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Everything posted by Muesli

  1. These two party poopers did THIS when I was bingo......
  2. Happy to see someone upgrading some older "red" equipment!
  3. Dude, that's an interesting long list! Can't you make an all integrated pack of it, coz I want them all!!!! good work already! Muesli
  4. Hi Paulo, Love all the Mystère skins. Good job, they're....... Nice! Thanks man!
  5. Hey Everybody!

    Ehm, the HDR-mod, better terrain tiles and of course the oodles of planes and hardware! Enjoy mate!
  6. Hey Everybody!

    I have seen the name somewhere before. So there you are, welcome back! Muesli
  7. OT What Job do you do?

    I was one of the last conscripts in the Dutch Army, signed for a UN job and ended up an ambulance driver for the UNPROFOR effort ("Operation Grapple") in Bosnia in 1994. I finished my tour, returned to society but never found my place. I was diagnosed with severe multiple PTSD and treated. With that background (and the way people in Holland see veterans and servicemen with "a screw loose") I never found a job, until someone with connections helped me. Nowadays I work at the library of the Royal Netherlands Defence Academy in my home town Breda. It is not a paid job (I receive a disability check) but it prevents me from getting isolated from "the real world ™". Gives me the feeling I am part of my old organisation again, which helps my self respect and gives me a sense of usefulness. Muesli
  8. Paulo, You'ra a busy guy, eh??!! Good job on the skins, can't wait to put em in my game!
  9. Happy to see the Sri Lanka skin re-used! Very good! I love the plane (again!), keep on building MiGs my friend! Muesli
  10. Why keep Vista if 7 is the same or better in most respects?
  11. All TW sims work under 7, but I keep my answer short. There already is a Win 7 topic about...
  12. Hi Hsa, see you're pretty new on the board, welcome and enjoy TK sims! Nice to see some "reds" shooting down high tech! Muesli
  13. Yeah, hahahahahaha! It's sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!
  14. Cats Happen

    There was one with my parents. When I was born it was already 3 years old, it died when I was 18! I loved that cat, at that time it was impossible to imagine a life without him. My parents always have cats in the house, now the number is a steady three. All as loopy as a circus clown! Always funny to watch the movie "Cats and Dogs" (2001) with the wife. Me being a cat person having a hard time seeing the cats get such negative attention....... And if I ever have a cat I am seriously thinking of calling him Mr. Tinkles! I love the humour, IMHO even a bit too difficult for little children, check the movie quotes! http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0239395/quotes Mr. Tinkles: Like a powerful, dark storm, I will make my presence known to the world. Like a seeping mist, I will creep into the dogs' center of power, and make them quake in fear at the very mention of my name!
  15. In memorium-my cat Mack

    In my worst hours, sometimes animals were greater companions than other humans. Animals have no second agenda, and can be missed as much as a fellow man who passes away. I am sorry for your loss. Muesli
  16. My sympathy for all involved in this terrible tragedy. Hope BPAO will be our Wingman in thoughts. <S>
  17. Hmmm, I am fond of the glasshouse Germans, the Greiff is intriguing! Nice!

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