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Everything posted by Bravo2009

  1. I hope it's not dead, it's been a pain getting everything all nice and neat
  2. If Thumper hadn't been showboating him and Cobra wouldn't have been jumped by those MiG-29's. Oh well, that's what Thumper gets for trying to blow the roofs off Anchorage
  3. Hey Warren, I will not be able to help you with the pack for a while. GF was struck by a car walking crossing the street. She is currently in the ICU so I'll be away for a while. Good luck with the pack, I will be checking my email, just not as often. George
  4. Hey Warren, sorry I haven't been around to send your latest weapondata all organized. R/L is keeping me busy since we are short cops.
  5. There is a GBU-123 in the pack
  6. I asked on the TW about this and TK said that you can't make additional AttachmentTypes other then those already available in the game. That is why they won't show up.
  7. That is one beautiful MiG. The -21 has a special place in my heart. Very sexy looking
  8. F-15SG

    I have also found the community to be helpful. I have not released anything, but that doesn't mean I'm not learning behind the scenes. This is a great community that is willing to help those that are willing to learn.
  9. That sounds about right, for the number of weapons. I would have been finished but I passed out on the floor of my office and took a couple hours nap.....
  10. Warren, we need to put our heads together and figure something out. Some of the ECM in the pack has a Jammer Strength of '0', some as high as 80, while the AN/ALQ-99 only has a jammer strength of 40.
  11. I'm almost done chopping up the latest incarnation of the pack to repackage it all nice and neat
  12. That looks awesome Czech! Talk about steel rain
  13. As far as I can recall there haven't been any Blk 40/42 Vipers released.
  14. Yup, thanks. I saw your post and I decided to check the C-15 to see if that is what was going on
  15. I think we should hold off on another beta. Send me the latest data that you received, I'll recompile a full blown WeaponData with everything, and then I'll make another one minus the inert weapons, the Japanese Empire and Nazi Germany stuff.
  16. Warren, if you want send the the weapon data that you have, I'll divided it up properly and plug the stuff in that why the drop down's a "cleaner" George
  17. I just shot you an email with the combined WeaponData
  18. Warren what's your email, I will shoot you my weapondata. I have not noticed any weapons missing when I merge all of my INI's together. I started with a clean CLEAN slate and just import one at a time. George
  19. That's a beautiful bird Wrench, The. One of my favorite planes from Dubya Dubya Two.
  20. I've done all the renumbering Warren, that is why I have over 50 seperate INI's that I just merged into 1 weapondata. PS, the only thing I've noticed with your pack is that the texture for the AIM-120C and some of the R-77's (AA-12) from Lindr's pack don't show up. George
  21. Hey Warren, I went ahead and compiled it all, the WeaponData comes out to over 3-4mb, that is just for the INI I believe. I've added EVERYTHING I can find. The weapons that comes with Lindr's Su-17/22 family, the Su-7's, torpedoes, nukes, etc. The way I have done it is that I added everything that is used the least towards the end of the weapons pack. I am working on streamlining it right now. George
  22. Disregard, I found the problem, the Decals.ini in the squadron folders was pointing to the wrong folder it was pointing to a folder titled FA-18SP rather then C-15
  23. OOOOO, those are pretty skins, especially the Syrian skin.
  24. To be honest I've been making this with WOI in mind. I also have SFP1 and WOE in addition to WOI so I'll have to give it a go on those platforms as well. Someone with stock WOV will have to test it to see if it works there. Warren's pack is a great help since he has a lot of the folders all nice and neat. Once I'm done with the WeaponData I'm going to send it to him to see if he wants to plug it into his pack.

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