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Everything posted by Bravo2009

  1. Oh you sick mutha....... That was funny, but don't quit your day job Dave
  2. Doesn't the stock Israel map in WOI have pyramids as well? I could have sworn I saw some during a strike
  3. Does it come with Lions and Tigers, and Bears...... OH MY!
  4. ROCK ON!!! Will try it out later!
  5. Hey Lindr, I'll give you a full list, but I just noticed that rockets aren't showing up in the pods, but they do fire, and the Air to Ground guided missiles aren't in their launchers either, but they do fire still.
  6. You sure that's a good idea? We might get a C-141/Tu-95/F-102/whatever else he is working on hybrid. It'll be the worlds first FABKERCUP-123A plane.........
  7. I don't worry about decals on MiG's since they usually end up a burning heap. Only reason I fly them is to look at Krizis' and Lindr's Ruskie weapons....
  8. The wonderful MiG-31BM showcasing Krizis's beautiful weapons models and skins! Working on beta 2.53 now.....
  9. Awesome work as usual Lindr
  10. Sorry, forgot to add in the readme, the nuke effects are Lexx_Luthor's nuke effects.....
  11. I believe that the KAB-500 in Pack 4 just had data updated. The models should be in an earlier pack of Lindr's EDIT: Yup, just checked, they are in Pack 3
  12. Didn't TK state that the weapons are going to be handled in the same manner as ground objects?
  13. Just did my part and ordered SF2!!!! I still remember when I first bought Strike Fighters Project 1.
  14. The beatles

    I can't choose, it's too tough. Get Back? Blackbird? Can't Buy Me Love? etc. I just can't choose.
  15. Still working on fixing bugs, just trying not to go blind.......
  16. Yup, they removed the name of the month from the thread title as well. It's just going to be a continuous thread if I remember correctly from an earlier post
  17. Well I was actually referencing Iron Eagle II (how often does that happen).......
  18. I don't know what it is, but there is a sexiness to the JH-7. I am very happy to see this plane in game.
  19. Was it the shirt that Arnold wore in Commando??? (Who can tell me what movie this is a reference from)
  20. Oklahoma's Bradford wins Heisman Trophy

    Tell me you saved that Dave. I remember a few years back when CNN posted some obituaries that they keep ready.....
  21. Credits would be to Lindr2, Krizis, TMF, Bunyap and his crew, etc. OH yeah, forgot to mention, BEAUTIFUL STUFF!!!
  22. Oh yeah, well I represent the lollipop guild! So how do you like them apples???
  23. I am fixing the issue with the effects. Did not know the nukes were modified to use Lexx's, those are going to be changed back to default. Been in contact with Lindr and Krizis about ironing some issues as far as rocket positions and others. The readme is being expanded to include a better explanation as to why there are duplicates of the Russian/Soviet Air to Air missiles, etc. Will this thing remain a beta, yup, it's always going to be a work in progress. I am currently working on beta 2.53. Have their been issues since the first beta was released weeks ago, yup, are there still issues, yup, will there continue to be issues, probably. If you find issues, let me know asap. Is it possible something makes it past, yup, considering over 50 ini's are used to compile the one single weapondata at the end.
  24. Here is a video of Dave's negotiation skills

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