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Posts posted by wilco

  1. Yeah, maybe no RPG, but at 3:30 you can see several guys standing in the background that are apparently armed. And according to the NYT, Reuters wrote in 2008 that “It is believed two or three of these men may have been carrying weapons, although witnesses said none were assuming a hostile posture at the time.” (http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/06/world/middleeast/06baghdad.html?hp)


    However, I think the problem is not so much with the incident itself (I mean, it's pretty obvious that no one likes to get killed while doing their job, neither soldiers nor reporters), but more with the way the footage is presented. It starts with the Orwell quote and ends with the statement that the video is dedicated to "all victims of war whose fates remains unknown". While I don't have anything to say against either Orwell and said dedication, it does not belong in this video, because it deliberately aims to support one certain narrative. Reminded of what I read about NBCs and ABCs failure to represent the political context when reporting on the TWA-hijacking in 1985.


    Anyway, I recommend Yaacov Lozowick's thoughts: http://yaacovlozowic...teral-what.html

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  2. Mirage IIICJ Shahak for WOI

    Mirage IIICJ Shahak for WOI

    This package includes every Mirage III CJ Shahak of the IAF. Between 1962 and 1982 five different squadrons operated the Shahak:


    No. 101 First Fighter Squadron - 1962-1975

    No. 117 First Jet Squadron - 1962-1979

    No. 119 The Bat Squadron - 1964-1970

    No. 253 The Negev Squadron - 1979-1981

    No. 254 The Midland Squadron - 1981-1982


    There are several skins for each squadron, reflecting losses, re-organisation and new paint schemes.



    Extract the content of the archive and put the Objects folder into your WOI folder.

    You can't see the full names of each skin in the loadout menu? Lucky you! We've included a folder named "optional", where you can find another Objects folder.

    Put that in your WOI mod folder, let overwrite and you're good to go.



    Original skins - Thirdwire

    Repaints - ekek & wilco

    Decals and inis - wilco

    WOI conversion - Stick


    Have fun!


    Team Flying Dragon (alex70b, ekek, guyran, Stick, wilco)


    Released under the CombatAce Fair-Use License.

    If you have any problems or comments, contact us at CombatAce.


  3. Mirage IIICJ Shahak for SF2I

    Mirage IIICJ Shahak for SF2I


    This package includes every Mirage III CJ Shahak of the IAF. Between 1962 and 1982 five different squadrons operated the Shahak:


    No. 101 First Fighter Squadron - 1962-1975

    No. 117 First Jet Squadron - 1962-1979

    No. 119 The Bat Squadron - 1964-1970

    No. 253 The Negev Squadron - 1979-1981

    No. 254 The Midland Squadron - 1981-1982


    There are several skins for each squadron, reflecting losses, re-organisation and new paint schemes.


    Make sure you read the readme!



    Original skins - Thirdwire

    Repaints - ekek

    Decals and inis - wilco

    Testing - guyran


    Have fun!


    Team Flying Dragon (alex70b, ekek, guyran, Stick, wilco)


    Released under the CombatAce Fair-Use License.

    If you have any problems or comments, contact us at CombatAce.



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