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Everything posted by Bongodriver

  1. With the advent of WOI came a new way to make counters, much more fitting for the modern digital 'glass' cockpits, this is what made my typhoon WOI specific, the new counter node format is called 'digital counter' and it uses only one polygon to create each digit counter, instead of having a 10 sided component , the way it functions is by making the texture animate instead of the component itself. I wish these patches for the rest of the series hurry up, these new counters are much better for digital cockpits and will require a rebuild of the cockpit .lod if analogue counters have been used, if you see where I am coming from, I mean all these new digital jets are being built fast now and are having to have 'old' avionics just to make them compatible with the other sims.
  2. I've been trying to raise awareness of paint.net for ages.
  3. My Typhoon, Ill be glad when a fix for this flutter is found.
  4. I managed to aquire this picture of something unusual, it was seen blasting accross a remote stretch of desert at what some sources say over mach 1 at sea level. What is it?
  5. Has anyone tried this

    The line out jack is an audio device (isn't it?), I would be very surprised to hear that it can be done. also the issue of resolution is still a factor, those devices are VGA at best, 640x480 resolution, so much detail would be lost on a screen that size, hardly what I would call immersive, as I mentioned even PC specific hardware is still only 600x800, I have researched into this before and the eye strain issue is still a big deal, viewing a standard monitor is alot easyer on the eyes than having 2 small screens placed immediately infront of the eyes, your eyes have to effectively cross to superimpose the 2 images into 1, that is where the eyes become strained.
  6. Has anyone tried this

    but as you say this device is for an ipod, I don't believe that ipods have the same video interface as a pc, you then need to adapt the device, how much will that cost?
  7. Coventry air crash

    I felt I should just make this short post with regards to the sad loss of 5 lives yesterday, I regret to say that the 4 people that lost their lives in the twin engine aircraft were colleagues of mine, a sobering reminder for me how unpredictable aviation can be when an accident like this can happen during such a benign part of a flight. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/7567070.stm
  8. Has anyone tried this

    there are VR headsets available which are designed for PC use and even support stereoscopy (3D) but the price tag is beyond the average budget, and even then the resolution on the screens at best is 800x600, this would IMHO be a novelty for a few hours before the eyes get tired.
  9. @ Bongodriver

    Hi Jimmy, I didn't display, but I did fly past on the first day as I was passing on a routine patrol.
  10. I would be reluctant to mess around with the speechsystem.ini, in all probability there is nothing wrong with the file, I would be inclined to look at your hardware again.
  11. I had a think about this one once, one idea I had was building a really simple object (single plane) textured to look like the yellow dots that mark the location of a RHAG and designate it as an aircraft carrier, then maybe it could be placed on the airfield like other regular objects.
  12. Back to square one is where this topic will keep going. surely the points here are: 1. the sim/game is sold as a sim lite, that is exactly what you get, IMHO it understates itself. 2. it is modifiable with readily available aftermarket programs, if you have the skills then take this as far as you are able, if you think it's broke then you can fix it. 3. this community is a place where people share work and knowledge and ideas, not to force opppinions. 4. don't like a mod, don't download it
  13. I swear that if I squint a little and tilt my head at a jaunty angle and rub my eyes there is at least one rivet out of place.... only joking....superb craftsmanship as usual jules.
  14. I still get very amused when I read a topic on reality in simulations, I mean come on.....it's a game i.e. a distraction from reality, when I built the Typhoon I strived for as much 'fidelity' as I could, but that could only be based on what refferences I could find, how the hell would I know how to make it like the real thing, next time I am flying for real I will duct tape a carboard box to my face resticting my field of view to simulate a 22 inch screen viewed from approx 2 feet, I bet you any money that that field of view won't afford me much of a view of the cockpit, my argument being turning the pit off is sometimes closer to realism because in the real world there is a huge amount of peripheral vision available even if it is sometimes obscured by canopy/cockpit framing, any real pilot here will tell you that the instrument panel is only briefly monitored before you redirect your attention to the outside world, it is after all the main reason aircraft have windscreens and canopies.
  15. I found that leaving the controllers set to the default values are needed for scale animations to work, you will also find that a component cannot have scale animations and linear/rotational mixed.
  16. OK Chaps(and Chapesses, I think there is at least 1 on the forum) I am Making a model of an Islander for use in the sim, No I am not weird, it is more than just a civilian transport, and I believe all the mission and campaign modders in here could easily find a way to use it, at the moment I am making a model of the aircraft I currently fly, which is in UK coastguard colours (that is what I do) naturally I figured it would be cool to try my day job in one of my favourite sims , I am even thinking of going as far as making a 'dinghy bomb' and small orange smoke bombs, also adding a side looking flir (Ok maybe I am a little crazy) but I would be interested to see what kind of tangent this sim can be modded to. p.s. I haven't given up on the Typhoon, I am just re-energizing my enthusiasm with a small divesion. Look forward to hearing comments and views, either way I am going to build it so I can play with it Heres a screen of the 3dsMax model in progress, and 2 pics of the 'real thing'
  17. Thanks folks, for those that don't get BBC tv http://www.bbc.co.uk/britainfromabove/stor...soffcoast.shtml ended up being a nice bit of film work and never showed the interview
  18. So what do you fly?

    I'ts just dawned on me that I don't have any regular aircraft, I haven't even played the games properly, never played a campaign or even a whole mission appart from testing my own models.
  19. OMG, well looks like I will have to add another aircraft on to the WIP list, I have just been offered a job flying Learjet 45, I only had the interview yesterday, they are shipping me out to Dallas in October for the type training, any of our US members from Dallas? it's a little Off topic I know but I am over the moon
  20. For all the Brits and anyone who can watch BBC 1 on satelite/cable, Just thought I'd let you folks know I should be on a programme called Britain from above, just a small appearance and I don't know exactly which episode I am in, the show runs with 3 episodes from sunday 10th at 21:00 to 22:00 British time followed by a 1/2 hour show on BBC 2 starting at 22:00. Should be some nice Air to Air shots of the islander, they followed me around in an Augusta 109 helo with a gyro stabilised HD camera, there were cameras inside too and we ended the days filming with an interview on the ground, I have no Idea why I am promoting it, I really hope the ground stuff is cut out Craig
  21. Well, at least I tried

    Take a look in my Typhoon .ini
  22. Do you actually watch profiles here?

    Wonder what NFG might have to add to this topic
  23. Happy Birthday To....

    Be good, and if you can't be good then be good at it.
  24. The EF-2000 isuue was extensively covered in many threads just after release, the Typhoon was created for WOI specifically and there is a small fix needed to make it work with WOE, but it wont give full functionality with some cockpit instrumentation, the fix for WOE is to delete the last 2 entries in the avionics.ini these entries are for 'steering cue' and 'steerpoint' once disabled or deleted the Typhoon won't CTD any more.
  25. Who is this Bongodriver?

    Hi folks, Better explain the name change, craigbrierley is now Bongodriver, derived from the fact I drive a Bongo apparently, the islander had a nickname 'Bongo' There you have it Bongodriver

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