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Everything posted by Muesli

  1. It is a modified A-4AR, because I wanted an A-4M stand in. See: http://forum.combatace.com/files/file/7406-upgraded-a-4-ar-fighting-hawk/
  2. Happy Birthday Muesli

    Thanks for all congrats! In The Netherlands it was Koninginnedag today, a national holiday with festivities to celebrate the Royal House and the queen. With the national tricolor flying everywhere and everyone dressing in the colour orange it was a happy day, despite the rain. Thanks all!
  3. Version


    Skin of a Tupolev Tu-22P Blinder-E of the 341st TBAD, Strategic Air Force. Particular aircraft flew in this livery in Afghanistan between October 1988 and January 1989.
  4. File Name: Green Portuguese Gina File Submitter: Muesli File Submitted: 22 Apr 2010 File Updated: 23 Apr 2010 File Category: Italian/German AF Skins Although not an Italian or German skin, it is an Italian plane, so I thought this to be the right place. A Fiat G.91R-4 from Esquadra 121, based at BA12 - Bissau / Bissalanca in the period 1973 - 1974. After the PAIGC started using SA-7 Strela MANPADs the FAP camouflaged its Fiats in this dark green 'anti-radiation' paint, developed by personnel of the OGMA (Oficina Geral de Material Aeronautico) facilities in Portugal. This camouflage was to become widespread between all aircraft used in the Portuguese colonies in the mid-1970s. Just a quick job I did, hope you like it. Maybe not completely the right tone of green, but it's better than nothing right?! Credits: -Based on the skin by Erikgen. -http://forum.combatace.com/topic/26131-freeware-licensing/ UPDATE : gave the green colour a better hue, with more of an olive green feel as it should be. Click here to download this file
  5. A better green colour will be uploaded in a moment. Gives it a better olive-ish texture. Have a nice weekend!
  6. Version


    Although not an Italian or German skin, it is an Italian plane, so I thought this to be the right place. A Fiat G.91R-4 from Esquadra 121, based at BA12 - Bissau / Bissalanca in the period 1973 - 1974. After the PAIGC started using SA-7 Strela MANPADs the FAP camouflaged its Fiats in this dark green 'anti-radiation' paint, developed by personnel of the OGMA (Oficina Geral de Material Aeronautico) facilities in Portugal. This camouflage was to become widespread between all aircraft used in the Portuguese colonies in the mid-1970s. Just a quick job I did, hope you like it. Maybe not completely the right tone of green, but it's better than nothing right?! Credits: -Based on the skin by Erikgen. -http://forum.combatace.com/topic/26131-freeware-licensing/ UPDATE : gave the green colour a better hue, with more of an olive green feel as it should be.
  7. Hi all! i am doing some research to create a skin for a camouflaged South African Sabre, most probably the CL-13. For that I need a good template of the F-86 family, but the one available here is for Korea only (because of the yellow band which cannot be erased). I wonder if someone can provide me with a nice template of an overall metal Sabre skin so I can make that South African Sabre.
  8. thanks all! i'm gonna give it a try. Be patient, and I'll brew one up. Ciao
  9. For those not an expert in skinning, making one with a standard template is already quite a task!
  10. High altitude intercept, Yak style.
  11. US Rifle 30 Caliber Garand

    I fired one in an Amsterdam shooting range. A rare opportunity here.
  12. A new tiny man on the planet

    Hi all, I am not the person to spill his personal life, but this is different..... Since yesterday I am the father of a beautiful and healthy baby boy! My wife went into labour on March 2nd, and yesterday evening at 19.48 hours (March 3rd) she gave birth to a healthy and very pretty boy which we have given the name Sen. He's our first child. priorities lie elsewhere at this moment, no even less activity on the forum for a while... By the way..... HURRAY!!!! Update: Today he had his first bath (so had I since days...) and he was measured. WOW! A whopping 21.7 inches (55 centimetres) tall!
  13. A new tiny man on the planet

    Hair. He's got it. He has lots of it. It's getting blonder and blonder every day, after a bath it looks like it is static. Everything standing up like he has nibbled on an electricity socket. I am thinking of renaming Sen with a proper name, I think Hairy is a good one....
  14. Close Call

    Thank Pete you're okay! I do not ride, but I drive an Austin Mini Cooper which also is overlooked by other traffic. Eyes always open in anticipation of some (*peep!*)-hole's antics..... Stay safe, goes for everyone here!
  15. The car...

    That's some nice wheels!
  16. And where to find that sweet little Alpha Jet?
  17. Thanks for the clarification! point taken, no problem!
  18. Is it possible to let that ridiculous and offensive gay thing rest?? Annoys the hell out of me... I already hated it when some redneck general (ret.) was uttering this sh*t...
  19. A new tiny man on the planet

    Prince Charming. That's what I call him now. We are now in the position to go out and visit people again. Of course with Sen in the baby seat. What he does when we are visiting, is behaving at his best and charm the pants of anyone (particularly female... good boy). And then that person is part of his growing fan club. What they do not know is that Sen gets his fit when we arrive back home. All impressions have to be processed, so he is twitchy and very awake. That can last up to a whole day. Imageine, AGAIN sleepless nights... When you tell those earlier mentioned people that Sen has a dark side they wave it off, leaving us with a hyperactive critter. So, conclusion: until Sen can change his own diapers, eat his own solid foods, go to ralatives and friends by himself, he is grounded! Iwan

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