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Everything posted by Bravo2009

  1. 109th Army-Navy Game

    Well it's that time of the year again folks. Hopefully in 3 hours I'll be jabbing my cousins about how Army has gone down again. GO NAVY BEAT ARMY!
  2. 109th Army-Navy Game

    Can't wait for next year, my brother and I are planning to go to the game.
  3. Gives a whole new meaning to joystick
  4. You can do it with or without creating a separate folder within the weapons folder. The folders just make things nice and neat. The folder just needs to contain the lod file and it's associated texture file.
  5. Q1 - You just unzip the file into your weapons folder Q2 - To add new weapons you open up the WeaponData.ini, paste the data in at the end of the file, number it according leave, save and close. Then open up the WeaponData.ini with the latest edition of the weapon editor, save it and close it.
  6. Where may one obtain the P-38L??? I was looking on here but couldn't find it. Thanks
  7. Holy BEJEEBUS Chris, those are beautiful!!!!
  8. I've had no problems in a non-clean install with latest patch.
  9. Yes you did get credit Warren, I was only listed as an assistant in the readme.
  10. I am compiling the latest build and will be uploading it up here soon.....
  11. The update is going to take longer then expected, I am finding a lot of weapons with missing textures, so it's going to take some time trying to figure out what textures go to models. Anyone know of an easy way to figure this out? Mostly from Lindr2's pack, like the R-40's and R-77's
  12. The Shield : Series Finale

    I'm not going to reveal details about the finale, but holy sh!te!!! Now that was a finale! One of the finest finale's I have ever seen, totally blows that lame finale for the sopranos right out of the water. What did you all think? George
  13. @Krizis - I just got your email (have not been home in about 24-48hours). Your stuff will be put to good use and I should have the latest beta build done hopefully Tuesday night (that is the start of my weekend).
  14. @Silverbolt - I'm going to wait til I get Kirzis' updates
  15. have fun

    OMG THAT WAS UBBER REALISTIC!!! The FM's were spot on!!! Where can I get ahold of this game???? HAHA jk. Cool video
  16. I'm going to try and reach Warren (WombRaider), he started this, I only jumped aboard when he asked me for help organizing the WeaponData file that way it is nice and neat. I'm not going to push him aside, but I'll certainly keep adding things to the pack and updating it. Hopefully there wouldn't be any objections to me releasing a "beta" with the main author still being WombRaider. I'll leave it up to WombRaider to decide when a "final" release is to be made. Hopefully everything is going ok for Warren in R/L as I know it can be hectic, I had a major incident last week.
  17. That's the plan. I'll look for the camo tanks and make sure they are added in.
  18. Hello everyone. Well womb and I were working on this pack. I had some real life issuses come up but I it has come back under control. I have updated the data with all the latest weapons releases and lindrs latest pre release. Everything is all nice and neat and organized in order by weapon type. The only things I am lacking are krizis' latest models as Womb had not yet passed them on to me. For me this project is not dead, there will be a public release and I hope to keep it updated as new weapons are released and updated.
  19. Personal Super Computers!

    That's good, that actually made me LOL I just built a supercomputer on Colfax Int'l website, 16GB of RAM, about 3TB of HD space, and all graphics cards, came out to about 11-12k
  20. AHHHH!!!! I just finished adding your most recent release to the pack Warren (WR) and I were working on LOL
  21. Absolutely BEAUTIFUL aircraft. I'm not a major prop guy, but I LOVE flying the Wyvern!
  22. Sandpeople always walk single file to hide their numbers......
  23. I've emailed WombRaider and he hasn't replied back. Hope all is well for Warren. I still have all the files that he has been using.

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