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Everything posted by Muesli

  1. Need low viz insignia (proper ones for this version)??!!
  2. I remember something with Tomcats...... or was it eels....... lasercats??????? Heck, I don't know anymore.....
  3. Pakistan AirForce Mirage Skin

    Got some low viz insignia if you wanna...
  4. Got it to work 100% in first gen SF, just fiddle around, add the tanks in the weapons section properly and it is very good to go! Muesli
  5. Looks gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood!
  6. funding one hobby with another

    You're fast! I expect a healthy kid (gender unknown on purpose) in march 2010! Congrats!
  7. Hey mate! The F-5B in the SF2V expansion pack works like a charm in SFP1/WOx! Cheers!
  8. Im back for good..run away !

    Another reason to remember September 6!!!! Congrats babe! It already has a special meaning to me, as it was my first day in the Royal Netherlands Army (September 6, 1993), AND it was the day (September 6, 1994) that I finally ended my tour of duty with UNPROFOR in war torn Bosnia. It was celebrated with oodles of alcohol and naughty adventures on the Bol beach on the island Brac near Split in Croatia. A day later, I was back in good old Holland. I am adjusting eversince..... Muesli
  9. Im back for good..run away !

    Awwww chucks! There goes the neighbourhood!!!! Anyway, happy to have you back, hope all's going well. And eh.... that colour thing..... no way sis!
  10. Won't be such a huge problem, right? Just try the Shift-1 to Shift-0 keys and you'll see... Easy-peasy!
  11. Although the older MiG-29 model, I thought this was a very cool in action picture of a very tenacious opponent I encountered in my AV-8B. I lost...
  12. @Killerbee: Really love that olive Navy G!
  13. I was wondering the same thing...... Not to be rude, but without a very good explanation in how this is going to enrich my huge SF install, it will end up in the recycl bin...
  14. HAL-MIG-21M

    What is different from the Type 96B download I already have?
  15. I know, I have them too. I love the refuelling boom on those!
  16. Eh? no my friend, those are MiG skidmarks. That happens when an enemy Syrian pilot fills his pants and the filling reaches the burner..... My MiGs for today... MiG-29BM
  17. Without thinking of a tour of duty abroad in a warzone, the military is able to give a lot of arrogant youth a lesson in respect, humility and obedience. Especially since it is commonplace for teenagers to attack parents and others in any way possible without taking any consequences whatsoever. It turns boys into men, as it did with me.

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