the game. The main problem is that it will load, but the mission select screen wont disappear, and the hangar screen wont load over the top of the mission selector. Now the weird thing is if i use my mouse i can make it appear. 2 colors i'm working with for the main backgrounds are blue and black, neither work. Thnx for any help you can give me :)
  22. will do, prolly release them when the appropriate A/C are release though, that way the pressure wont be on the modders to make these A/C.
  23. HL wont recognize the file path even if i type it in or copy and paste the path in from the properties(minus the qoutation marks of course). Only problem i have. My graphics and RAM arent up to speed but i'm happy with it overall
  24. yeah, andy whats up with the simhq board? the only one i know that might have the flare/chaff in the aircraft is maybe the F104, but thats it, everything else is in pods.
  25. Where should we submit them? :D i also i'm making color pilot pics, the first one i got done is of a pilot infront of a F4 phantom, color, vietnam era. cheers :)

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