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Everything posted by Bongodriver

  1. Yes, see humble appology a few posts above, Glad the feedback is coming in, I am making a update to do list from it all, if you could be patient, hopefully it wont take too long. Craig
  2. EF-2000

    Oh boy Eric, I am at a loss with that one, the heading marker should not be affeted at all if you applied that fix, most strange.
  3. EF-2000

    All I ask for is credit to me and Sundowner for the Typhoon, just double check with Sundowner and I'm happy.
  4. EF-2000

    That will be because you didn't put the supplied pilot .lod and seat.lod into the main aircraft directory in the objects folder
  5. My bad, I did release the file like this, I do appologize to everyone, 2 weapon stations seem to have the incorrect entry, stations 2 and 3 I think. sorry
  6. noticed your entry here, look at the SAHM.AHM, there is a decimal between them, so it should be SAHM,AHM, this is not how I released the file, could be from your own experimentation. This one is a little difficult for me to follow, are you saying you are getting 2 amraam on each pylon and only want 1 on each, or are you only getting 1 and want 2, I don't believe anyone has reported strange loadouts yet. I have been put correct on this one, I don't claim to know the Typhoon intimately and I believe you are 100% correct on the chaff dispensers. Good to hear Better than my flemish/dutch or any other language other than english so do not appologise please Mystery, I only released 1, but I must have made 20-30 attempts to upload that day, perhaps they are ghosts in the machine WOOOOOO! MWAH! AH! AH!
  7. I am honoured indeed, an glad to help another Typhoon driver get airborne.
  8. Snakeman, which version of the weaponeditor did you use, it is important not to use the new WOI version, thats gonna ruin things for you big time [WeaponDataXXXX] TypeName=Typhoon tank FullName=EF Typhoon 1000L tank ModelName=typhoon tank Mass=83.000000 Diameter=0.420000 Length=7.000000 SubsonicDragCoeff=0.200000 <-------------- SupersonicDragCoeff=0.770000 <--------------these 2 entries are not used in WOE weapondata AttachmentType= SpecificStationCode= NationName= StartYear=0 EndYear=0 Availability=0 BaseQuantity=0 Exported=FALSE ExportStartYear=0 ExportEndYear=0 ExportAvailability=0 WeaponDataType=5 MaxFuelAmount=700.000000 Asymmetrical=FALSE
  9. I think the litening III is actually the pod used, I havent heard of any other pod used on the Typhoon, well done on the mixed loadout on the amraam bays, I tried to get it but it really didn't work for me. I would say that the pod is on the wrong side though, go to the eurofighter website (I forget the link) but it shows the loadouts.
  10. EF-2000

    for now if it something you want to fix, this is where to start, in the cockpit.ini find these entries. [HSI_BearingCounter] Type=BEARING_MARKER CounterNodeFormat=hsi bearing dig%d <---------change this to- hsi range dig%d MovementType=DIGITAL_DISPLAY ValueUnit=DEG [HSI_Range] Type=RANGE_INDICATOR CounterNodeFormat=hsi range dig%d <-----------change this to- hsi bearing dig%d MovementType=DIGITAL_DISPLAY ValueUnit=NM
  11. EF-2000

    Ah now this is an interesting question, this brings up the issue of that steerpoin and steering cue entry bussiness that caused all the fuss with WOE compatibility, the HUD symbology as it stands for waypoint info only gives the waypoint ID i.e WPT1, WPT2 etc.... and the range to the waypoint, I was hoping these new steerpoint, and steering cue that form part of the new WOI avionics.dll were going to be some form of bearing indication to waypoint, alas they don't seem to be actually implemented in WOI yet. hope this is the info you were looking for.
  12. Women in uniform...

    What is it about us Brits? it's either naked bar or dressing up like women, either way you won't have to expend too much effort convincing a Brit to do it, I did my first airshow as a participating crew (static display) last summer, at Koksidje in Belgium, we were th last A/C to arrive day before the show, the brits were allready at the bar naked (Royal Navy I might add) anyway to be slighly back on topic, There was a Girl, A sea king pilot from 30 squadron BAF, the most beautifull woman on the planet, I wish I had taken a camera.
  13. Strange, I quite litterally just dropped the folders in to terrains and it worked, no tweaking nothing.
  14. EF-2000

    A note to everyone I have been overwhelmed by the positive and kind response I received for this aircraft, I am so gratefull to all of you, I will be making more stuff and take it as read that I am happy creating this stuff so you don't have to thank me so much, the benefit of toning down the appreciation would be to make me less of a target for some less appreciative people....I hope.
  15. EF-2000

    Not quite a bug, I plan for a future update to expand on My MFD's and try to squeeze more function out of them, you might guess I am a noob at all this and am gaining experience as I go along, so for now I just left the TV function associated with the radar screen, next update will hopefully have an independent TV function.
  16. public appology

    I recieved a PM from a member who I guess wanted remain annonymous, with regards to my recently released Typhoon, we have mutually blocked each other so I cant contact them via PM to explain my actions here now, perhaps a friend of this person can point them towards this, the content was as follows; I am not posting this to gain sympathy, I would like to make a full and public appology to this member for my choice of language in my response, my sentiment remains unchanged that it was a bit rude and unfair to make such a statement, but nevertheless an appology is due to this member and I hope they can findit in themselves to forgive me. Sincerely Craig
  17. public appology

    Hey Mannie, it's OK it doesn't need to go that far, turns out to end as a sad affair and no good has really come of it, I kind of hope this thread can end now, but reamain as a timely reminder of how simple actions can have far reaching effects, politics and ugly stuff like that raise their heads and the rest becomes history....
  18. public appology

    Semper fi Marine
  19. Spitfire funny

    Thats the chap, poor man had to endure the pain of his son Mark dying in a me109 spanish version (Buchon?) at a spanish airshow, Mark was an equally impressive pilot, dashing, ex RAF F-4 driver, Imagine the life.
  20. If I am not mistaken there is a french pilot sitting in there, wearing a Gueneau Bone dome, I want it!
  21. Spitfire funny

    Don't worry jug, it's actually just a fibreglass gate guardian thank goodness
  22. Freeware prog called 7zip, handles all compressed file types, zip, rar etc....
  23. Ah, you mean in terms of skinning, well then I am just as crap at that as I am at painting models, I'm good with the construction and attention to detail but my painting is just too clean and cartoony, But I do Think Sundowners Skins are superb. The typhoon is a pretty new airplane, maybe it can be forgiven for having little weathering
  24. I would be glad of your oppinion and advise Julhelm, I'm no seasoned modder like you, I'm still learning.
  25. Spitfire funny

    That dude was the late great Ray Hannah, same pilot that was in the first vid on this thread, a great man, put him and a spitfire together and there was magic.

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