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Everything posted by BP_MOSCOW

  1. Thanks for the updates. I'm pretty confident that SP 2 will turn this sim into a great modern Jet title to have on any simmers PC.
  2. SIMHQ boards down for anyone else? I'm getting a 404...
  3. Andy, any idea what happened?
  4. My only recommendation would be that you increase the .fla movie frame speed to 120. I dont like long transitions in animations because it takes too long. Something snappier would add a touch of speed to the site, otherwise I think you did a good job!
  5. WOW. If that is the patch i would not be surprised. This is a very high quality sim. Judging by the effects addon in SP 1 I can expect some very nice eye candy, and hopefully a working MP.
  6. Its been in testing for months now. Quite ridiculous actually....
  7. And....ONLY 6 months ago?? 6 Months is a LONG time in the gaming industry...
  8. Mid June, which is now, should have been the release date at the latest.... TK mentioned that beta testing had started a LOOONNNGGG time ago. Feels like they are NEVER going to get this thing online... Oh well... :roll:
  9. Patch

    The next patch is out soon. it's going to be good this time. Heck, the first patch...er, srvice pack was a big improvement actually, especially in the effects area.
  10. Wow, it's been a LOOOONNNGGGG 2 weeks...
  11. Ths P1 community is slowly fizzing out due to the fact that we STILL have no patch version 2...oh well.
  12. Maybe you should just get a Nvidea card if you really want to fly SF:P1. I think you'll achieve that faster than the plea to be honest.
  13. yup, proportions seem quite strange. Pilot is definitely sitting way too high. Entire AC looks like an A-10 but many parts does not seem correct...
  14. And how long ago was that statement by TK?
  15. By the looks of it perhaps never?
  16. Thanks for the answer Armourdave. NOW it makes sense. Otherwise a P51 flying around with Phantoms makes NO sense at all... Now another Q: WHY make a WWII based campaign/mod (even Chinese) when we have excellent WWII simulators on market?
  17. I'm still wondering what the heck a P51 is doing in this sim....but then again, I should not dare ask because the modding peeps will come down on me like a 10 ton hammer. :o
  18. Sorry, nothing to see here, moving on.
  19. Yawn...

    Still no other posts.....this must be a record, or am I the only one with access to the boards???
  20. Yawn...

    WOW. I'm home now. heheh.....

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