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Everything posted by Bongodriver

  1. MFD usage

    Well the Typhoon has 3 mfd's and I have set 2 different functions for each one, theres a fuel page and weapons page, moving map and rwr , radar screen and an engines page.
  2. MFD usage

    Actually I have done that with the typhoon, no entry in the .ini in the way I have done it, not sure MFD's are actually a functioning feature in the game engine, but the way I have done it works OK.
  3. Been doing some other things alongside the EF-2000 typhoon, heres some pics of my challenger tank in development
  4. I do already have it set as an airbrake and overall the effect is good, it deploys nicely with a vertex animated canopy and retracts quickly so it doesnt look like it is going back in to the fuselage, also it only deploys on the ground. i just mean its been frustrating seeing the entry in the controls section in every one of the series and still no actuall implementation.
  5. I had to make some carefully thought out sacrifices on some shape points, mainly for ease of animating some of the dangly bits, its better to line up an axis with a straight edge than a curve, still I am hoping that the overall effect will be pleasing enough to the eye. I really do hope the brake chute gets implemented, I spent a bloody age getting my typhoons brake chute made.
  6. Thanks, I have noticed the use of different materials , STEEL, ALUMINIUM but I guess someone needs to delve int the relevant .dll to find all the different types.
  7. Well, I decided to make up some figures and it turns out I am not far off of what you put, maybe a tad stronger but I figured just as you said, chobbam armour has to be someting significant over the T-72.
  8. couple more shots, notice the pilot is a custom made raf pilot and Mk-16 seat
  9. The textures at the time those last screens were done have made some progress since, there are effects, just the screenshots don't give the full effect, I toyed with the idea of putting legs in view, but I will try without first, I have made some rudders that IMHO look qiute good, legs might obscure the effect. The 'crappy' wells again look much better when in game. I might try some more screens soon.
  10. Can't sleep...won't sleep.

    I wonder if any of the advice has worked? haven't heard from Niky
  11. Can't sleep...won't sleep.

    Sex with the significant other has a tendency to work better for the significant other, in my experience when a woman can't sleep theres something on her mind, anxiety or similar. Booze is always the answer
  12. New guy on the deck

    I really do wish I had taken time to think of a callsign for myself, I think I am the only sad one here who has used their real name. maybe the group can give me a callsign too :yes: pleeeeease.. OOPS! how rude of me, welcome wetfeet.
  13. It must be one of those special materials assigned in 3ds max, canyou tell us by any chance?
  14. Browsing through many aircraft ini files I noticed that INTERNAL_FUEL_QUANTITY_INDICATORS and EXTERNAL_FUEL_QUANTITY_INDICATORS are used, sometimes in multiples, but I dont see an entry in the lines that associate them with speciffic tanks i.e. if an aircraft has 3 fuselage taks and 2 wing tanks can I make a individual gauge for each tank? using a line like ItemNumber= 1, 2, 3 etc, would the same work for external tanks and how would I associate the gauge with a specific external tank?
  15. OK thanks, yes I confirm that fuel gauges do NOT read from specific tanks, worth a try though.
  16. Well after more looking I am back to square one, I cant say for sure if it does work or not, here's a question, in the aircraft data.ini file, are fuel capacities in KG, Lbs, Gals or Litres?
  17. What Do You Look Like in Uniform Thread

    Yes we do, we have 1 for the aircraft, we have personal ones in our LSJ's on 243Mhz, we are going to trial the use of air deployable marker beacons, we carry 2 X 12 man air deployable dinghys and orange smoke markers, we also have the tracking equipment on board for all 4 emergency frequency's (marine CH-16, 121.5 mhz, 243 Mhz and 406)
  18. What Do You Look Like in Uniform Thread

    Well not a military uniform but what the hell.
  19. Well, after some tweaking and tweaking more, I think the itemnumber thing actually does work, for internal tanks anyway, I havent tried on the externals yet.
  20. Ok folks be honest with me, I have just payed for razbam terrain mods, I can honestly say I like them, but having seen the screens of this work I am wondering if I would have still done it. Actually ignore how I started this post, I won't regret having bought a mod, I know how much work it can be, the thing is, I have only just installed the razbam stuff and I am allready thinking I should use Ca_stary's stuff instead, it just looks so frikkin sweeeeeet!!! What do I do?
  21. my use of the term anorak is actually meant endearingly, I am always impressed by the levels of knowledge displayed by 'enthusiasts', it seems odd maybe that I am a professional pilot but I can fall so short on knowledge about some of this stuff.
  22. Oh god how embarrassing, I am a complete moron. Yes you are quite right, I need to do more anoraking.
  23. Thanks for the encouragement guys, fingers crossed I am in the home straight with it now, I won't promise but I think 2+2 weeks it will be a beta release first of all.
  24. Really? I could have sworn it had one, if so what is the bump on the left hand side of the nose near the windscreen? looks similar to the designators found on su-27's etc, I admit not all typhoons have one, but I have definitely seen one with. Jimmybib's link shows what I mean. http://www.airliners.net/open.file/1245958/L/

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