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Everything posted by Bongodriver

  1. Hmm not sure why it happened, anyway fixed now.
  2. EF-2000

    Ok what is your specific problem? Typhoon folder in the aircraft directory, pilot and seat .lod files with bitmaps and .tga's also in the aircraft directory, typhoon tank .lod and bitmap in the weapons folder,use the text in the readme for the weapondata.ini (WOI) version. to fix CTD in WOE follow the fix listed now in every thread on the Typhoon.
  3. Sadly great british planes are rare, this is very much a European aircraft (grumble..) All the contributing nations deserve credit, mediteranean style and grace from the Spanish and Italians SWEEEET, and incredible technological efficiency from the Germans NIIICCCEEE!
  4. Ha! ha! I maybe did understand you better than I thought, I imagined there was an element of your dirty little mind Great minds think alike, so it seems do dirty ones Thanks Kukulino, the praise is always welcome, just a note on the FM, I make no clain to know what the hell I am doing with FM's, it is all a big mystery to me, I tried to tweak where I dare but most of my entries are a cut and paste from stuff that works and so on, in time I am sure someone will have a look at this thing and make a FM that giver better performance, but I have to say so far I have found the Typhoon to be very capable and can eat Flankers for breakfast (not just beacause I am a fantastic pilot closely akin to some sort of air god ). I'm glad Sundowner got actual thanks too, fine fine work he does.[/color]
  5. Not sure what you mean, but The timing sucked in my oppinion, because I didn't anticipate the upload problem, and it was getting very late, I wen't to bed a 2:00 AM, so I couldn't be around to help out with some of the issues that arose.
  6. EF-2000

    If you haven't seen the dirty fix in some of the other threads, here it is again, Delete the last 2 entries in the avionics ini file, the ones for steerpoint and steering cue, they are WOI experimental entries and WOE SF etc wont like them hence the CTD.
  7. EF-2000

    I think this might prove my inexperience, if you study my ini's, theire full fof weird and wonderfull entries showing my slow learning process evolving as I try to fiddle and tweak things, and some never got put back to a sensible setting, hence the weird export year thing, this modding business IS VERY hard work going solo, no wonder so much is produced as a team effort.[/color] I need all the help I can get, suggest away, your word will be gospel.[/color]
  8. Well I managed to impress Nicky, it was all worth it just for that, George Clooney He! He! oh crud you meant the Typhoon didn't you Thanks Nicky for the enthusiasm and praise, last night was some real fun eh?, not quite the fanfare introduction, and youre right the timing sucked. Thank God for the staff here, who work their nuts off getting things fixed (Fubar) and who maintain a vigil for anyone encountering problems and help in my absence (Wrench). Hope it get easier frome here on. The quick dirty fix for CTD issues in WOE etc is to delete the last 2 entries in the avionics ini, the ones for steerpoin and steering cue, they Are WOI specific and that is what crashes the game in WOE etc.
  9. Yes the skins are huge, but I was loathed to go and immediately resize sundowners beautiful work so soon, your comp probably wont explode if you just take a single typhoon out for a fly around
  10. It's quiet, does that mean it's working ok , or has everyone gone to bed, it's where I should be now but I just wanted to see at least one response to what people think, I'm really that anxious
  11. Ok in that case open the avionics ini file and delete the entries for the steering cue and steerpoint, its the last 2 entries I think
  12. Yes, so it is, bizzarre!
  13. Yup, I am in full agreement, nicest bunch of people iv'e ever encountered on any forum ever, no exeptions
  14. OK, Fubar saved the day and the file is there now Thanks Fubar
  15. Don't worry folks, the cavalry arrived just in time
  16. Actually come to think of it, I cant upload anything to this site, I tried attaching files in some PMs but it wont let me do that either.
  17. OK so it's not just me PHEW!, I am normally bad luck
  18. Done all that, it's the first thing I tried, it's weird, i get th webpage cannot be displayed, i refresh and it becomes webpage has expired, refresh again and it goes to the home page
  19. OK.... HHEEELLLLPPP! is there some special trick to uploading the file? everytime i hit the upload button i get a this webpage cannot be displayed message?????
  20. Nope, don't have a clue, but it's funny as hell and it's just like english humour
  21. Do You want it Sir? do You? Do you really want it? oooh suits you sir! (sorry I think only some brits might get this joke) Anyway guys just a quick word pre-release of the Typhoon, I have received the skins from sundowner (I am still drooling over the quality) which means I am ready to release not Beta but I would prefer to call it version 1.0, I will try to upload tonight (next couple of hours) Be kind, it is my first model, hope you will enjoy it

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